The Bush Tax Cut
Under President George W.Bush’s leadership the Congress halted the projected future increases in the tax burden by passing the Economic Growth and Tax Relief and Reconciliation Act of 2001. The centerpiece of the 2001 tax cut was to regain some of the ground lost in the 1990s in terms of lower marginal tax rates (from 39.6% to 33%). The 2001 tax cut represented a resumption of a number of other trends in tax policy. For example, it expanded the Per Child Tax credit from $500 to $1000 per child. It also increased the Dependent Child Tax credit.
Exercise 2 Find the most suitable Russian equivalents to the following English collocations: Payments known as ‘unemployment compensation’ to workers who lost their jobs; tax system was significantly affected by World War II; excess profits being made on the war effort; to simplify tax returns for those with yearly incomes under $5, 000; the world’s largest accounting, collection and form-processing organization; Congress passed a law requiring individual taxpayers to use their social security number; to reduce the budget deficits in order to safeguard the economic recovery; to create a fairer tax system while reducing the overall level of the Federal individual income tax; to provide tax reductions that would be distributed equitably among the vast majority of individuals who bear the tax burden; Congress halted the projected future increases in the tax burden.
Exercise 3 Find English equivalents to the following Russian collocations: Состояние экономики во время Великой Депрессии привело к принятию закона об уплате налога на социальное страхование; старики, нуждающиеся, инвалиды и несовершеннолетние; Вторая Мировая война оказала влияние на систему уплаты подоходного налога; расширить налоговую базу для всех работающих, кроме низкооплачиваемой категории; послабления в налоговой системе были незначительны, т.к. увеличилось количество социальных программ; чтобы упростить работу, были использованы компьютеры; периодически принимались поправки (к закону); чтобы создать более справедливую налоговую систему, был разработан закон; предоставить семьям с детьми значительные льготы.
Exercise 4 Answer the following questions: 1. What did the state of economy during the Great Depression lead to? What did this law provide? 2. What happened to the Federal income tax system during World War II? 3. Why was social security coverage expanded in 1950? 4. What responsibilities did the IRS have by 1959? 5. Describe the Tax Reforms Act of 1969, the Tax Reform Act of 1984, and the Tax Reform Act of 1986. 6. What changes did the taxpayer Relief Act of 1997 make? 7. What was the centerpiece of the 2001 tax cut?