UNIT 2 Departure
2.1. Pushback …………………………………………………………..…………57 2.2. Start up…….…………………………………………………………………61 2.3. After Start Check……………………………………………………….……67 2.4. Taxi……………………………………………………………………..……75 2.5. Before Take-off Check………………………………………………………83 2.6. Line Up……………………………………………………………….…..….91 2.7. Take-off…………………………………………………………………...…97 2.8. Initial Climb……………………………………………………………..….106 2.9. Climb……………………………………………………………….…….…114 2.10. Traffic Information And After Take-off Check………………….……..…121 2.11 End of Climb………………………………………………….……………128 UNIT 3 En-Route 3.1 Breaks planning for the pilots…………………………..……………….…..138 3.2 Catering for the passengers.............................................................................142 3.3 Alternate route planning..................................................................................145 3.4 Co-pilot’s checks and fuel planning................................................................150 3.5 Russian ATC...................................................................................................153 3.6 Possible engine failures...................................................................................156 3.7 The quiet night on board.................................................................................161 3.8 Flight through Kazakhstan territory................................................................165 3.9 The dangers of flight over mountainous terrain and possible decompression ……………………………………………………………….169 3.10 A new day for the pilots and passengers.......................................................174 3.11 Fuel management during the flight................................................................179 3.12 Cabin crew routine during the night..............................................................183 3.13 Bad weather route segment...........................................................................187 3.14 Preparing for the morning arrival…………………………………………..191 UNIT 4 Arrival 4.1 Approaching Hong Kong International Airport Chek Lap Kok…………….195 4.2 STARs for aircraft inbound to Chek Lap Kok………………………………198 4.3 Descent………………………………………………………………………202 4.4. In contact with Hong Kong Radar……………………………………..……206 4.5. Slowing up and configuring the aircraft for the approach……….……….…210 4.6. Establishing ILS………………………………………………………….…214 4.7. Landing clearance………………………………………………………..…218 4.8. Landing…………………………………………………………………..…222 4.9. After landing………………………………………………..………………226 4.10. Final checks…………………………………………………………….…230 WORD LIST …………………………………………………………..……235 LIST OF ABBRIVIATIONS …………………………………..……….263 SUBJECT INDEX …………………………………………..………….….266 REFERENCES …………………………………………………………..….276 Вступ Навчальний посібник з авіаційної англійської мови спрямований на підготовку льотного складу, який виконує польоти на міжнародних повітряних лініях. Підготовка ведеться на основі матеріалів реального польоту Боїнгу 747-400 за маршрутом Хітроу – Гонконг і складається з чотирьох розділів: підготовка до польоту, відправлення повітряного судна, політ за маршрутом, прибуття. Кожен розділ згідно з маршрутом включає послідовно наступні етапи польоту: запуск двигунів, буксировку, руління, вирулювання на виконавчий старт, розбіг при зльоті, зліт, набір висоти, крейсерський політ, зниження, захід на посадку, кінцевий етап заходу на посадку, посадка. Слухачі при цьому опановують початкову авіаційну термінологію та елементи фразеології, що використовується між екіпажем і диспетчерами на всіх етапах польоту, а також специфічну професійну лексику, яку використовують члени екіпажу під час спілкування між собою. Крім основних етапів польоту висвітлюються такі моменти, як підготовка екіпажу, робота з документами, планування польоту, перевірка технічної готовності літака, розрахунки технічних характеристик, передбачення можливих відмов двигунів та приладів і т. ін. Складені згідно такої технології подачі матеріалу тексти і система вправ дають змогу членам екіпажу більш мотивовано оволодівати лексико-граматичним матеріалом авіаційної англійської мови і, за умови успішного завершення курсу, досягти щонайменше ІІІ-го рівня мовної підготовки за шкалою ICAO. Для полегшення роботи з текстами посібник містить словник з авіаційної англійської мови і загальної англійської лексики, словник скорочень та предметний покажчик. UNIT 1 PRE-FLIGHT 1.1. Preflight preparation (at the airport) Exercise 1.1.1 Read and translate the text. Today, British Airways competes with Virgin Atlantic Airways and Cathay Pacific on the route. In 2000, 836, 274 passengers travelled between two cities. Tonight, Speedbird 25 will move several hundred more. A few of those travellers have gathered at the expansive windows of the departure lounge to watch the activity unfolding on the ramp below as