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Initial Climb

Exercise 2.8.1 Read and translate the text using the word list.

Victor Alpha is airborne. Harry confirms the jet is established in the climb.

First officer: Positive rate.

Captain: Gear up. Next stop is Hong Kong.

The First Officer reaches forward to the instrument panel and selects the gear handle to the UP position. The big wheel bogies disappear into the fuselage and the gear doors are swinging shut as the jet passes over the airport boundary, with the sprawling British Airways maintenance complex visible on the left side.

With its shape streamlined and the gear no longer draggling in the airflow, the jet climbs faster now. The initial climb speed is held 185 kts, which gives the best climb performance with flaps deployed. Ponderous on the ground, the jet is in its element now. Despite its heavy weight and low speed, it responds easily to John’s control inputs. The 747 has an inboard and outboard aileron on each wing and at lower speeds both work in combination with the spoilers to provide good roll control. At higher speeds the outboard ailerons are “locked out”. Ironically, a heavy jumbo is easier to pilot because it is more sedate. At lighter weight the jet goes like a scalded cat and the crew have to think fast to stay ahead.

John turns the jet to a heading of 052° to follow the SID. LNAV (lateral navigation) engaged at 50 ft and VNAV (vertical navigation) at 400 ft and now the flight director bars on the PFDs guide the crew along the departure profile. Passing 1, 000 ft the engine tone changes as the throttles automatically move back to full climb power, as programmed by the crew during the preflight, and the pitch attitude is reduced slightly to allow the jet to accelerate. Passing 195 kt, John calls “Flaps 10” and Harry moves the flap selector to the requested setting. Rather than accelerate further, the jet will climb at the Flap 10 speed+10 kt, or 205 kt, to 4, 000ft. This is a part of a noise abatement procedure that results in a steeper climb, minimizing the flight’s impact on the communities below. The speed is selected in the airspeed window of the autopilot panel.

Heathrow Tower: Speedbird 25, contact London 118.82.

Harry reads back the hand-off and dials up the new frequency on the audio panel.

First officer R/T: London, good evening, it’s Speedbird 25 fourteen hundred, climbing to six thousand on Brookmans Park.

London Control: Speedbird 25, London Control, roger, squawk ident, there is no ATC speed restriction.

With climb power set, Harry reconfigures the air-conditioning system. Packs 1 and 3 are selected to NORM and when the systems have stabilized, the left and right isolation valves are opened to restore normal airflow. Its job done, the APU is turned OFF. And since the APU switch is very close to the number 3 IRS (inertial reference system) switch, the other pilot always carefully monitors this action.

Exercise 2.8.2 Answer the questions.

1. What does Harry confirm?

2. What do the words “positive rate” mean?

3. Is it going to be a non-stop flight?

4. Why does the First officer reach forward to the instrument panel?

5. Where do the wheel bogies disappear?

6. When do the gear doors shut?

7. What is visible on the left side when they are still within the confines of the airport?

8. What is the shape of the aircraft now?

9. Why is the jet climbing faster now?

10. What is the initial climb speed?

11. What is the position of the flaps?

12. What does the 747 look like on the ground?

14. How does the aircraft respond to control inputs while in the air?

15. What devices help provide good taxi control?

16. What happens at higher speeds?

17. Why is it easier to pilot a jumbo than a small aircraft?

18. Why does John turn the aircraft to a heading of 052°?

19. What do the abbreviations LNAV and VNAV stand for?

20 Which device guides the jet along the departure profile?

21. What altitude is Speedbird 25 passing when the engine tone changes?

22. Why does it change?

23. Is the pitch attitude increased or reduced at that moment?

24. What for is the pitch attitude changed?

25. What is the speed of the aircraft during its climb to 4, 000 feet?

26. Why do the crew need to perform a steep climb?

27. How is the speed selected?

28. According to whose instruction does Harry change to a new frequency?

29. What code does the aircraft have to squawk?

30. What altitude is it climbing to?

31. Are there any speed restrictions?

32. How does Harry reconfigure the air-conditioning system?

33. Is the APU switched off before this or after this?

34. Why does the other pilot monitor this process so carefully?

Exercise 2.8.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. Harry confirms the jet is established in the level flight.

2. The captain says that the next stop is Delhi.

3. The First officer reaches forward to the instrument panel and selects the gear handle to the DOWN position.

4. The big wheel bogies disappear into the fuselage.

5. The gear doors are swinging shut as the jet passes over the airport boundary.

6. The British Airways maintenance complex is visible on the right side.

7. With its shape streamlined and the gear no longer draggling in the airflow, the jet climbs faster now.

8. The initial climb speed is held 175 kts.

9. It gives the best climb performance with flaps deployed.

10. Delicate on the ground, the jet is in its element now.

11. With its heavy weight and low speed, it responds with difficulty to John’s control inputs.

12. The 747 has an inboard and outboard aileron on each wing.

13. At lower speeds both work in combination with the spoilers to provide good pitch control.

14. At higher speeds the outboard ailerons are “locked out”.

15. A heavy jumbo is more difficult to pilot because it is more sedate.

16. A lighter jet goes like a scalded cat and the crew have to think fast to stay ahead.

17. John turns the jet to a heading of 062° to follow the SID.

18. LNAV was engaged at 50 feet and VNAV at 500 feet.

19. Now the flight director bars on the PFDs guide the crew along the departure profile.

20. Passing 1, 500 ft the engine tone changes as the throttles automatically move back to full climb power.

21. It was programmed by the crew during the preflight.

22. The pitch attitude is reduced slightly to allow the jet to accelerate.

23. Passing 185 knots, John calls “Flaps 10” and Harry moves the flap selector to the requested setting.

24. Rather than accelerate further, the jet will climb at the Flap 10 speed+10 knots, or 205 knots, to 5, 000ft.

25. This is a part of a noise abatement procedure that results in a gradual climb, minimizing the flight’s impact on the communities below.

26. The speed is selected in the airspeed window of the autopilot panel.

27. Heathrow Tower instructs Speedbird 25 to contact London Control on frequency 117.72.

28. Harry reads back the hand-off and dials up the new frequency on the audio panel.

29. The first officer reports to London Control that they are maintaining fourteen hundred feet and climbing to four thousand feet to Brookmans Park.

