Writing. 1. 87 Orchard Rise, Bishops Castle, Oxfordshire September 15, 2004 Mr Michael Cartwright World Aid, Palmers House, Ludford
87 Orchard Rise,
Bishops Castle,
September 15, 2004
Mr Michael Cartwright
World Aid,
Palmers House,
Dear Mr Cartwright,
I am writing to apply for the job of volunteer worker which I saw advertised in the Guardian last week. I would be interested in teaching Maths to primary children in your camp in Chittagong in Bangladesh. I enclose a copy of my CV.
I am 18 years old and I have just finished secondary school in Newcastle. I would like to work for you because I am very interested in teaching. I would also like to learn about a different culture as I feel that intercultural understanding is extremely important.
I am a hard-working and committed person. I have participated for the last three years in a voluntary programme, Community Links, visiting elderly people in my local area. I also feel that I can get on well with people from other cultural backgrounds, since I have also taught immigrant children English at our church school.
I think I would be a good primary teacher of Maths due to my teaching experience. Also, I have recently passed my Maths A-level (grade B), so I have a good understanding of the subject. In addition, I hold a certificate in first aid, which might be useful.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Maureen Taylor
Flat 11
35 Leninsky Prospect
Moscow 115645
15 May 2005
The Manager
Happy Pizza Restaurant
5 Leninsky Prospect
Moscow 115645
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for the job of part-time salesperson that was advertised in last Sunday's edition of MoscowNews.
At the moment I am a second-year student at the College of Trade and Management. In the future I want to run my own restaurant, but first of all I would like to gain the firsthand experience of working in an organization that has western roots. I have been a customer in your restaurants several times and always been impressed by the service provided by your staff. So it would be a wonderful experience to work in your new outlet and give this sort of service to other customers.
I have already had some experience of working for McDonalds Restaurant so I know how to work in a team. I enclose my CV and would be very grateful for the opportunity of an interview.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully,
Vladimir Egorov
20 Circa Street
Italy 56201
5 May 2005
Max Vogels,
23 Chepstow Crescent
London Wl 1
Dear Mr Vbgels,
I am writing to apply for the job of group leader at the Sunny Days Summer Camp in San Remo this summer. I would like to give you some details about myself.
First of all, I speak English well and I read and write it fluently. I passed the Cambridge First Certificate exam with a grade В and I am now preparing for Proficiency exam. I am keen on sports: I am a member of the local swimming club, and also play basketball regularly. I don't have any health problems.
In terms of experience, although I have never been a group leader before, I have attended several summer camps, and therefore understand the kind of work they do. I believe I am a good leader, since I am President of my class at school and last year I was captain of the basketball team.
Finally, I think I would make a good group leader because I am friendly and get on with people, especially children. I am available to work during the period 15-30 July
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours sincerely,
Blanca Crechinni
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