MILITARY STRUCTURE. Staff– 1) a group of people employed by a company, individual, etc., for executive, clerical, sales work. Commander – 1) an officer in command of a military formation or operation; 2) a naval commissioned rank junior to captain but sen
staff – 1) a group of people employed by a company, individual, etc., for executive, clerical, sales work, etc; 2) the officers appointed to assist a commander, service, or central headquarters organization in establishing policy, plans, etc. commander – 1) an officer in command of a military formation or operation; 2) a naval commissioned rank junior to captain but senior to lieutenant commander; 3) the second in command of larger British warships; 4) someone who holds authority; overall – including or covering everything; supreme – 1) of highest status or power; 2)of highest quality, importance, etc supreme endeavour; 3) greatest in degree; extreme; transformation – 1) a change or alteration, esp. a radical one; 2) the act of transforming or the state of being transformed; allied – 1) joined, as by treaty, agreement, or marriage; united; 2) of the same type or class; related; former – 1) belonging to or occurring in an earlier time; 2) having been at a previous time;