30. The controller informs the crew about ATC speed restrictions in the area.

31. With climb power set, Harry reconfigures the air-conditioning system.

31. Packs 1 and 2 are selected to NORM.

32. When the systems have stabilized, the left and right isolation valves are opened to restore normal airflow.

33. Its job done, the APU is turned OFF.

34. Since the APU switch is very far from the number 2 IRS (inertial reference system) switch, the other pilot always carefully monitors this action.

Exercise 2.8.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Нагрузка; стандартная схема вылета по приборам; расползающийся; громоздкий; ошпарить; выставить ответчик на опознавание; крутой; обтекаемый; качаться; вертикальная навигация; тележка шасси; рукоятка; оторваться от земли; восстановить; вместо; воздушный поток; населенный район; траектория вылета; положительная скороподъемность; развертывать; несмотря на; набрать (цифры на клавиатуре); волочиться; установить; передача связи; входные данные; горизонтальная навигация; инерциальная навигационная система; процедура уменьшения шума; установить заново; крениться; уравновешенный.

Exercise 2.8.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?


Exercise 2.8.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Seen; supervise; acknowledge; set; influence; rise; closed; confines; together with; quickly; spread out; primary; massive; in spite of; supervise; velocity; steady; quicken; decrease; diminish; switch; populated area; instead; vanish; belittle; permit; lead; re-establish; cautiously.

Exercise 2.8.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. be airborne 2. airflow 3. departure profile 4. community 5.dial up 6. hand-off 7. input 8. lateral navigation 9. noise abatement procedure 10. positive rate 11. standard instrument departure 12. squawk ident 13. streamlined 14. vertical navigation 15. wheel bogie 16. reaches forward 17. maintenance complex 18. climb performance 19. inertial reference system 20. airport boundary a. инерциальная навигационная система b. воздушный поток c. набрать (цифры на клавиатуре) d. горизонтальная навигация e. комплекс техобслуживания f. выставить ответчик на опознав. g. положительная скороподъемность h. потянуться вперед i. характеристика набора j. оторваться от земли k. границы аэропорта l. обтекаемый m. стандарт. схема вылета по приб. n. населенный район o. тележка шасси p. траектория вылета q. входные данные r. передача связи s. процедура уменьшения шума t. вертикальная навигация


Exercise 2.8.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Victor Alpha is ______ (airborn; airborne; airbearing).

2. Harry _____ (affirms; approves; confirms) the jet is _____ (expected; established; estimated) in the climb.

3. The first officer reaches _____ (front; backward; forward) to the instrument panel.

4. He selects the gear _____ (handle; hand; handling) to the UP position.

5. The big wheel bogies _____ (disappear; appear; seem) into the fuselage.

6. The gear doors are swinging shut as the jet passes over the airport _____ (border; boundary; bounds).

7. The ____ (sprawling; spraying; spreading) British Airways maintenance complex is _____ (vision; visible; visibility) on the left side.

8. With its shape streamlined and the gear no ____ (long; longer; the longest) _____ (draggling; drifting; deviating) in the airflow, the jet climbs faster now.

9. The _____ (initial; initiative; initiate) climb speed is held 185 kts.

10. It gives the ____ (good; better; best) climb performance with flaps _____ (deploying; deploy; deployed).

11. Ponderous on the _____ (earth; land; ground), the jet is in its element now.

12. Despite its heavy weight and low speed, it _____ (responds; replies; reports) easily to John’s control inputs.

13. The 747 has an inboard and outboard _____ (aileron; aisle; edge) on each wing.

14. At lower speeds both work in _____ (combined; combination; combine) with the spoilers to provide good _____ (pitch; roll; yaw) control.

15. At higher speeds the outboard ailerons are “locked _____ (in; out; on)”.

16. A heavy jumbo is easier to pilot because it is more _____ (sedative; sedate; sedation).

17. At lighter weight the jet goes like a _____ (scalded; scalding; scalped) cat.

18. The crew have to think fast to _____ (stand; stop; stay) ahead.

19. John ______ (flies; pilots; turns) the jet to a heading of 052° to follow the SID.

20. The flight _____ (director; directing; directed) bars on the PFDs guide the crew along the departure profile.

21. Passing 1, 000 ft the engine tone ______ (turns; changes; differs) as the throttles automatically move back to full climb power.

22. It was programmed by the crew _____ (while; for; during) the preflight.

23. The pitch attitude is reduced slightly to allow the jet to ____ (decelerate; stay; accelerate).

24. Passing 195 kt, John calls “Flaps 10” and Harry moves the flap selector to the _____ (response; request; requested) setting.

25. Rather than accelerate _____ (far; farther; further), the jet will climb at the Flap 10 speed+10 kt, or 205 kt, to 4, 000ft.

26. This is _____ (apart; a part; partially) of a noise abatement procedure that results in a steeper climb.

27. It is _____ (minimum; increasing; minimizing) the flight’s impact on the communities below.

28. The speed is _____ (selector; selecting; selected) in the airspeed window of the autopilot panel.

29. Harry dials up the new frequency on the audio panel.

30. London Control informs the crew that there is no ATC speed _____ (resource; response; restriction).

31. With climb power set, Harry ______ (reconfirms; reconfigurates; reconfigures) the air-conditioning system.

32. When the systems have stabilized, the left and right _____ (isolation; isolative; asolated) valves are opened to _____ (reform; restore; restrain) normal airflow.

33. The APU switch is very close to the number 3 inertial _____ (referred; related; reference) system switch.

34. The other pilot always carefully _______ (performs; inspects; monitors) this action.

Exercise 2.8.9 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. Harry ______ the jet is ______ in the climb. (CONFIRM + ESTABLISH)

2. The First Officer _____ forward to the instrument panel. (REACH)

3. He selects the gear _____ to the UP position. (HAND)

4. The gear doors are _____ shut. (SWING)

5. The sprawling British Airways _______ complex is visible on the left side. (MAINTAIN)

6. With its shape streamlined and the gear no _____ + ______in the airflow, the jet climbs _____ now. (LONG + DRAGGLE + FAST)

7. The _____ climb speed is held 185 kts. (INITIATE)

8. It gives the best climb _____ with flaps _____. (PERFORM + DEPLOY)

9. The aircraft responds _____ to John’s control inputs. (EASY)

10. At _____ speeds both ailerons work in _____ with the spoilers. (LOW + COMBINE)

11. At _____ speeds the outboard ailerons are “_____out”. (HIGH + LOCK)

12. _____, a heavy jumbo is easier to pilot. (IRONY)

