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We live in an age where the impact of extracting, refining, processing and manufacturing building materials like concrete and steel is incredibly high, accounting for more than 10% of globalannual greenhouse gas emissions. So when it comes to volume house-building, you just can't get a greener building material than timber frame. It's organic, non-toxic and naturally renewable. It's carbon neutral, even allowing for transport.

It's also worth pointing out that the UK timber frame industry plays no part in the deforestation that is such a terrible and dramatic threat to our planet. 99% of all UK timber frame homes are built using softwood from sustainably managed forests in Europe. And harvesting timber in this way is extremely beneficial for the planet because growing trees absorb so much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.The more wood we use, the more our forests grow because in Europe, we are committed to planting more trees than we harvest.

Benefits of using timber frame construction:

• The carbon dioxide emissions from a single timber frame, three bed detached home are 16.5% less than its brick and block equivalent.

• For every cubic metre of wood 0.8 tonnes of carbon are saved from the atmosphere. For a typical 100 m² two storey detached timber frame house, this translates into a carbon saving of four tonnes of CO2 – about the amount produced by driving 14, 000 miles.

• House-builders using a standard 140 mm stud timber frame system achieve U-values (коэффициент теплоусвоения) between 0.30 and 0.27 using readily available and standard insulation, and using higher performance insulation and insulating breather membranes can boost these figures even more.


b) Choose ten unfamiliar expressions from the text, consult the dictionary and use them in your own story about timber.

14 Audio “Woodworking Information - Different Types of Wood”.

Listen to the information twice and fill in the table:

Type of Wood Name Description/Application
Softwood 1.  
Hardwood 1.  
Wood for carving and painting    
Exotic Wood 1.  


15 Watch the video and present the main idea of each episode in 4-5 sentences using the expressions from Appendix 2.


STRATEGY POINT Some summary writing questions ask you to identify ideas that are shared by both texts. This can occur in the form of “echoed ideas”, where the two writers say the same thing in different ways. You may also come across questions that ask you to locate where one writer responds to a statement found in the other passage.
Summary Writing

16 a) Read the following texts on interior timber decoration and answer the questions that follow:

Your staircase is an integral piece of your home. It is usually the first thing you see when you open the front door. With timber staircases and timber handrails you can create a stunning, high-impact feature without the hassle. A lot of people love the warm, classic feel of staircases. The choice that natural timber gives you is wide and varied. Sapele has a dark red colour, very like mahogany but not harmful to environment, and when polished, looks stunning. Oak stair parts will give you a classic, opulent timber staircase. Pine is a flexible choice as it can be stained, polished or painted, and is cheaper than hardwood timber options. However, don't feel restricted to just choosing one. Mix and match different timbers to create a beautiful yet cost effective staircases. To achieve the feel of a classic staircase you do not need to use all timber stairparts. For your staircase balustrade you could choose decorative wrought iron or glass panels. Timber handrails will finish off an all-timber staircase to create a warm, traditional feel. Alternatively, timber handrails can also be used in stark contrast to very contemporary materials to stunning effect. To really achieve a luxury staircase you should look at continuous curved handrail. Bespoke, complex timber handrails are manufactured for each individual environment to ensure a smooth handrail. Continuous timber handrail cannot be beaten when creating a distinctive staircase. Don't be put off from doing your staircase due to cost. A new timber handrail can also be a very successful way of updating your timber staircase without taking on the whole project. When you are building your home or commercial property there is nothing that compares to the luster and beauty of the timber floor. In fact a home nicely decorated with wooden floor gives a different kind of elegance to the entire place. In fact the flooring plays an important part in the interior decoration. Timber floor is good looking, durable and easy to clean. It is always better to go for the wood flooring because of its beauty and is also at the same Choosing the type of hard wood that best suits the space is an important step in planning the installation of your new home. Solid wood flooring comes in three types. There are several things to keep in mind when choosing the appropriate type of wood flooring for your home. Solid wood flooring may require a little more upkeep than engineered wood flooring, but they can always be re-sanded and refinished. If you like thin, long planks of wood, you should choose strip flooring. If you prefer the aesthetic of very wide planks of wood, then plank flooring is the best choice. And, if you have a more decorative look in mind - perhaps a geometric design - parquet floors will be a perfect match for your taste. It is important to keep the flooring user friendly so that you feel comfortable whenever you walk or move hurriedly. One of the biggest drawbacks of timber flooring is the surface deterioration of the floor due to improperly sealed joints. Moreover, areas that are exposed to high traffic require stripping at every 4-5 year interval. They need to be inspected by expert professionals at frequent intervals of time to ensure there is no squeaking or creaking of the floor, which may be indicative of a more serious problem.


1. The first text talks about “a stunning, high-impact feature”. Where is this echoed in the second text?

2. What term does the second text use to refer to “not harmful to environment” that we read in the first text?


b) In a paragraph of 120-150 words, summarize in your own words as far as possible, how interior timber decoration make homes warm and luxurious according to the two texts. Use the expressions from Appendix 2.

17 You are a manager of a woodworking enterprise. Your company has been placed a large timber order with. Write a letter of confirmation. Look at the example of the letter of confirmation and use expressions from Appendix 3.

18 Translate into English using your active vocabulary:

1. Производство изделий из дерева и обработку древесины можно подразделить на следующие виды работ: лесозаготовку, мебельную промышленность и производство древесной массы, целлюлозы, бумаги и картона, а также изделий из бумаги и картона.

2. Процесс заготовки древесины начинается с отбора участка для лесоповала; затем производится лесопиление и распиловка поваленных деревьев на брёвна.

3. На лесопильных предприятиях производится начальная стадия переработки брёвен в пиломатериалы, которая выполняется с помощью циркулярных или ленточных станков.

4. Однако кроме пиления применяются и другие способы обработки бревён, в числе которых можно назвать фрезерование, лущение, строгание, точение, сверление и шлифование.

5. Дерево – это экологически чистый, натуральный материал, который не выделяет вредных токсичных веществ при нагревании.

6. Высокий показатель прочности и низкий коэффициент теплопроводности делают деревянный дом самым теплым.

7. Строительство домов из дерева не подвержено сезонности, в то время как кирпичные и бетонные дома в зимний период не строятся.



19 Study the table, find and present information about each point:


20 Read the text. Make up a dialogue based on the text and learn it by heart. Use the expressions from Appendix 1. Underlined expressions are necessary to use and be ready for a quiz:

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