the jumbo is prepared for its globe-spanning journey. Specially designed catering vehicles have parked alongside the aircraft and scissor lifts have raised the body of the trucks level with the cabin doors. A fuel truck is parked under the left wing. With one hose tapped into the airport’s fuel system and another connected into the refueling point near the leading edge of the wing, it has begun filling the jet’s cavernous tanks. The 747’s three potable water tanks located in the forward cargo hold have been replenished with 1, 215 liters of water. Near the rear of the jet, the ‘honey’ truck has hooked up to an outlet on the belly and emptied the four lavatory tanks in the aft cargo compartment, which hold 1, 135 liters of waste. The front and aft cargo doors on the jet’s right side are open and loaders move freight containers into the spacious below-deck holds. Exercise 1.1.2 Answer the questions. 1. How does British Airways compete with other air companies? 2. What do travellers watch out of the departure lounge windows? 3. Where is a fuel truck parked? 4. How is the aircraft refueled? 5. Where are three potable water tanks located? 6. Where are four lavatory tanks located? Exercise1.1.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones. 1. British Airways deals with Virgin Atlantic Airways. 2. Passengers travelled between different countries. 3. Speedbird 25 will move several hundred more, tonight. 4. A few travellers have gathered at the huge windows of the departure hall. 5. The jumbo jet is ready for its globe-spanning journey. 6. Well designed catering trucks have parked along the aircraft. 7. A fuel truck is parked under the left wing. 8. A hose is tapped into the fuel consumption system. 9. Another hose is connected into the refueling point. 10. The 747’s three potable water tanks are located in the rear cargo hold. 11. The “honey” truck has hooked up to an outlet on the belly. 12. The “honey” truck has emptied the two lavatory tanks in the cargo compartment. 13. The front and aft cargo doors on the jet’s left side are close. 14. Loaders move cargo containers into the enormous below-deck holds. Exercise 1.1.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Зал ожидания; задняя часть грузового отделения; конкурирование с чем-либо; под полом кабины; выпускное отверстие; несколько путешественников; под левым крылом; грузовые контейнеры; широкий; гибкая труба; топливная система самолета; обширный/способный расширяться; впалый, похожий на пещеру. Exercise 1.1.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions. Rival; vast; cargo; waiting room; roomy; collect; see; lorry; fill up; under the floor; unwrap; go on; trip/voyage; cistern; set into motion. Exercise 1.1.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.
Exercise 1.1.7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets. 1. British Airways _____ (competes, works, organizes) with Virgin Atlantic Airways. 2. A lot of ____ (people, cargo, passengers) travelled between the two cities. 3. Speedbird 25 will ___ (go, arrive, move) several hundred more. 4. Some travellers have ____ (collected, gathered, met) at the expansive windows. 5. Specially designed _____ (lavatory tanks, catering vehicles, fuel tankers) have parked alongside aircraft. 6. Another hose is connected into the refuelling point near the ____ (leading edge, trailing edge, wing tip) of the wing. 7. Three potable water tanks are ___ (situated, located, found) in the forward cargo hold. 8. The ____ (fire, “honey”, catering) truck has hooked up to an outlet. 9. The “honey” truck ____ (filled, emptied, replenished) the lavatory tanks. 10. Four lavatory tanks ___ (hold, have, consist of) 1, 135 litres of waste. 11. The _____ (rear, below, front) doors are open. 12. _____ (passengers, travellers, loaders) move freight containers into the below-deck holds. Exercise 1.1.8 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets. 1. Some passengers ___ between the two cities. (TRAVEL) 2. A few of those travellers have ____ at the expansive windows. (GATHER) 3. The jumbo is ____ for its globe-spanning journey. (PREPARE) 4. Scissor lifts have ___ the body of trucks level with the cabin doors. (RAISE) 5. One hose __ into the airport’s fuel system. (TAP) 6. Another hose is connected into the ____ point. (REFUEL) 7. It has begun __ the jet’s cavernous tanks. (FILL) 8. Three potable water tanks have been ____ with 1, 215 litres of water. (REPLENISH) 9. The “honey” truck has ____ up to an outlet. (HOOK) 10. The front and aft cargo doors are ____.(OPEN) 11. Loaders _____ freight containers. (MOVE) 12. A fuel truck is ____ under the left wing. (PARK) 13. Travellers have gathered to watch the activity ____ on the ramp. (UNFOLD) Exercise 1.1.9 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.