13. John turns the jet to a ______ of 052° to follow the SID. (HEAD)

14. The PFDs guide the crew along the _____ profile. (DEPART)

15. _____ 1, 000 ft, the engine tone _____. (PASS + CHANGE)

16. The throttles _____ move back to full climb power, as ______ by the crew during the preflight. (AUTOMATE + PROGRAMME)

17. The pitch attitude is reduced _____ to allow the jet to accelerate. (SLIGHT)

18. Harry moves the flap _____ to the _____ setting. (SELECT + REQUEST)

19. This action is a part of a noise _____ procedure. (ABATE)

20. It results in a _____ climb, _____ the flight’s impact on the communities below. (STEEP + MINIMUM)

21. Harry dials up the new _____ on the audio panel. (FREQUENT)

22. There is no ATC speed _____. (RESTRICT)

23. Harry reconfigures the air- _____ system. (CONDITION)

24. When the systems have _____, the left and right _____ valves are opened to restore normal airflow. (STABILITY + ISOLATE)

25. The APU is ____ OFF. (TURN)

26. The APU switch is very close to the number 3 inertial _____ system switch. (REFER)

27. The other pilot always _____ monitors this action. (CARE)

Exercise 2.8.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.


Aircraft Streamlined Standard Instrument Departure Frequency Pitch Maintenance Outboard Airport Aileron Inboard Airflow Procedure


1. a prescribed Instrument Flight Rules departure route to be flown after takeoff which normally includes speed and noise restrictions

2. relative flow or current of air past or over an object or surface

3. any device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air

4. small control surfaces on the outer aft part of the wings which are used to roll and turn the aircraft

5. an area of land or water (including buildings, installations and equipment) that is used for the departure and arrival of aircraft, and which has full facilities for the transport of passengers and cargo, for example paved runways, navigation aids, hangars and passenger terminals

6. towards the end of the wing, furthest laterally from the fuselage

7. towards the root of the wing, closer laterally to the fuselage

8. the overhaul repair and upkeep of an aircraft, engine or system in accordance with an approved schedule (usually from the manufacturer) using only approved materials

9. the attitude of the aircraft about its lateral axis, indicating whether the nose is pointing up or down

10. hertz or Cycles per second at which radio navigation or communication equipment operates expressed as a number, as 108.9MHz (Pilots select this number on the receiver to receive the broadcast signal and display the required navigation information.)

11. shaped to minimize turbulence and reduce the resistance to motion (draw through air, as is a wing or airfoil)

12. method of accomplishing a task

Exercise 2.8.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Спидберд оторвался от земли.

2. Гарри подтверждает, что самолет находится в наборе.

3. Джон командует убрать шасси.

4. Их следующая остановка будет в Гонконге.

5. Второй пилот тянется вперед к приборной панели и переключает рукоятку шасси в положение ВВЕРХ.

6. Большие тележки шасси исчезают в фюзеляже, и створки шасси одним движением захлопываются.

7. Это происходит в тот момент, когда самолет пересекает границы аэропорта, пролетая мимо растянувшегося комплекса зоны техобслуживания компании Бритиш Эйрвейз, которая видна слева.

8. Имея обтекаемую форму, когда шасси больше не тянутся за ним в потоке воздуха, самолет сейчас набирает высоту быстрее.

9. Первоначальная скорость набирающего высоту самолета удерживается на 185 узлах, что обеспечивает наилучшие характеристики набора при выпущенных закрылках.

10. Массивный на земле, реактивный самолет находится сейчас в своей стихии.

11. Несмотря на тяжелый вес и небольшую скорость, он легко реагирует на управление.

12. Боинг 747 имеет внешний и внутренний элерон на каждом крыле, и на небольших скоростях оба работают вместе с интерцепторами, чтобы обеспечивать хорошее управление креном.

13. На высоких скоростях внешние элероны “вырубаются”.

14. Как это ни смешно, но тяжелый реактивный самолет легче пилотировать, потому что он более устойчивый.

15. Реактивный самолет с меньшим весом ведет себя как ошпаренный кот, и экипажу нужно быстро думать, чтобы опережать его действия.

16. Джон разворачивает воздушное судно на курс 052°, чтобы придерживаться стандартной схемы вылета по приборам.

17. После того, как они на высоте 50 футов вошли в зону горизонтальной навигации, а на 400 футах в зону вертикальной навигации, стрелки командного пилотажного прибора на пилотских дисплеях полета ведут их сейчас по траектории вылета.

18. Проходя высоту 1 тысяча футов, звук двигателя меняется, так как дроссели автоматически движутся назад до полной мощности при наборе.

19. Это было запрограммировано экипажем перед взлетом.

20. Угол кабрирования слегка меняется, чтобы позволить самолету ускорить полет.

21. Проходя точку скорости в 195 узлов, Джон командует: “Закрылки 10”, и Гарри устанавливает переключатель закрылков в требуемое положение.

22. Вместо дальнейшего ускорения самолет будет теперь набирать со скоростью “Закрылок 10” + 10 узлов или 15 узлов до 4 тысяч футов.

23. Это является частью процедуры уменьшения шума, что ведет к более крутому набору и минимизирует влияние полета на населенные районы внизу.

24. Скорость устанавливается в окошке воздушной скорости на панели автопилота.

25. Вышка Хитроу информирует экипаж о необходимости переключиться на связь с Лондон Контроль на частоте 118, 82 мегагерца.

26. Гарри подтверждает передачу связи и набирает новую частоту на панели аудиосвязи.

27. Командир информирует диспетчера о том, что они проходят высоту 1400 футов и набирают 6000 футов на Брукмэнз Парк.

28. Диспетчер командует выставить ответчик в режим опознавания и сообщает, что диспетчерских ограничений по скорости нет.

29. С мощностью, установленной для набора, Гарри устанавливает по-новому системы кондиционирования.

30. Системы № 1 и № 3 переведены в режим нормальной работы и, когда системы стабилизировались, открываются левый и правый изолирующие клапаны, чтобы восстановить нормальный поток воздуха.

31. Выполнив свою работу, вспомогательная силовая установка выключается.

