Figure 3.2.Moulds for handmade bricks
In pallet moulding, a stock board, the size of the bed face of the brick, is 1) _____ to the bench. The mould fi ts loosely over the stock board, and is adjusted in 2) _____ to give appropriate thickness to the green brick. The mould and board are sanded to ease removal of the green brick which, is produced with a frog or 3) _____ on one face. In the case of slop moulding, the stock mould is placed directly on the bench, and is usually wetted rather than sanded to allow removal of the green brick which, 4) _____ the pallet moulded brick, is smooth on both bed faces (Figure. 3.2).
To prevent cracking and distortion during the fi ring process, green bricks produced from wet clays must be allowed to dry out and shrink. 5) _____ is typically 10% on each dimension depending upon the moisture content. Drying temperatures and 6) _____ levels are carefully controlled to ensure shrinkage without distortion.
Both intermittent and continuous kilns are 7) _____ for fi ring bricks. The former is a batch process in which the single kiln is loaded, fi red, 8) _____ and unloaded. In continuous kilns, the 9) _____ process is always active; either the green bricks are moved through a fi xed fi ring zone, or the fi re is gradually moved around a series of 10) _____ chambers to the unfi red bricks. Both continuous systems are more energy efficient than the intermittent processes.
11 Fill in the gaps in the following passage with a suitable preposition given below: