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Choosing the right material for building or renovating a house is the cornerstone of comfort, quality and design. Both brick and wood are beautiful and practical choices for homes. They also come in a variety of colors, finishes, treatments and styles. They are natural looking, durable and insulate well.

Location. Brick and wood are suitable for both city and country residences. Brick works well in cold climates. It retains natural heat and stays warm a long time. Brick protects well against storms and is a reliable option where storms are a threat. Wood is more convenient and appropriate in remote settings, in vales (where erosion and silt accumulation can damage brick walls) and where wood is widely available. Wood is relatively light compared to brick and more flexible.

Purpose. Many varieties of brick are guaranteed to last for one or two lifetimes. However, brick is marginally more expensive than wood. Wood is biodegradable, affordable, healthy and safe. Wood homes are easier to renovate, alter and build than brick. Thick, rot-treated logs can last up to one hundred years or more. Hardwoods and older trees are strong and durable.

Advantages. Brick has several advantages in addition to weatherproofing, heat and property value. It is fireproof, termite resistant and energy efficient. Brick is incredibly stable. It requires no maintenance. Wood also insulates well and is safe. Its flexibility, variety and natural properties make it easy to work with. Some woods are thought to release terpenes, a substance that soothes the mind and body (" forest bath effect"). Wood is also a natural air conditioner and absorbs humidity.

Disadvantages. Poorly made bricks such as clinkers and older recycled bricks might be pitted, irregularly shaped, worn or prone to chipping. In damp or humid climates, porous brick invites mold. It suffers damage as water and ice expand and contract in its pores. Wood is vulnerable to natural disasters such as fire, infestations of termites and decomposition through rot. Wood is susceptible to cracking when soaked.

Upkeep. Both wood and brick are easy to clean, and a simple wash or spray should do the trick. Again, quality brick is resistant to damage. In case of accidents, small pieces can be conveniently changed or replaced. Older or badly fired brick can require patching or new mortar. Wood might require occasional treatment, refinishing or replacement. Cracks should be filled as they appear or before rainy or snowy seasons. Natural fillers such as pitch made from sap, mud, sand or moss can be used.

21 Study the vocabulary given below and present your project of a wood house.

1- base 2 - underlaying beam 3 - " black" floor 4 - ground floor beams 5 - floor warming 6 - floor boards 7 - terrace and balcony floor board 8 - outer stairs 9 - internal stairs 10 - outer platband 11 - outer barrier 12 - outer door 13 - internal door 14 - window 15 - window simple 16 - column 17 - rafters 18 - ceiling of floors 19 - roofing lathing 20 - roofing material

22 Revise material of the Unit 5 and present a full characteristic of a timber.

23 Topics for projects and presentations:

1. Timber-frame construction.

2. Timber products.

3. Timber recycling.

4. Wood preservation (timber treatment).

5. Illegal logging.


“Any aesthetic quality is usually enhanced by the presence of a counterpoint.”

Matthew Frederick (architect)

Unit 6


a)granite b)stone cladding c) the great Zimbabwe kingdom, the 11th century

Figure 6.1


1 Match the terms with definitions:

1. rock a) hard solid non-metallic mineral matter of which rock is made, especially as a building material
2. stone b) a building component, such as a block or lintel, made from cast concrete with a facing that resembles natural stone
3. marble c) a very hard, granular, crystalline, igneous rock consisting mainly of quartz, mica, and feldspar and often used as a building stone
4. granite d) any natural material, hard or soft (e.g. clay), having a distinctive mineral composition
5. cast stone e) a hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone, typically white with coloured mottlings or streaks, which may be polished and is used in sculpture and architecture

2 Read the advertisements and in two minutes be ready to speculate on stone applications. What are other areas of stone applications?

a) Все знают, что натуральный камень очень часто используют для наружной отделки, ведь более подходящего материала для этого дела не придумаешь: природные камни, обладающие высокими коэффициентами прочности, могут прослужить вам не одну сотню лет.

b) Искусственный камень - широкие возможности для дизайнера. Он экологичен, доступен, легок, прост в монтаже, производится в близком от места строительства регионе и имеет широкую цветовую гамму, а его формы и фактуры идеально имитируют природные.

c) В современном строительстве все чаще для утепления используется базальтовые утеплители. Базальтовая вата, которая лежит в основе популярных утеплителей, отличается высокими изоляционными показателями, которые определяются изначально низкой теплопроводностью самих волокон и присутствующей в структуре влаги. Кроме того, утеплитель базальтовый не поддерживает горение и не выделяет токсичные вещества при нагревании, посему может использоваться для защиты промышленных трубопроводов.

3 Discuss the following proverbs:

“Leave no stone unturned.” (Euripides)  
A rolling stone gathers no moss. (Proverb)  


Write a paraphrase of each proverb.Say whether you agree or not, and why.


4 a) Transcribe the following words:

igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, plutonic, granite, pumice, dolerite, bedding planes, calcium carbonate, silica, iron dioxide, dolomite, calcareous, siliceous, ferruginous, quartzite, ochre.


b) In what context do you think the following words and phrases will appear in the text?

•natural rocks •sophisticated use •magma •solidification •aggregates •by the weathering and erosion •strength and durability •range in colour •recrystallisation of older rocks •metamorphosed •flooring material

с) Read the text and check your answers:

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 635. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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