32. Так как переключатель вспомогательной силовой установки расположен очень близко к переключателю инерциальной системы координат № 3, другой пилот всегда тщательно следит за этим действием.

Exercise 2.8.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Streamlined; to pilot; sedate; departure profile; steep climb; impact on; restore.

Exercise 2.8.13 Retell the text.

2.9. Climb

Exercise 2.9.1 Read and translate the text using the word list.

The crew studied the SID chart very carefully before the departure because there was a lot of important information there, such as:

1. Initial climb: ahead to 500 feet.

2. When instructed, call London Control; include call sign, SID designator, current altitude and cleared altitude on first contact.

3. En-route cruising levels will be given by London Control after take-off. Do not climb above SID levels until instructed by ATC.

4. Cross Noise Monitoring Points mnm 1000 feet; then maintain mnm gradient 4% to 4000 feet.

5. Max 250 knots below FL 100, unless otherwise authorized.

There is also a precise routing including minimum noise routes. At the end of the text part of the SID there is also the following warning: “Due to interaction with other routes DO NOT climb above 6000 feet until cleared by ATC”.

The crew had been getting ready to make the turn to head direct to the BPK VOR as required by the SID. However the controller calls, with instructions to maintain the present heading of 075°. At 4, 300 feet the flight climbs out of the haze and into a clear sky tinged in shades of orange and pink by the setting sun. Now above the altitude required for the noise abatement procedure, the crew can resume normal acceleration and retract the flaps. Passing 215 knots and 5, 100 ft John calls “Flap 5”, then “Flap 1”. As 255 knots is reached, Harry moves the flap selector to the UP position at the Captain’s command. The flaps and leading edge devices are retracted into the wings, restoring their sleek shape for high-speed cruise.

Speeds are usually limited to 250 knots in terminal areas below 10, 000 ft. However, the controller has cancelled the speed restriction. The speed limit in the FMC (flight management computer) is deleted and the jet accelerates to the most efficient climb speed commanded by the flight management system – 331 knots on this climb, taking into account many factors, including wind.

London Control: Speedbird 25, maintain 70 on reaching, further climb to the northeast of Lambourne.

Lambourne is a VOR north of London.

Exercise 2.9.2 Answer the questions.

1. What altitude should the aircraft climb to initially?

2. Which ATC unit should they contact according to the instructions of the controller?

3. Which items should be included in the aircraft report on initial contact?

4. When will the en-route cruising level be given to aircraft?

5. What flight level mustn’t the aircraft climb to until instructed by ATC?

6. At what altitude should the aircraft cross the Noise Monitoring Points?

7. What is the minimum gradient to be maintained while climbing to 4000 ft?

8. What should the maximum aircraft speed be below FL 100?

9. What else is included into the SID?

10. What kind of warning is there at the end of the SID text part?

11. Where were the crew going to proceed according to the SID?

12. What does the controller instruct Speedbird 25 to do?

13. At what altitude does the jet come out of haze?

14. What does the sky look like at high levels?

15. What do the crew do with the flaps?

16. What restores the sleek shape of the wings?

17. What is such a shape necessary for?

18. What is the usual speed in terminal areas?

19. Who cancels the speed restriction?

20. What speed does the jet accelerate to?

21. When does Speedbird 25 have to continue climb?

22. Where is Lambourne situated?

23. What does the abbreviation VOR mean?

Exercise 2.9.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. The crew studied the SID chart very carefully before the departure because there was a lot of important information there such as:

2. End of climb: ahead to 500 feet.

3. When instructed call London Approach; include call sign, SID designator, current altitude and cleared altitude on first contact.

4. En-route cruising levels will be given by London Control after take-off.

5. Do not climb to SID levels until instructed by ATC.

6. Cross Noise Monitoring Points mnm 1000 feet; then maintain mnm gradient 5% to 5000 feet.

7. Max 250 knots below FL 120, unless otherwise authorized.

8. There is also a precise routing including minimum noise routes.

9. At the end of the text part of the SID there is also a warning.

10. The warning is “Due to interaction with other routes do not climb above 5000 feet until cleared by ATC”.

11. The crew had been getting ready to make the turn to head direct to the LMB VOR as required by the SID.

12. However the controller calls, with instructions to maintain the present heading of 095°.

13. At 5, 300 feet the flight climbs out of the haze and into a clear sky.

14. Now above the altitude required for the noise abatement procedure, the crew can resume normal acceleration and retract the flaps.

15. Passing 215 knots and 5, 100 feet John calls ”Flap 5”, then ”Flap 2”.

16. As 255 knots is reached, Harry moves the flap selector to the UP position at the Captain’s command.

17. The flaps and leading edge devices are retracted into the fuselage.

18. The wings restore their sleek shape for high-speed cruise.

19. Speeds are usually limited to 200 kt in terminal areas below 10, 000 feet.

20. However, the controller has cancelled the speed restriction.

21. The speed limit in the flight management computer is deleted.

22. The jet accelerates to the most efficient climb speed commanded by the flight management system.

23. It is 320 knots on this climb, taking into account many factors, including wind.

24. London Control instructs Speedbird to maintain flight level 80 on reaching.

25. The crew have to expect further climb to the northeast of Lambourne.

26. Lambourne is a VOR south of London.

Exercise 2.9.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Позывной; крейсерский эшелон; иначе; устранить; эффективный; компьютер управления полетом; включать в себя; первоначальный; гладкий; обозначение; взаимодействие; контрольная точка замера шумов; градиент; эшелон полета; аннулировать; система управления полетом; точный; убирать; принимать во внимание; санкционировать; придавать оттенок.

Exercise 2.9.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?



Exercise 2.9.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Scrutinize; cautiously; running; comprise; sanction; inclination; way; subsequent; prepare; exact; steer; straight; order; decrease; call off.

Exercise 2.9.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. cruising level 2. flight management computer 3. take into account 4. terminal area 5 VHF omnidirectional radio range 6. flight management system 7. text part 8. get ready 9. noise abatement procedure 10. retract the flaps 11.NoiseMonitoringPoint 12. flap selector 13. АТС speed restriction 14. speed limit 15. on reaching 16. precise routing a. компьютер управления полетом b. точный маршрут c. зона аэродрома d. приготовиться e. по занятию f. ограничение скорости УВД g. убрать закрылки h. крейсерский эшелон i. принимать во внимание j. переключатель закрылков k. текстовая часть l. всенаправленный ОВЧ радиомаяк m. система управления полетом n. процедура уменьшения шума o. ограничение скорости p. контрольная точка замера шумов


Exercise 2.9.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. The crew _____ (looked through; wrote; studied) the SID chart very carefully before the departure.