1. the edge of an airfoil, wing or propeller which cuts through the air in normal flight. 2. any device that is used or intended to be used for flight in the air. 3. the paved area, adjacent to an aircraft terminal building or hangars on which aircraft are parked during turn around. 4. a control area or portion thereof, established in the form of a corridor equipped with navigation aids. 5. the transfer of additional fuel from the fuel truck to the aircraft to make up the required fuel load. 6. the tail end of aircraft towards the rear of an aircraft. 7. airline employee whose duty it is to place baggage and freight on board the aircraft before flight and remove it after flight. 8. any goods carried on board other than passenger baggage, mail, and aircraft stores. 9. a material used to produce heat energy by burning, in case of aircraft it is a liquid. 10. the airfoil shaped structures on the either side of the fuselage of an aircraft designed in such a way as to generate lift when the airflow passes over them and enable the aircraft to fly. Exercise 1.1.10 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. “Британские авиалинии” конкурируют с “Веджин Атлантик”. 2. В 2000 году более 800 тысяч пассажиров «Британских авиалиний» путешествовали меду двумя городами. 3. Путешественники собрались возле огромных окон зала ожидания. 4. Широкофюзеляжное воздушное судно готовится к путешествию. 5. Специально созданное транспортное средство для доставки бортпитания к самолету припарковалось возле самолета. 6. Топливозаправщик паркуется под левым крылом. 7. Баки для питьевой воды наполнили 1, 215 литрами воды. 8. Двери передней и задней части грузового отделения открыты. 9. Погрузчики (грузчики) сдвигают грузовые контейнеры в огромный грузовой отсек. 10. Другой гибкий шланг вставили в месте для дозаправки возле передней кромки крыла. Exercise 1.1.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations. Expansive windows; departure lounge; globe-spanning journey; specially designed catering vehicles; under the left wing; airport’s fuel system; near the leading edge of the wing; the front and aft cargo doors; freight containers. Exercise 1.1.12 Retell the text. 1.2. The pilot and cabin crews’ preparations Exercise 1.2.1 Read and translate the text. Just as the jet is readied for the trip, the pilots and cabin crews have begun their own preparations. Their workday has started at the Compass Centre, British Airways’ operations complex on the airport’s north side. Within this building, airline staff are responsible for all aspects of a flight, starting with the allocation of an aircraft for the trip a few days prior to departure, through to the completion of the journey. Multiply that effort by the more than 300 aircraft in the fleet and the logistics of making sure each one of the hundreds and hundreds of daily flights operates on time are staggering. In an operation of this size, problems are bound to occur. And they do, by the hour. Usually Mother Nature is to blame, throwing up weather roadblocks that cause delays and force diversions. It is the job of operations staff to anticipate such situations and respond with contingency plans to ensure the safety of the flights and minimize disruptions to passengers. They can find themselves planning around the snowstorms along the eastern seaboard of the United States, a typhoon closing in on Taipei and thick fog at the Heathrow hub – sometimes all in the same day. Or occasionally a mechanical problem will ground a jet, sending staff scrambling to make alternative plans to get passengers to their destination. Exercise 1.2.2 Answer the questions. 1. What are airline staff responsible for? 2. What are the reasons for delays and force diversions? 3. What is the job of operations staff? 4. Where can operations staff find themselves planning around the snowstorms, a typhoon and thick fog? 5. What problem will ground a jet? Exercise 1.2.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones. 1. The pilots and flight attendants have begun their own preparations. 2. Their workday has finished at the Compass Centre. 3. Airline staff are responsible for all aspects of their job 4. In the operation of this size, problems are bound to occur. 5. Usually Mother Nature is to blame due to weather that causes delays and diversions. 6. It is the job of operations staff to analyse these situations. 7. The job of operations staff is to guarantee the safety of the flights. 8. Operations staff have to minimize disruptions to passengers. 9. They can find themselves planning around snowstorms. 10. Typhoon is closing in on Taipei and thin fog is at the Heathrow hub – sometimes all in the same day. 11. Usually a technical problem will ground a jet. Exercise1.2.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Рабочий день; быть ответственным за что-либо; несколько дней до начала вылета; завершение путешествия; минимизировать разрушения; тайфун; центр деятельности; гарантировать безопасность; вынужденное отклонение от маршрута; густой туман; доставить пассажиров в пункт назначения; механическая проблема; материально-техническое обеспечение; предвкушать. Exercise 1.2.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions. Airfield; mechanical troubles; land; take passengers; reduce; personnel; diverting; reduce disruption; tour/voyage; happen; every day; reason for delays; the end of the journey; be convinced; by chance. Exercise 1.2.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.
Exercise 1.2.7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets. 1. The jet is readied for the ____ (voyage, trip, journey). 2. The ______ and cabin crews have begun their own preparations. (flight attendants; co-pilots, pilots). 3. Airline staff are _____ for all aspects of a flight (responsible, ready, in charge of). 4. Hundreds of daily flights operating on time are ______ (regulating, staggering, happening). 5. In an operation of this size, problems are bound to ______ (occur, happen, raise). 6. It is the job of operations staff to _____ (anticipate, look forward, suppose) such situations. 7. They can ______ (look for, find, search) themselves planning around snowstorms. 8. _____ (sometimes, always, occasionally) a mechanical problem will ground a jet. 9. It is the job of operations staff to ______ (provide, ensure, guarantee) the safety of the flights. 10. There is _____ (thin, deep, thick) fog at the Heathrow hub. Exercise 1.2.8 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets. 1. The cabin crews have _____ their own preparations. (BEGIN) 2. Their workday has _____ at the Compass Centre. (START) 3. Usually Mother Nature is to blame, ____ up weather roadblocks. (THROW) 4. They can find themselves ____ around snowstorms. (PLAN) 5. Airline staff are responsible for all aspects of a flight, _____ with the allocation of an aircraft for the trip. (START) 6. Typhoon ____ in an Taipei and thick fog at the Heathrow hub – sometimes all in the same day. (CLOSE) 7. In an operation in this size, problems are _____ to occur. (BOUND) 8. The jet is _____ for the trip. (READY) Exercise 1.2.9 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.
