NATO E-3A flying with American F-16s in NATO exercise NATO’s military operations are directed by two Strategic Commanders, both senior U.S. officers assisted by a staff drawn from across NATO. The Strategic Commanders are responsible to the Military Committee for the overall direction and conduct of all Alliance military matters within their areas of command. Before 2003 the Strategic Commanders were the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) and the Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (SACLANT) but the current arrangement is to separate command responsibility between Allied Command Transformation (ACT), responsible for transformation and training of NATO forces, and Allied Command Operations, responsible for NATO operations world wide. The commander of Allied Command Operations retained the title " Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR)", and is based in the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) located at Casteau, north of the Belgian city of Mons. This is about 80 km (50 miles) south of NATO’s political headquarters in Brussels. Allied Command Transformation (ACT) is based in the former Allied Command Atlantic headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
1. What is the military structure of NATO? 2. What NATO Commands do you know? 3. What is Allied Command Transformation (ACT) responsible for? 4. What is the responsibility of Allied Command Operations? 5. Where is Allied Command Transformation (ACT) located?
1. NATO’s military operations are directed by two ______________, both senior U.S. officers assisted by a staff drawn from across NATO. 2. The current arrangement is to separate command responsibility between ______________ (ACT), responsible for transformation and training of NATO forces, and ______________, responsible for NATO operations world wide. 3. Allied Command Transformation (ACT) is based in the ______________ Allied Command Atlantic ______________ in Norfolk, Virginia, USA.
Military operations, Strategic Commanders, staff, Military Committee, the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic, command responsibility, Allied Command Transformation, Allied Command Operations, the Supreme Headquarters, former.