2. There was a lot of important _____ (information; flight levels; beacons) there.

3. ____ (Final; Initial; Primary) climb: ahead to 500 feet.

4. When instructed, call London Control; include call sign, SID designator, current altitude and cleared altitude on first _____ (talk; call; contact).

5. En-route cruising levels will be given by London _____ (Approach; Information; Control) after take-off.

6. Do not climb above SID levels until ____ (reached; instructed; changed) by ATC.

7. Cross Noise _____ (Check; Call; Monitoring) Points mnm 1000 feet.

8. Maximum 250 knots below FL 100, _____ (until; unless; before) otherwise authorized.

9. There is also a precise routing _____ (including; inventing; inspecting) minimum noise routes.

10. At the end of the text part of the SID there is also a ______ (warning; chart; caution).

11. Due to _____ (intersection; intervention; interaction) with other routes do not climb above 6000 feet until cleared by ATC.

12. The crew had been getting ready to make the turn to _____ (return; revert; head) direct to the BPK VOR as ____ (required; requested; reported) by the SID.

13. However the controller calls, with instructions to _____ (set; maintain; restore) the present heading of 075°.

14. At 4, 300 feet the flight _____ (climbs; descends; maintains) out of the haze and into a clear sky.

15. Now they are above the altitude required for the noise _____ (increasing; checking; abatement) procedure.

16. The crew can _____ (respond; resume; return) normal acceleration and _____ (extend; retract; set) the flaps.

17. Passing 215 knots and 5, 100 feet John _____ (cries; calls; talks) “Flap 5”, then “Flap 1”.

18. As 255 knots is reached, Harry moves the flap selector to the UP ____ (position; pose; post) at the Captain’s command.

19. The flaps and leading edge _____ (designs; designators; devices) are retracted into the wings.

20. The wings restore their _____ (slippery; sleek; sleepy) shape for high-speed cruise.

21. Speeds are usually limited to 250 knots in _____ (terminal; finishing; closed) areas below 10, 000 feet.

22. However, the controller has ______ (concealed; conceited; cancelled) the speed restriction.

23. The speed limit in the flight management computer is _____ (deleted; delayed; depressed).

24. The jet accelerates to the most _____ (effective; efficient; affected) climb speed commanded by the flight management system.

Exercise 2.9.9Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. The crew _____ the SID chart very ______ before the_____. (STUDY + CAREFUL + DEPART)

2. There was a lot of important ______ there. (INFORM)

3. ______ climb: ahead to 500 feet. (INITIATIVE)

4. When _____, call London Control; include call sign, SID _____. (INSTRUCT + DESIGNATE)

5. En-route ______ levels will be _____ by London Control after take-off. (CRUISE + GIVE)

6. Cross Noise ______ Points mnm 1000 feet. (MONITOR)

7. Max 250 knots below FL 100, unless otherwise _____. (AUTHORITY)

8. There is also a precise routing _____ minimum noise routes. (INCLUDE)

9. At the end of the text part of the SID there is also the ______ + ______. (FOLLOW + WARN)

10. Due to _____ with other routes do not climb above 6000. (INTERACT)

11. The crew had been _____ ready to make the turn. (GET)

12. The controller calls, with _____ to maintain the present heading of 075°. (INSTRUCT)

13. At 4, 300 feet the flight climbs out of the haze and into a clear sky _____ in shades of orange and pink by the _____ sun. (TINGE + SET)

14. Now above the altitude _____ for the noise _____ procedure, the crew can resume normal _____ and retract the flaps. (REQUIRE + ABATE + ACCELERATE)

15. As 255 knots is _____, Harry moves the flap _____ to the UP _____. (REACH + SELECT + POSE)

16. The flaps and _____ edge devices are _____ into the wings. (LEAD + RETRACT)

17. The wings are _____ their sleek shape for high-speed cruise. (RESTORE)

18. Speeds are usually _____ to 250 knots in terminal areas below 10, 000 feet. (LIMIT)

19. The controller has _____ the speed ______. (CANCEL + RESTRICT)

20. The speed limit in the flight ______ computer is _____. (MANAGE + DELETE)

21. The jet ______ to the most efficient climb speed _____ by the flight management system. (ACCELERATE + COMMAND)

22. This system takes into _____ many factors, _____ wind. (COUNT + INCLUDE)

23. Speedbird 25, maintain flight level 70 on _____. (REACH)

Exercise 2.9.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.


VOR Gradient Route Noise Abatement Procedure Designator Restriction Chart Wind Cruise


1. that portion of a flight during which level flight is maintained

2. a specially prepared map for use in navigation which often shows airways, reporting points, navigation aids and major geographical features

3. limitation, delay

4. a procedure for reducing aircraft noise in the vicinity of an airfield which may use reduced thrustsettings or avoid flight over more noise sensitive areas

5. a ground based navigation aid which transmits a special signal through 360° and the aircraft's receiver decodes this signal and displays the radial from the aid to the pilot

6. the airway or series of airways which the aircraft will follow to reach its destination

7. natural horizontal movement of air ranging from a light breeze to gales

8. a name or description

9. a degree of slope

Exercise 2.9.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Перед вылетом экипаж тщательно изучил карту СИД, потому что там было много важной информации.

2. Первоначальный набор до 500 футов.

3. После получения инструкции работать с Лондон-Контроль.

4. При первоначальном выходе на связь включить в доклад позывной, наименование схемы СИД, текущую высоту и разрешенную высоту.

5. Крейсерские эшелоны для полета по маршруту будут выданы Лондон-Контролем после взлета.

6. Не набирайте выше эшелонов, указанных в СИДе до получения разрешения службы УВД.

7. Пересекайте контрольные точки замера шумов как минимум на высоте 1000 футов.

8. Затем выдерживайте минимальный градиент 4 % до высоты 4000 футов.

9. Максимальная скорость 185 узлов ниже эшелона 100, если нет другого разрешения.

10. Имеется также точный маршрут, включая маршруты для минимального шума.