1. staff who prepare flight plans, coordinate and dispatch flights 2. a person being conveyed by bus, taxi, tram, train, ship, aircraft 3. dependent on circumstances or something else which might happen 4. the mix and number of aircraft types operated by an airline 5. the employees of a company. The team that forms an airline. 6. the condition of being safe from causing or suffering harm, injury or loss 7. members of the aircraft crew who are responsible for the safety of the cabin and passengers and whose duty is to serve the passengers during a flight 8. the ability to move through the air using wings 9. it is occurred when a flight does not land at its planned destination but at another airport for any reason Exercise 1.2.10 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Пилоты и обслуживающий персонал начали свою подготовку. 2. Персонал авиалиний ответствечает за все этапы полета. 3. Погода может быть причиной задержек и вынужденных отклонений от маршрута. 4. Работа персонала по аэронавигационному обслуживанию полетов - предвидеть такие ситуации. 5. Механическая поломка будет причиной внеочередной посадки реактивного самолета. 6. Персонал вынужден осуществить дополнительные задания, чтобы доставить пассажиров в пункт назначения. 7. Усилия более, чем 300 самолетов и материально-технического обеспечения направлены на выполнение ежедневных рейсов вовремя и по расписанию. Exercise 1.2.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations. Jet; airline staff; all aspects of a flight; a few days prior to departure; the journey; blame; anticipate; contingency plans; ensure the safety of the flights; minimize disruptions; mechanical problem. Exercise 1.2.12 Retell the text. 1.3. Planning Exercise 1.3.1 Read and translate the text. Pilots, air traffic controllers and others involved in air travel operate on a central time, known as co-ordinated universal time (UTC), to avoid the mix-ups that might be caused by time zones. It s now 15.30Z, which happens to be the same as London time. Speedbird 25 is scheduled to depart in just 90 minutes, at 17.00 UTS. That doesn’t t leave much time so John, Bob and Harry get to work reviewing the paperwork prepared for the flight. The thick pile of print-outs is the result of the careful work by a flight planner, who assembled the many pieces that go into the documentation, including weather reports and the „SWORD” flight plan (short for System for Worldwide Operational Route Data) which details aircraft weights, fuel requirements and routing. The planner began the job several hours earlier by first looking at what routes were available. For the London Hong Kong flight, there are just three. The options are limited largely by the fact that the route through China is restricted to just a couple of airways. Chinese controllers don’t usually permit deviations off these routings, even for bad weather. In a few cases when an airway has been blocked by a thunderstorm, aircraft have been forced to turn around and retrace their journey out of Chinese airspace when just a small diversion would have taken them safely around the bad weather. A hatch-marked box on the China chart warns that deviation north of today’s route is ‘prohibited’. The briefing notes explain that civilian controllers in China have responsibility for only the 20km width of the airway. Other airspace is controlled by the military. Pilots requiring deviations should only request vectors within the airway. ‘Crews having to deviate outside the AWY (airway) will be under MIL CTL (military control) and may be instructed to land at a nearby MIL (military) airfield. In such cases, consideration of returning to airport of origin or diversion must be considered, ’ the notes say. Exercise 1.3.2 Answer the questions. 1. Why do pilots, air traffic controllers involved in air travel operate on a central time? 2. What does a pile of print-outs include? 3. When did the planner begin the job? 4. Why are options limited? 5. What don’t Chinese controllers permit? (Give some examples) 6. What does a hatch-marked box warn about? 7. What do the briefing notes explain? 8. How is other airspace controlled? 9. What do the notes say? Exercise1.3.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones. 1. All passengers involved in air travel try to avoid mix-ups. 2. Central time is known as UTC. 3. Speedbird 25 is scheduled to land in 20 minutes. 4. John, Bob, Harry get to work looking through the paperwork prepared for the flight. 5. A lot of print-outs are the result of the careful work. 6. Documentation consists of weather reports and the “SWORD” flight plan. 7. The “SWORD” flight plan explains aircraft weights, fuel requirements and routeing. 8. The planner began the job by planning the routes. 9. The options are limited. 10. Chinese route is prohibited to a couple of airways. 11. Chinese controllers always permit deviations off routeings. 12. An airway has been blocked by a thunderstorm. 13. Aircraft have been forced to go around due to low visibility. 14. Deviation north of today’s route is dangerous. 15. Chinese civilian controllers are responsible for 20 km length of the runway. 16. Airspace is controlled by civil controllers. 17. Pilots requiring the deviation should only request vectors within the route. Exercise 1.3.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Воздушные перевозки; две (пара) воздушные трассы; кипа бумаг; аэропорт назначения; вес самолета; требования к топливу; отклонение от маршрута; рабочие документы; запасной аэродром; из-за плохой погоды; включая сводку погоды; рассмотрение чего-либо; предупреждать. Exercise 1.3.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions. Two airways; deviation; evade; a dispatcher; leave; thorough; accurate; accessible; demand; itinerary; alternate aerodrome; map; come work; allow; go around; oblige; discussion. Exercise 1.3.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.
