Answer the questions
1. What are the Tax Bodies of the Russian Federation? 2. What should the Tax Bodies demand from a taxpayer or a tax agent? 3. What is the order of carrying on tax inspections? 4. In what case shall a seizure of documents be made? 5. What is the order of suspending transactions in the account? 6. Who determines the sum of taxes to be paid to the budget? 7. What tax authorities endorse the procedure o f drawing up an inventory on taxpayer’s property? 8. In what cases shall the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation approve of the forms of applications for registration? 9. In what cases do the Tax Authorities determine the sums of taxes to be paid by taxpayers to the budget or extra-budgetary funds? 10. Who do the Tax Authorities summon to the tax control as witness? 11. When is the cancellation or suspension the validity of licenses applied for? 12. Who do the Tax Bodies attract for tax control? 13. What other rights do you think the Tax Bodies shall have? 14. What are the names of Tax Authorities in the UK, the USA, the Republic of Ireland? Exercise 2 Match the English word combination in the column with the Russian equivalents in the right-hand column. 1. Transaction on the accounts a. Операция по счетам 2. In the order prescribed в. извлекать доход 3. To draw up an inventory. с. выемка документов 4. Record-keeping of income and expenses d. Налагать арест на собственность 5. Established order e. устанавливать процедуру 6. Circumstances of relevance f. Приостанавливать операции 7. Derive income g. Скрывать документы 8. Testify to a commission h. Проводить инвентаризацию 9. Conceal document i. Установленный порядок 10. Control the compliance j. имеющее значение oбстоятельство 11. Submit documents l. Предоставлять документы 12. Revealed breaches m. контролировать соответствие 13. Recover arrears n. свидетельствовать о совершении 14. Endorse the procedure о. Выявленные правонарушения 15. Suspend transactions р. взыскивать недоимки 16.Seizure of documents q. учет доходов и расходов 17. to distrain property s. в порядке, предусмотренном Exercise 3 Match the words on the left with their best synonyms on the right 1. to carry on a. To arrest 2. ground b. a set of laws 3. inspection c. to obtain from 4. pertinent d. denial 5. execution f. To continue 6. refusal g. basis 7. to establish h. check 8. offence i. appropriate 9. trading j. fulfilment 10. premises l. To set up 11. to distrain k. enough 12. legislation m. merchant 13. to derive n. accommodation 14. sufficient o. to order officially 15. to summon p. breach Exercise 4