11. В конце текстовой части СИДа имеется также следующее предупреждение.

12. Из-за взаимодействия с другими маршрутами не набирайте выше 6000 футов до получения разрешения от службы УВД.

13. Экипаж готовился выполнить поворот на Брукмэнз парк, чтобы направиться прямо на ВОР BPK, как это требовалось согласно СИДу.

14. Однако диспетчер вызывает экипаж с инструкцией выдерживать текущий курс 075°.

15. На высоте 4300 футов ВС набирает выше дымки и попадает в чистое небо, слегка окрашенное в оттенки оранжевого и розового садящимся солнцем.

16. Находясь теперь выше высоты, требуемой согласно процедуре уменьшения шума, экипаж может возобновить нормальное ускорение и убрать закрылки.

17. Проходя скорость в 215 узлов и высоту 5100 футов, Джон командует: “Закрылок 5”, потом “Закрылок 1”.

18. Когда достигнута скорость 255 узлов, Гарри передвигает переключатель закрылков в положение ВВЕРХ по команде командира.

19. Закрылки и механизация на передней кромке убираются в крылья, восстанавливая их обтекаемую форму для полета в крейсерском режиме на большой скорости.

20. Скорости обычно ограничиваются до 250 узлов в зоне у аэродрома ниже 10 тысяч футов.

21. Однако диспетчер отменил ограничение по скорости.

22. Ограничение скорости в компьютере управления полетов убирается, и реактивный самолет разгоняется до наиболее эффективной скорости набора, заданной системой управления полетом – 331 узел на этом наборе, принимая во внимание многие факторы, включая ветер.

23. Лондон-Контроль выдает инструкцию выдерживать эшелон 70 по его занятию, а дальше набирать на северо-восток от Лэмбурна.

24. Лэмбурн – это ВОР севернее Лондона.

Exercise 2.9.12 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Authorized; precise routing; noise abatement procedure; retract the flaps; speed restriction; delete; take into account.

Exercise 2.9.13 Retell the text.

2.10. Traffic Information And After Take-off Check

Exercise 2.10.1 Read and translate the text using the word list.

As Speedbird 25 climbs through 6, 000 ft, an automated voice calls out a warning on the flight deck: “Traffic, traffic”. TCAS has detected another aircraft in close proximity. On the NDs, the “threat” aircraft icon appears in bright yellow, warning of traffic just ahead and above the British Airways Flight. The system has calculated that the jumbo’s brisk climb rate may put it in the path of this other aircraft. However, in this instance, there is no risk. The other traffic, inbound to Heathrow, has leveled at 8, 000 ft. Speedbird 25 will level at 7, 000 ft. John, who is still hand-flying the aircraft, reduces the rate of climb to eliminate the alarm and the two aircraft pass with the proper separation, just as the controller had planned. If the jet had continued its climb creating the risk of a mid-air crash, the collision alert system in both aircraft would have provided urgent instructions for each crew to avoid a crash. TCAS has proven its worth in many situations by averting collisions when the threat was real.

The controller instructs the crew to turn left to 040°. John reaches up to the glare shield and engages one of the three autopilots. The assigned altitude of 7, 000 ft has already been dialed in.

The crew run through the After Take-off checks. The landing gear and flaps are confirmed UP; air-conditioning is checked SET and the APU OFF; the nacelle anti-ice is confirmed set to AUTO, and the altimeters are set to the standard barometric pressure of 1013.2 by pressing a button labeled STD (standard) on the EICAS control panel on the glare shield. On the thrust reference page of the FMC “CLB (climb) 1” is selected to reduce power. This is the preferred climb setting to extend engine life. The engine throttles move back to an EPR setting of 1.57 and 93.6% № 1.

The autopilot levels the aircraft 7, 000 ft, 23 nm northeast of the airport. The crew don’t have to wait long at this lower altitude. Within a few minutes, the controller calls with further clearance.

London Control: Speedbird 25, climb flight level 150.

The clearance is acknowledged. With the selection of the new altitude, the thrust levers move forward and the nose pitches up for climb. A right turn to 070° soon follows as the controller keeps the jet clear of the many other aircraft in London’s congested skies.

Exercise 2.10.2 Answer the questions.

1. What does the automated voice say?

2. Which device has detected something in close proximity?

3. What icon appears on the NDs?

4. Where is the conflicting traffic?

5. What has the system calculated?

6. Is there any risk of collision in this particular case?

7. Where is the other aircraft bound for?

8. What altitude is it at?

9. What will the separation between Speedbird and the conflicting traffic be?

10. Is it going to be vertical, longitudinal or lateral separation of 1000 ft?

11. What might have happened if the jet continued its climb non-stop?

12. How has TCAS proven its worth?

13. What maneuver does the Hong Kong flight have to do?

14. What actions are being taken by John?

15. What is the assigned altitude for Speedbird 25?

16. What procedures does the After Take-off check include?

17. What is it necessary to do to change from altitude values to flight level ones?

18. What is the standard pressure flight level system based on?

19. Why do the crew reduce power at this moment?

20. Where does the autopilot level the aircraft?

21. Does the jet have to wait long at the lower flight levels?

22. What happens when the pilots select the new altitude?

23. Why does the controller instruct the crew to turn on to heading 070°?

Exercise 2.10.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. As Speedbird 25 climbs through 5, 000 ft, an automated voice calls out a warning on the flight deck: “Traffic, traffic”.

2. TCAS has detected another aircraft in close proximity.

3. On the NDs, the “threat” aircraft icon appears in bright red.

4. It is warning of traffic just behind and above the British Airways Flight.

5. The system has calculated that the jumbo’s brisk climb rate may put it in the path of this other aircraft.

6. However, in this instance, the risk is very little.

7. The other traffic, inbound to Heathrow, has leveled at 9, 000 ft.

8. Speedbird 25 will level at 8, 000 ft.

9. John, who is still monitoring the autopilot, reduces the rate of climb to eliminate the alarm.

10. The three aircraft pass with the proper separation, just as the controller had planned.

11. If the jet had continued its climb creating the risk of a mid-air crash, the collision alert system in both aircraft would have provided urgent instructions for each crew to avoid a crash.