Exercise 1.3.7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets. 1. Air traffic controllers are _____ (included, worked, involved) in air travel. 2. The flight is scheduled _____ (to depart, to land, to take off) in 90 minutes. 3. The pilots get to work ____ (observing, looking through, reviewing) the paperwork. 4. A flight planner has assembled the many pieces of _____ (documentation, paperwork, planning). 5. The planner ______ (commenced, finished, began) looking at available routes. 6. The route through China is _____ (dangerous, prohibited, restricted). 7. Due thunderstorm aircraft have been forced to _____ (retrace, come back, arrive) their journey out of Chinese airspace. 8. Civilian controllers have _____ (responsibility, opportunity, chance) for 20km width of the airway. 9. Crews may be ____ (informed, instructed, consulted) to land at nearby airfield. 10. _____ (Revision, Discussion, Consideration) must be considered. Exercise 1.3.8 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets. 1. A central time is ______ as coordinated universal time. (KNOW) 2. The mix-ups might be ______ by time zones. (CAUSE) 3. A thick pile of print-outs is the result of the _____ work by a flight planner. (CARE)) 4. The options are ________ largely. (LIMIT) 5. Chinese controllers don’t usually ________ deviations off these routeings. (PERMISSION) 6. An airway has been _____ by a thunderstorm. (BLOCK) 7. A small diversion would have taken them ____ around the bad weather. (SAFE) 8. Pilots ________ deviations should only request vectors. (REQUIRE) 9. Crews ______ to deviate outside the airway will be under military control. (HAVE) 10. _____ of returning to airport of origin must be considered. (CONSIDERATE) Exercise 1.3.9 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.
1. an air route marked by navigation aids, such as beacons and direction finding equipment 2. a storm accomplished by thunder and lightning 3. the airway or series of airways which the aircraft will follow to reach its destination 4. a person authorized to provide air traffic control service 5. a specially prepared map for use in navigation which often shows airways, reporting points, navigation aids and major geographical features 6. a plan showing all specified information for a planned flight submitted orally or in writing to ATC 7. atmospheric conditions prevailing at a given place and time 8. a defined and published time at which a flight either departs or arrives as in the airline timetable Exercise 1.3.10 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Пилоты и диспетчеры осуществляют перевозки по скоординированному всемирному времени. 2. Центральное время известно как скоординированное всемирное время. 3. Боб и Хэрри приезжают на работу для просмотра рабочих документов, подготовленных для полета. 4. Диспетчер по планированию полетов начал работу на несколько часов раньше. 5. Маршрут через Китай ограничен всего лишь несколькими воздушными трассами. 6. Только в нескольких случаях, когда воздушная трасса была заблокирована грозой, воздушные суда вынуждены были изменить маршрут следования. 7. Китайские диспетчеры ответственны только за 20 км ширину воздушной трассы. 8. Другое воздушное пространство контролируется военными диспетчерами 9. Пилоты должны запросить радиолокационное наведение только в пределах трассы. 10. Экипажи, отклоняющиеся за пределы трассы, будут под контролем военных диспетчеров. Exercise 1.3.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations. Avoid the mix-ups; paperwork; the result of the careful work; flight planner; go into the documentation; including weather reports; by the fact; for bad weather; deviations off these routings; a small diversion; briefing notes; have responsibility for; request vectors within the airway; in such cases; airport of origin. Exercise 1.3.12 Retell the text. 1.4. Pilots’ paperwork Exercise 1.4.1 Read and translate the text. A computer has analyzed the choices and after crunching data such as aircraft performance and weather, including the upper winds, it recommends the minimum cost route and the optimum altitude. With this choice in hand, the planner then checks for air traffic control delays or significant weather en route that might make the computers selection a bad choice. Once the route is selected, a planner’s attention turns to the weather forecasts for the arrival airport and the task of selecting alternative airports. The preliminary weight figures are obtained, the fuel load calculated and a flight plan filed with air traffic control agencies along the route. The job takes about 30 minutes for an experienced planner who will prepare about 20 flight plans in a typical shift. The paperwork for the pilots comes in two parts. The first is the „SWORD” flight plan, the airline s computerized fuel and flight planning system. It is a long flight and the flight plan is equally long, stretching to 13 pages of