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Where There Is a Will There Is a Way


be determined; stand on one's rights; be firm in one's decision; keep to one's principles; choose the right road; follow sb's example; make an effort; not leave anything to chance; not lose hope; mean well; be a man of firm character; win.

Ex 48 Discuss the following, giving your arguments for or against.


1. You believe that the best time to marry is when you are young. In fact, the younger, the better. Your friend, a believer in late marriage, argues that when people are young they can easily make a mistake.

2. You are sure that a marriage will be a happy one if the young people have known each other for a long time. Your friend is sceptical about it.

3. A friend of yours is getting married. You think he (she) is making a mistake. Should you tell him (her) about it or not?

Ex 50 Subjects for oral and written composition.


1. Imagine you are (a) Coleman; (b) Maggie; (c) Rino; (d) a villager, and tell the story.

2. Give character sketches of (a) Coleman; (b) Maggie.

3. Explain how it happened that Coleman ruined his own happiness.

4. Try to imagine a different ending to the story.

5. The vastly changed role of the woman in the modern world.



* The student can bring out the difference in meaning in several ways as through suggesting other words combinations, giving situations, paraphrasing, or through translation.

* органы местного самоуправления

** kilt: юбка шотландского горца

*** pipes ( or the bagpipes): волынка

**** lightning: молния lightning bug (Am. E): firefly жук-светляк

* Note other possible forms of negative sentences: There isn’t a book on the shelf. There aren’t any pictures on the walls. There isn’t oil in that country.

* St.Paul’s Cathedral

** Some other changes should be observed in Reported Speech: “now” is changed to “then”, “tomorrow” – “the following day/the next day”, “here” – “there”, “this/these” - “that/those”.

* многоквартирный жилой дом

* «Золотые мечты»

* In modern English “will” is often used with the 1st person, sing and pl. The shortened form of “shall” and “will” is the same “ll”.

* научная фантастика

* The verbs “shall” and “will” according to the rules of sequence of tenses have the forms of “should” and “would” in the Future-in-the-Past. In modern English “would” is more common for all persons of the singular and plural. “Should” must be used when it has the meaning “Do you want me to…”

* as precious as gold: на вес золота

* Practise making statemants about the newspapers, eg This newspaper was founded in … It is published by … The paper comes out on Monday, Tuesday, etc (every day of the week except …). It is a daily (weekly). The price of a copy is …, etc.

* It will be noted that " few" expresses a negative idea and means " a very small number". It is often used with " very", eg There were very few books on the subject. " A few" expresses a positive idea, especially when used with " quite", eg There were quite a few books on the subject. Notice, however, that if " only" is used with " a few", then the meaning is again negative, eg There were only a few books on the subject.

* The Present Indefinite Tense is used instead of the Future in adverbial clauses of time and condition introduced by the conjunctions: " when", " before", " after", " as soon as", " till", " until", " if", " unless". The adverbial clause may either precede the principal clause or follow it.


* The Future Tense can be used after the conjunctions " if" and " when" if they introduce object clauses.


* " Much" is commonly used to intensify the meaning of the comparative degree eg " She speaks English much better than Nick."


* Note that the English for Шел сильный снег is " There was a heavy snow-fall" or " It snowed heavily".

* Aristotle (384-322 В. С.), Greek philosopher

Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus) (65-8 В. С.), Roman satirist and poet

Michele de Montaigne (1533-1592), French essayist

* Note the interrogative and negative forms of " used to": " Did you use(d) to live here? Used you to live here? You used to live here, didn't you? Usedn't you to go to school with him? Didn't you use to go to school with him? "

* She has always been is also possible. It's less emphatic.

* In the principal clause of a complex sentence with an adverbial clause of time introduced by " before" both the Past Indefinite and Past Perfect are possible, eg " The family lived (had lived) in Leningrad before the war broke out."

* Dr: a written abbreviation for " Doctor".

* Some other changes should be observed in reported speech: " yesterday" is changed to " the day before/the previous day", " last Tuesday" to " the previous Tuesday", " last week/month, etc" to " the week before/earlier/previously", " two days, weeks, etc ago" to " two days, weeks, etc before", " at the moment" to " at the time".

** With a definite indication of the time of action, there will be no change in the tense form, eg " I lived in Leningrad when the war broke out, " she said. → She said (that) she lived in Leningrad when the war broke out. He said: " I was born in 1961." → He said (that) he was born in 1961.

* The facts arranged in note form will look something like this:

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