12. TCAS has proven its worth in some situations by averting collisions when the threat was real.

13. The controller instructs the crew to turn left to 060°.

14. John reaches up to the glare shield and engages one of the four autopilots.

15. The assigned altitude of 8, 000 ft has already been dialed in.

16. The crew run through the Before Take-off checks.

17. The landing gear and flaps are confirmed DOWN.

18. The air-conditioning is checked SET and the APU ON.

19. The nacelle anti-ice is confirmed set to AUTO.

20. The altimeters are set to the standard barometric pressure of 1023.2 by pressing a button labeled STD (standard) on the EICAS control panel on the glare shield.

21 On the thrust reference page of the FMC “CLB (climb) 1” is selected to increase power.

22. This is the preferred climb setting to extend engine life.

23. The engine throttles move forward to an EPR setting of 1.57 and 93.6% № 1.

24. The autopilot levels the aircraft at 8, 000 ft, 43 nm northwest of the airport.

25. The crew don’t have to wait long at this higher altitude.

26. Within twenty minutes, the controller calls with further clearance.

27. London Control instructs Speedbird to climb to flight level 180.

28. The clearance is acknowledged.

29. With the selection of the new altitude, the thrust levers move forward and the nose pitches up for climb.

30. A right turn to 090° soon follows as the controller keeps the jet clear of the many other aircraft in London’s congested skies.

Exercise 2.10.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Подтверждать; доказать; выравнивать (положение ВС); послевзлетная проверка; предотвращать; отдельный случай; автоматизированный; проворный; перегруженный; катастрофа; надлежащий; срочный; устранять; задействовать; кабина экипажа; козырек приборной панели; пилотировать с помощью штурвального управления; сигнал тревоги; изображение; предписанный; в воздухе (столкновение); траектория; угроза; выявлять.

Exercise 2.10.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?



Exercise 2.10.6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Machine (voice); collision; shout; danger; quick; way; compute; in front of; case; appoint; build up; pressing; find; establish; picture; correct; overcrowded; permission; remove; prevent; undercarriage; decrease; inspection; prolongate; prevent; cockpit.

Exercise 2.10.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1. flight deck 2. automated voice 3. hand-fly 4. mid-air 5 level 6. in close proximity 7. instance 8. engine pressure ratio 9. After Take-off check 10. glare shield 11. congested sky 12. assigned altitude 13. avert collision 14. prove its worth 15. further clearance 16 keep clear of… a. выравнивать (положение ВС) b. конкретный случай c. козырек приборной панели d. степень повышения давления e. предотвращать столкновение f. послевзлетная проверка g. переполненное небо h. кабина экипажа i. держаться подальше от… j. доказать свою ценность k. дальнейшее разрешение l. в воздухе (столкновение) m. пилотировать с пом. штурвала n. машинный голос o. заданная высота p. в непосредственной близости


Exercise 2.10.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. As Speedbird 25 _______ (dives; climbs; returns) through 6, 000 ft, an automated voice calls out a warning on the flight deck: “Traffic, traffic”.

2. TCAS has detected another aircraft in _____ (close; closing; closed) proximity.

3. On the NDs, the “threat” aircraft icon _______ (disappears; vanishes; appears) in bright yellow.

4. It is _____ (warn; warned; warning) of traffic just ahead and above the British Airways Flight.

5. The system has _____ (calculated; counted; accounted) that the jumbo’s brisk climb rate may put it in the path of this other aircraft.

6. However, in this _____ (incidental; instance; instant), there is no risk.

7. The other traffic, _____ (inbound; outbound; departing) to Heathrow, has leveled at 8, 000 ft.

8. Speedbird 25 will _____ (reach; climb; level) at 7, 000 ft.

9. John, who is still hand-flying the aircraft, _____ (rejects; objects; reduces) the rate of climb to _____ (eliminate; elect; select) the alarm.

10. The two aircraft pass with the _____ (property; appropriate; proper) separation, just as the controller had planned.

11. If the jet had continued its climb _____ (recreating; creating; respecting) the risk of a mid-air crash, the collision _____ (alarmed; alerted; alert) system in both aircraft would have provided urgent instructions for each crew to _____ (surpass; bypass; avoid) a crash.

12. TCAS has proven its worth in many situations by ______ (diverting; averting; deviating) collisions when the threat was real.

13. The controller _____ (instructs; inspects; examines) the crew to turn left to 040°.

14. John reaches up to the glare shield and _____ (exploits; expects; engages) one of the three autopilots.

15. The _____ (signed; assigned; designed) altitude of 7, 000 ft has already been dialed in.

16. The crew run _____ (through; threw; throw) the After Take-off checks.

17. The landing gear and flaps are ____ (affirmed; acknowledged; confirmed) UP.

18. The air-conditioning is _____ (check; checking; checked) SET and the APU OFF.

19. The _____ (nose; navigation; nacelle) anti-ice is confirmed set to AUTO.

20. The altimeters are set to the standard barometric pressure of 1013.2 by pressing a button _____ (labeled; written; signed) STD (standard) on the EICAS control panel on the glare shield.

21. On the thrust reference page of the FMC “CLB (climb) 1” is selected to _____ (resume; reduce; restore) power.

22. This is the preferred climb setting to ______ (extend; expand; expense) engine life.

23. The engines throttle back to an EPR setting of 1.57 and 93.6% № 1.

24. The _____ (autothrottle; autopilot; autonavigator) levels the aircraft at 7, 000 ft, 23 nm northeast of the airport.

25. The crew don’t have to _______ (hold; expect; wait) long at this lower altitude.

26. Within a few minutes, the controller calls with _____ (far; farther; further) clearance.

27. London Control instructs Speedbird to _____ (descend; decent; climb) to flight level 150.

28. The clearance is _____ (checked; acknowledged; reading back).

29. With the selection of the new altitude, the thrust levers move forward and the nose _____ (pitches; rolls; yaws) up for climb.

30. A right turn to 070° soon follows as the controller keeps the jet ____ (cleared; clearance; clear) of the many other aircraft in London’s congested skies.

Exercise 2.10.9 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets.