print-out with 104 waypoints in all. But the cover page provides the important details. The planner has chosen Route 78 for Speedbird 25 tonight, a 5, 781nm journey that is expected to take 11 hours and 34 minutes. After take off, the flight will proceed to the Brookmans Park VOR (VHF omni-directional radio range) in north London, east to the Clacton VOR near Colchester, Essex, then across the North Sea. Nearing the Netherlands, the flight will pass the appropriately named waypoint TULIP, on to the Spijkerboor VOR (SPY) north of Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport. The flight will turn northeast to track airway UN873 across the top of The Netherlands, then to Helgoland VOR on a small island in the North Sea, to the Codan VOR on another island in the Baltic Sea, then to ELVIX, a waypoint on the southern tip of Sweden. The flight will pass over Liepaja on the coast of Latvia and then over Riga, across Russia, passing south of Moscow, then traverse the expansive country of Kazakhstan. From there, the flight will proceed to SARIN, a waypoint that marks the border with China, and an area of high terrain that dictates special planning considerations during the flight. The routing through China parallels the border with Mongolia before turning south, Chengdu, to Hong Kong. The trip across China will cover 2, 567nm, almost half the journey. Exercise 1.4.2 Answer the questions. 1. What has a computer analyzed? 2. What does a planner check? 3. What does a planner’s attention turn to when the route is selected? 4. How many parts does the paperwork consist of? 5. What is the first part? 6. What does the cover page provide? 7. What route has a planner chosen? Exercise 1.4.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones. 1. A computer has made the choices. 2. It approves the minimum cost route. 3. Then the planner clears for air traffic control delays. 4. Significant weather enroute might make the computers choose a bad variant. 5. A pilot’s attention turns to the weather forecasts. 6. The preliminary weight figures are obtained 7. The paper work for the pilots comes in several parts. 8. The cover page provides the necessary events. 9. Journey is estimated to take 11 hours and 34 minutes. 10. After landing the plane will proceed to stand 8. 11. The flight will pass waypoint TULIP. 12. An area of high terrain specifies special planning considerations during the flight. 13. A waypoint marks the border with China. Exercise 1.4.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Анализировать выбор; рекомендовать; плохой выбор; аэропорт прибытия (назначения); предварительный вес; вдоль маршрута; обычная рабочая смена; рабочие документы; пункт маршрута; соответственно; южная конечная точка; на протяжении / во время полета; характеристика самолета. Exercise 1.4.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions. Height; selection; advise; prognosis; well-trained, beforehand; profession; significant; trip; accordingly; wait; peak; to go by/ past; territory; be bound; get/ to have; boundary; stay too long; discussion. Exercise 1.4.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.
Exercise 1.4.7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets. 1. It ______ (advises, controls, recommends) the minimum cost route. 2. The ______ (pilot, controller, planner) checks for air traffic control delays. 3. The ______ (different, useful, prelimitary) weight figures are obtained. 4. A planner will prepare flight plans in a/an _____ (usual, real, typical) shift. 5. The cover page _______ (does, provides, recomends) the important details. 6. After take off, the flight will ____ (fly, proceed, return) to Brookmans Park VOR. 7. The flight will ________ (go, pass, avoid) over Liepaja on the cost of Latvia. 8. The flight will traverse the ______ (huge, small, expansive) country. 9. The ________ (waypoint, flight, aircraft) will proceed to SARIN. 10. The trip _______ (above, below, across) China will cover 2, 567 nm. 11. A flight plan is filed with ______ (search and rescue, an traffic control, investigation) agencies along the route. Exercise 1.4.8 Fill the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets. 1. A computer has ____ the choices. (ANALYSE) 2. A significant weather might make the computer’s ______ a bad choice. (SELECT) 3. A planner’s attention turns to the task of _____ alternative airports. (SELECT) 4. The job takes about 30 minutes for an __________ planner. (EXPERIENCE) 5. The first part is the airline’s ____ fuel. (COMPUTER) 6. The flight plan is _____ long. (EQUAL) 7. The journey is _______ to take 11 hours 34 minutes. (EXPECT) 8. The flight will pass the appropriately ____ waypoint TULIP. (NAME) 9. The flight will pass across Russia, ___ south of Moscow. (PASS) 10. An area of high terrain dictates special ____ considerations. (PLAN) Exercise 1.4.9 In the list below the box find the definition for the given words.
