POLITICAL STRUCTURE. 1. What do you know about the structure of NATO?
1. What do you know about the structure of NATO? 2. How do you understand the term “sovereignty”?
ultimately – in the end; at last; finally; to outline – to give the main features or general idea of; delegation – 1) a person or group chosen to represent another or others; 2) the act of delegating or state of being delegated foreign minister – a cabinet minister who is responsible for a country's dealings with other countries; accord – 1) agreement; conformity; accordance (esp in the phrase in accord with); 2) a settlement of differences, as between nations; compromise; subordinate – under the authority or control of another. committee – a group of people chosen or appointed to perform a specified service or function; to retain – 1) to keep in one's possession; 2) to be able to hold or contain; ambassador – short for ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary; a diplomatic minister of the highest rank, accredited as permanent representative to another country or sovereign;