The 101st helicopter detachment provides air assets for Sector Southwest and is made up of eight AS 532 Cougar helicopters, five of which are always available. The Coguar’s main role is armed transport helicopter. It can transport cargo and light vehicles weighing up to 4, 500 kg on its sling and can carry up to 20 combat troops with their equipment. With a maximum speed of 325 km/h, a range of 769 km and sophisticated radar and forward looking infra-red sensors, the Cougar is ideally suited to the Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) role as well as aerial patrols and reconnaissance missions. Although not an attack helicopter, the aircraft is equipped with two machine guns, outboard 20mm cannon and rockets.
For CSAR missions, 101st Squadron flies operationally with a crew of 4. There are 2 pilots, a radar/winch operator and a winchman with paramedic training. “The crew follow a 24-hour shift pattern, ” explains pilot Lieutenant Koren. “We have a readiness state of 15 minutes between the hours of 0800 and 2200.” Outside of these hours the crews are on a 45-minute standby. “We fly an average of 60 hours per month, ” pointed out Lieutenant Koren. Most of the missions consist of transportation, including Casualty Evacuation (CASEVAC) from the point of injury and Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC). The helicopters are tasked daily according to the Air Tasking Order (ATO). “The ATO is the key document for running air ops in the theatre of operations, ” adds Lt Koren. The flight crews are backed up by the Squadron’s ground crew who work 12-hour shifts to ensure maximum aircraft availability. Technicians look after the maintenance and spare parts and the Air Operations Centre (AOC) provides air traffic control and looks after flight plans and meteorology. “We have registered landing zones all over the sector, ” adds Lieutenant Gostic. “But it’s impossible to land everywhere because of the mine threat. We will usually land on asphalt road or on a recently harvested field.”
1 How many aircraft are available at any time? 2 What does CASEVAC mean? 3 What roles does the Cougar perform? 4 How fast can crews mount a mission between 2200 and 0800 hrs? 5 Why do pilots land on roads or harvested fields?
1. a machine that lifts heavy objects with a chain or rope. 2. training to give emergency medical treatment. 3. emergency evacuation of injured personnel to a hospital. 4. evacuation of medical cases from one medical facility to another. 5. daily list of missions, flight itineraries, and cargo information.
1. A team with paramedic training embarked in the helicopter. ___ 2. Soldiers on standby to respond to an emergency situation. ___ 3. Combat troops tasked to provide protection or security at the LZ. (landing zone) ___
1. Air Tasking Order (n) Daily list of missions, including take-off / landing times, flight itineraries, and cargo information. 2. Casualty evacuation (n) Emergency evacuation of injured personnel from the point of injury to a hospital. 3. Combat air patrol (n) An aircraft patrol to stop and destroy hostile aircraft before they reach target. 4. Combat search and rescue (n) Search and rescue missions carried out during war or military operations other than war. 5. Scramble (n) An order directing aircraft to take off as quickly as possible. 6. Search and rescue (n) To locate missing civilians and military personnel and help take them out of dangerous situations. 7. VIP transport (n) The transport of very important people, such as politicians and senior military officers.
1. CASEVAC ___________________________________________ 2. CSAR _______________________________________________ 3. VIP _________________________________________________ GRAMMAR: MODALS