1. the ground, especially its physical features, hills, valleys and so on 2. the capability or flying characteristics of the aircraft 3. the process of flying the aircraft off the ground at the beginning of a flight 4. on or along the path of the journey 5. one of the set periods of time during which people work; for example in a factory. 6. an en route position used for navigation, position reporting, holding etc. 7. a statement of expected weather conditions for a particular place at a particular time or period of time based on regular observations 8. the winds that blow high up in the atmosphere Exercise 1.4.10 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Компьютер анализирует выбор. 2. Диспетчер по планированию полетов проверяет задержки или существенные изменения погоды на маршруте. 3. Внимание диспетчера по планированию полетов обращено на прогноз погоды для аэродрома посадки. 4. Вес предварительно подсчитывается. 5. Рабочие документы для пилотов поступают в двух частях. 6. Первая часть – план полета, компьютерный подсчет топлива и система планирования полетов. 7. Маршрут 78 предположительно займет 11 часов и 34 минуты. 8. После взлета борт будет следовать на ВОР Брукмэнс Парк. 9. Борт будет пролетать над Лиепаей по побережью Латвии. 10. САРИН – пункт маршрута, который обозначает границу с Китаем 11. Это зона возвышенности, которая предписывает рассмотрение специального планирования во время полета. Exercise 1.4.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations. Including; t upper winds; significant weather en route; bad choice. weather forecasts task of selecting alternative airports; tfuel load calculated; flight plan; filed flight plan; important details; after take off; waypoint; pass over a waypoint; area of high terrain; during the flight. Exercise 1.4.12 Retell the text. 1.5. Flight data Exercise 1.5.1 Read and translate the text. The 747-436 will require 119.753kg of fuel to make the trip. The computer adds another 5% as contingency fuel. However, the flight planner or the captain can reduce this to 3% if good weather is forecast for an en route alternative. In this case, the planner has identified a suitable alternative route and so the flight is going with 3% contingency fuel, which amounts to 3.592kg. Macau has been chosen as the landing alternative and the jet will carry 5.801kg of fuel to make the short flight there if a landing is not possible in Hong Kong. Kaohsiung, Taiwan has been nominated as a second alternative. Add in a further 4.328kg for the mandatory 30-minute reserve, another 975kg for taxiing and the fuel load totals 134.449kg in all. If the flight encounters no variations to the plan, there should be 13.7 tones of fuel left in the tanks after landing. The fuel calculations are tailored for each specific aircraft. The crew can tell for example that the jumbo assigned to the Hong Kong flight burn 1% more than the book performance. The fuel plan also reveals that an extra 5 tonnes of payload would increase fuel consumption by 1.5 tonnes and add 2 more minutes to the flight. With fuel loaded, plus another 43 tonnes of payload – the passengers, their bags and cargo – the jet will weigh 365 tonnes for departure. That is almost equal to the weight of six fully loaded Baby Boeings, the 737-600, but well short of the jumbo’s 397-tonne maximum take-off weight. In fact, the 747 could haul 30 more tones of fuel on tonight’s flight, enough to fly 1.000nm beyond Hong Kong and still have an hour’s fuel in reserve. Using 10 tonnes of fuel an hour as a rough rule of thumb for fuel consumption allows the pilots to quickly do a gross error check on the accuracy of the fuel estimates. They can choose to add more if they feel it is necessary. However, tankering unneeded fuel is a costly practice; on some flights it can mean that revenue payload – either passengers or cargo – gets left behind if the aircraft is operating near its maximum gross weight. One tonne of fuel is equivalent to about 10 passengers and their luggage. As well, the jet burns fuel to carry fuel. If the Captain wants 10 more tonnes of fuel for his arrival in Hong Kong, he would in fact need to load 15 tonnes more in London. The extra 5 tonnes would be burned en route hauling the extra fuel. With those considerations in mind, pilots usually stick with the computer’s accurate predictions, adding more only if delays look likely for the arrival. Exercise 1.5.2 Answer the questions. 1. Why can the flight planner or the captain reduce fuel? 2. Why has Macau been chosen as the landing alternative? 3. How are the fuel calculations tailored for each specific aircraft? 4. What allows the pilots to quickly do a gross error check on the accuracy of the fuel estimates? 5. Why can pilots choose to add more fuel? 6. Where would the extra 5 tonnes be burned? Exercise 1.5.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones. 1. The B747 will require 119, 753 kg of fuel to finish the trip. 2. The co-pilot can increase the fuel amount to 3% in the case of good weather. 3. The planner has identified a suitable destination. 4. The jet will have 5, 801 kg of fuel. 5. Taiwan has been named as a first alternative. 6. There should be left a lot of tonnes of kerosine. 7. The fuel calculations are counted for each specific aircraft. 8. The jet will weigh 365 tonnes for departure. 9. They can calculate to add more fuel if they feel it is necessary. 10. One tonne of fuel is equivalent to about 10 passengers and their luggage. 11. The extra five tonnes would be burned during the flight hauling the extra fuel. 12. Pilots usually deal with the computer’s accurate predictions. Exercise 1.5.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Избыточное горючее; вес с полной нагрузкой; диспетчер по планированию полетов; приемлемый запасной маршрут; если посадка невозможна; расчет топлива; платный или коммерческий груз; расход топлива; 10 тонн топлива в час; грубое правило; перевозить топливо; точное предсказание. Exercise 1.5.5 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions. Accidental; diminish; proper spare route; obligatory reserve; fuel estimates; transport; in stock; permit; additional fuel. Exercise 1.5.6 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.