1. As Speedbird 25 climbs through 6, 000 ft, an ______ voice calls out a _____ on the flight deck: “Traffic, traffic”. (AUTOMATE + WARN)

2. TCAS has _____ another aircraft in close proximity. (DETECT)

3. On the NDs, the “threat” aircraft icon _____ in bright yellow. (APPEAR)

4. It is _____ of traffic just ahead and above the British Airways Flight. (WARN)

5. The system has _____ that the jumbo’s brisk climb rate may put it in the path of this other aircraft. (CALCULATE)

6. However, in this _____, there is no risk. (INSTANT)

7. The other traffic, inbound to Heathrow, has ______ at 8, 000 ft. (LEVEL)

8. Speedbird 25 will _____ at 7, 000 ft. (LEVELLING)

9. John, who is still hand- _____ the aircraft, reduces the rate of climb to ______ the alarm. (FLY + ELIMINATION)

10. The two aircraft pass with the proper ______, just as the controller had ______. (SEPARATE + PLAN)

11. If the jet had _____ its climb ______ the risk of a mid-air crash, the ______ alert system in both aircraft would have provided urgent instructions for each crew to avoid a crash. (CONTINUE + CREATE + COLLIDE)

12. TCAS has _____ its worth in many situations by _____ collisions when the threat was real. (PROVE + AVERT)

13. The controller _____ the crew to turn left to 040°. (INSTRUCT)

14. John _____ up to the glare shield and _____ one of the autopilots. (REACH + ENGAGE)

15. The _____ altitude of 7, 000 ft has already been _____ in. (ASSIGN + DIAL)

16. The crew _____ through the After Take-off checks. (RUNNING)

17. The ______ gear and flaps are _______ UP. (LAND + CONFIRM)

18. The air- _______ is _______ SET and the APU OFF. (CONDITION + CHECK)

19. The nacelle anti-ice is _____ set to AUTO. (CONFIRM)

20. The altimeters are set to the standard _____ pressure of 1013.2 by _____ a button _____ STD (standard) on the EICAS control panel on the glare shield. (BAROMETER + PRESS + LABEL)

21. On the thrust _____ page of the FMC “CLB (climb)1” is selected to _____ power. (REFER + REDUCTION)

22. This is the ______ climb setting to ______ engine life. (PREFER + EXTENSION)

23. The engines throttle back to an EPR _____ of 1.57 and 93.6% № 1. (SET)

24. The autopilot _____ the aircraft at 7, 000 ft, 23 nm northeast of the airport. (LEVEL)

25. The crew don’t have to wait long at this _____ altitude. (LOWEST)

26. Within a few ______, the controller calls with ______ clearance. (MINUTE + FAR)

27. London Control ______ Speedbird to climb to flight level 150. (INSTRUCTION)

28. The clearance is _____. (KNOW)

29. With the _____ of the new altitude, the thrust levers move forward and the nose _____ up for climb. (SELECT + PITCH)

30. A right turn to 070° soon _____ as the controller keeps the jet clear of the many other aircraft in London’s _____ skies. (FOLLOWING + CONGESTION)

Exercise 2.10.10 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.

Hand-fly Separation Nacelle Rate of Climb Barometric pressure Autopilot Congested sky Level Detect Traffic Controller Flight Deck


1. control area from which the pilotsoperate the aircraft

2. discover or recognize that something is present

3. sTop climb or descent and maintain a given height, altitudeorflight level

4. pilot the aircraft with the help of the control column

5. spacing between aircraft levelsor track

6. the vertical speed of the aircraft or the number of feet per minute when the aircraft is moving in the vertical plane

7. a streamlined cover designed to house an aircraft engine

8. This may happen if too many aircraft are trying to use the same airport, airway or route at the same time

9. a person authorized to provide air traffic control service

10. a device for automatically steering and controlling theflightof an aircraft

11. the force exerted by the weightof the air above a certain level which can be measured with a barometer

12. movement of aircraft along a route

Exercise 2.10.11 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Когда Спидберд в наборе проходит 6 тысяч футов, машинный голос выдает предупреждение в кабинете экипажа: “Движение, движение”.

2. ТИКАС выявил другое воздушное судно в непосредственной близости.

3. На навигационных дисплеях появляется ярко желтое изображение самолета с индексом “угроза”.

4. ТИКАС предупреждает о движении прямо впереди и выше самолета Британских Авиалиний.

5. Система просчитала, что быстр

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 596. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

Аальтернативная стоимость. Кривая производственных возможностей В экономике Буридании есть 100 ед. труда с производительностью 4 м ткани или 2 кг мяса...

Вычисление основной дактилоскопической формулы Вычислением основной дактоформулы обычно занимается следователь. Для этого все десять пальцев разбиваются на пять пар...

Расчетные и графические задания Равновесный объем - это объем, определяемый равенством спроса и предложения...

Кардиналистский и ординалистский подходы Кардиналистский (количественный подход) к анализу полезности основан на представлении о возможности измерения различных благ в условных единицах полезности...

Словарная работа в детском саду Словарная работа в детском саду — это планомерное расширение активного словаря детей за счет незнакомых или трудных слов, которое идет одновременно с ознакомлением с окружающей действительностью, воспитанием правильного отношения к окружающему...

Правила наложения мягкой бинтовой повязки 1. Во время наложения повязки больному (раненому) следует придать удобное положение: он должен удобно сидеть или лежать...

ТЕХНИКА ПОСЕВА, МЕТОДЫ ВЫДЕЛЕНИЯ ЧИСТЫХ КУЛЬТУР И КУЛЬТУРАЛЬНЫЕ СВОЙСТВА МИКРООРГАНИЗМОВ. ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ КОЛИЧЕСТВА БАКТЕРИЙ Цель занятия. Освоить технику посева микроорганизмов на плотные и жидкие питательные среды и методы выделения чис­тых бактериальных культур. Ознакомить студентов с основными культуральными характеристиками микроорганизмов и методами определения...

Растягивание костей и хрящей. Данные способы применимы в случае закрытых зон роста. Врачи-хирурги выяснили...

ФАКТОРЫ, ВЛИЯЮЩИЕ НА ИЗНОС ДЕТАЛЕЙ, И МЕТОДЫ СНИЖЕНИИ СКОРОСТИ ИЗНАШИВАНИЯ Кроме названных причин разрушений и износов, знание которых можно использовать в системе технического обслуживания и ремонта машин для повышения их долговечности, немаловажное значение имеют знания о причинах разрушения деталей в результате старения...

Различие эмпиризма и рационализма Родоначальником эмпиризма стал английский философ Ф. Бэкон. Основной тезис эмпиризма гласит: в разуме нет ничего такого...

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