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Dialogues. — Hi, Joan! In spring I'm leaving our school and entering the university, so I think it's time to speak about our school


— Hello, Betsy!

— Hi, Joan! In spring I'm leaving our school and entering the university, so I think it's time to speak about our school.

— Yes, I agree with you. As for me, I like my school years. 1 think everything would be OK if we didn't have tests all the time and if there were less pressure. Besides, in my opinion, homework is a waste of time.

— I am with you there. It's always the teacher who decides what we're going to do. In my opinion we need more democracy.

— I agree. A great teacher is a great artist and you know how few artists there are in the world. Teaching might even be the greatest of arts. This job demands great generosity of spirit, love for children and devotion to the cause. If you like children, you will like teaching.

— You are right. But not all our teachers are devoted to their work and not all of them like children. That's why many lessons are boring and I have to doodle on my desk or write letters. Otherwise, I'd fall asleep.

— I'm at the top of my class in Maths. I'm going to be a Maths teacher. And what makes me mad is teachers who think that boys are cleverer in Maths and science subjects. And I think that we need more discipline, because without a bit of discipline no one would ever learn anything.

— Yes, school is not a place for fun like discos. But we can't do without school.



— Have you already decided what to do after finishing school?

— It's very difficult to make the right choice now, but we have to. As for me, I want to continue my education and to prepare for entering a university or a college. And what about you?

— Oh, I haven't made up my mind yet. There is so much we can do. But it's a pity that we must leave our school.

— Why do you think so?

— Actually, I like my school. I have a lot of friends and I always feel at home there. There are a lot of extracurricular activities. After classes I can take part in the work of different school clubs. Besides, we have a lot of parties and discos. I think it's great. Social life is very important for me.

— Well, I can't but agree with you. It's good when you have plenty of friends at school. But I am interested in Economics and Maths and I want to continue my education. Besides, I'm not satisfied with the level of teaching English at my school.

— Do you think you will need English for your future career?

— I'm sure of it. English is a must for every educated person, for every good specialist. That's why I'd like to take up special courses in English.

— Have you already decided which college to enter?

— Yes, I'll try to enter Moscow Highest School of Economy.

— Is it far from your home?

— Yes, it's relatively far, but in my opinion, the location doesn't matter much if you want to get good education.

— 1 can't agree with you, I'm afraid. In my view, it's very hard to commute long distances to college every day. My school was just near my house, so I could get there on foot. As for me, I would like to enter a college which is situated not far from my place. But will you have to take preparatory courses to pass entrance examinations?

— Of course, my education at school will form a basis for my future occupation. But it goes without saying that we'll need some extra knowledge to pass entrance exams.



— Hello! Haven't seen you forages!

— Hi! I haven't got any free time because I'm preparing for my entrance examinations to STANKIN institute.

— Well, I've heard that STANKIN is not an extremely good institute.

— Nothing of the kind. It has a faculty of Information Technologies, which is very prestigious.

— I see, but there is the same faculty at Bauman University. I think it provides a better education. It's a fantastic university with long-standing traditions.

— I know, but I'm afraid I won't pass the exams in Bauman University. Besides, it's very difficult to study there.

— I think that if you have good grades in your school-leaving certificate, you'll pass your entrance exams successfully.

— And where are you going to study?

— As for me, I would like to study in Moscow State University (MSU). I'm keen on Physics and I'm going to become a scien­tist.

— Great! Nowadays most pupils dream of becoming lawyers or programmers and very few pupils think of becoming a scientist. Why have you chosen this profession?

— I've decided to become a scientist because I enjoy learning new things, and I want a career which always presents new opportunities for intellectual growth and development. The thrill of discovery is unique.

— Are you sure you'll enter MSU?

— I'm not quite sure, because the competition is very high, but I'll try to do my best.

— And would you like to study abroad? For example, in Cambridge University?

— It must be very interesting. But you have to speak fluent English. Besides, you must be flexible and confident. What is more, the tuition fee is too high for Russian students.

— But foreign education is brilliant and you can become a highly-qualified specialist there.

— Well, I'm sure 1 can become a good specialist in Russia too Don't forget that Russian scientists are highly valued all over the world.

— Perhaps, you are right. I wish you good luck!



— Choosing a future career isn't easy, is it?

— No, it isn't, yet it is one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Find the right career and you'll be happy and successful.

— There are a lot of different professions to choose. What can help us to make the right choice?

— I think it's important to consider all factors. For many people money is the most important factor when they choose a job. In this case you should choose your future occupation among the best-paid jobs.

— And what are they?

— In my opinion, the best-paid jobs in Russia are a bank manager, an accountant, a lawyer, a film star or a dentist.

— I'm sure that everybody wants to earn as much as possible, but for me choosing a career is not only a matter of future prestige and wealth. To my mind, a job should be interesting and socially important.

— You are quite right! It's very important to choose a profession that suits your interests. Then start with yourself! Explore your interests, talents and abilities. Besides, you should take into account your traits of character.

— I am really interested in History and Geography. They are my favourite subjects. I enjoy working with people and have good social skills. Besides, I have always wanted to travel and to be physically active.

— Then I can advise you to choose the profession of a tourist guide or a travel manager. It is a very interesting job suitable both for men and women. You can visit different countries and see a lot of interesting places. What is more, this job deals mainly with people. And of course, it is a well-paid job.

— But it also has disadvantages, doesn't it?

— Of course, each job has its pros and cons. You won't be able to stay much with your family. Moreover, nowadays travelling may be dangerous. There are a lot of air crashes and other accidents with transport.

— I'll think it over and discuss my choice with my parents. And what is necessary to become a travel manager?

— It goes without saying that you should continue your education and enter the Academy of Tourism. Besides, you should be good at English if you want to travel abroad.


— Good morning, take a seat, please.

— Good morning, thank you.

— Briefly, tell me about yourself, please.

— I am 16 years old, I've passed my GCSE exam with good grades and I'm planning to continue my education at a Sixth Form College.

— Why do you want to work with us at Camp Elizabeth?

— I enjoy working with children and I'd like to get some work experience.

— What experience do you have?

— I help with the youth club at school. I've organized sports and trips to various places.

— Can you give me the name of someone we can contact for a reference?

— Yes, sure. This is the name, address and telephone number of my Maths teacher, who has known me for 5 years and has already agreed to write or speak to you.

— What qualities do you think are important for the job?

— You certainly must have patience. And another important thing is enthusiasm. And, well, you also have to be careful.

— Are there any questions you would like to ask me?

— Yes, just one thing. When shall I start working?

— I'll be getting in touch with people next week and will tell you about our decision.

— Thank you very much.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 3876. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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