Exercise 1.5.7 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets. 1. The computer ______ (gives, adds, loads) another 5% as contingency fuel. 2. The flight planner or the _____ (captain, co-pilot, controller) can reduce this to 3%. 3. The fuel calculations are _____ (estimated, calculated, tailored) for each specific flight. 4. In fact the 747 could _____ (transport, haul, carry) 30 more tonnes of fuel on this flight. 5. However, tanking ____ (unneeded, unnecessary, unrequired) fuel is costly practice. 6. They can ______ (select, sort, choose) to add more if they feel it is necessary. 7. The fuel plan also _____ (shows, reveals, demonstrates) that extra 5 tonnes of payload would increase full consumption. 8. Using 10 tonnes of fuel an hour ____ (allows, permits, clears) the pilots to quickly do a gross error check on the accuracy of the fuel estimates. 9. One tonne of fuel is ______ (equal, the game equivalent, the same) to about 10 passengers and their luggage. 10. Pilots usually _____ (work, find out, stick) with computer’s accurate predictions, adding more only if delays look likely for the arrival. Exercise 1.5.8 Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the words given in brackets. 1. The planner has _____ a suitable alternative route. (IDENTIFY) 2. Macau has been chosen as the ____ alternative. (LAND) 3. With those _____ in mind, pilots usually stick with the computer’s accurate predictions. (CONSIDER) 4. With fuel _____ the jet will weigh 365 tonnes for departure. (LOAD) 5. There should be 13.7 tonnes of fuel _____ in the tanks after landing. (LEAVE) 6. Add in further 935 kg for ____ and the fuel load totals 134, 449 kg in all. (TAXI) 7. However ______ unneeded fuel is a costly practice. (TANK) 8. The extra 5 tonnes would be _____ en route hauling the extra fuel. (BURN) 9. The jumbo ____ to the Hong Kong flight burns 1% more than the book performance. (ASSIGN) 10. The fuel plan also reveals that an extra 5 tonnes of payload would increase fuel ____ by 1.5 tonnes. (CONSUME) Exercise 1.5.9 In the list below the box find a definition for the given words.
1. the pilot in command who carries full legal responsibility for the mission operation and safety of the flight. 2. in meteorology, a statement of expected weather conditions for a particular place at a particular time or period of time based on regular observations. 3. a material used to produce heat energy by burning. In the case of aircraft it is liquid. 4. an airport at which conditions are suitable to land and to which an aircraft may proceed if landing becomes impossible or inadvisable at the original destination airfield. 5. the revenue producing load that an aircraft can carry. It includes passengers, baggage, freight and mail. 6. a propulsion engine which generates thrust by burning a mixture of air and fuel and then emitting the resulting gas rearwards. 7. actual takeoff weight for the flight as calculated on the loadsheet. 8. carriage of fuel in excess of that actually required for the operation of the flight. 9. the act of leaving or setting out on a journey. 10. the ability to move through the air using wings. Exercise 1.5.10 Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Боингу 747 – 436 потребуется около 120 тонн горючего, чтобы совершить полет. 2. Компьютер добавит еще 5% топлива на непредвиденный случай. 3. Если в рейсе не произойдет никаких изменений в плане, то после посадки в баках должно остаться 13, 7 тонн топлива. 4. Расчет топлива производится для каждого отдельного рейса. 5. План по топливу также отображает, что дополнительные 5 тонн топлива увеличат его потребление и добавят 2 минуты полета. 6. Боинг 747 может перевозить на 30 тонн больше горючего, достаточного, чтобы улететь на 1000 морских миль от Гонконга. 7. Они могут выбрать, добавить больше, если почувствуют необходимость. 8. Заправка ненужного топлива – дорогостоящий опыт (практика). 9. Тонна горючего равна примерно 10 пассажирам и их багажу. 10. Дополнительные пять тонн сожгутся на маршруте при перевозке дополнительного топлива. Exercise 1.5.11 Make up your own sentences using the words and word combinations. Make the trip; suitable alternative route; contingency fuel; make the short flight; landing not possible; flight encounters no variations; fuel calculations; book performance; payload; maximum take-off weight; gross error; the accuracy; fuel estimate