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There has been talk of a " computer revolution" ever since the electronics industry learned in the late 1950s to inscribe miniature electronic circuits on a chip of silicon. What has been witnessed so far has been a steady, remarkably speedy evolution. With the proliferation of personal computers, however, the way may indeed be open for a true revolution in how business is conducted, in how people organize their per­sonal affairs perhaps even in how people think.

A personal computer is a small computer based on a micro­processor; it is a microcomputer. Not all microcomputers, however, are personal computers. A microcomputer can be dedicated to a single task such as controlling a machine tool or metering the injection of fuel into an automobile engine; it can be a word processor, a video game or a " pocket comput­er" that is not quite a computer. A personal computer is some­thing different: a stand-alone computer that puts a wide array of capabilities at the disposal of an individual. A per­sonal computer is defined as a system that has all the follow­ing characteristics:

1. The price of a complete system should be as low as possible.

2. The system either includes or can be linked to secondary memory in the form of cassette tapes or disks.

3. The microprocessor can support a primary memory capaci­ty of 64 kilobytes or more. A 64-kilobyte memory can store 65, 53b characters, or some 10, 000 words of English text.

4. The computer can handle at least one high-level language, such as Basic, Fortran or Cobol. In a language of this kind instructions can be formulated at a fairly high level of abstraction and without taking into account the detailed operations of the hardware.

5. The operating system facilitates an interactive dialogue; the computer responds immediately (or at least quickly) to the user's actions and requests.

6. The system is flexible enough to accommodate a wide range of programs serving varied applications, it is not designed for a single purpose or a single category of purchasers.

The definition will surely change as improved technology makes possible the inclusion of more memory and of more special hardware and software features in the basic system.

The personal-computer market can be divided into four segments: business, home, science and education. The busi­ness segment is becoming the largest one. The home-computer segment utilizes most of the units for recreation (primarily for playing video games) but they also serve as powerful edu­cational aids for children, as word processors, electronic mes­sage centres and personal-finance tools. A broad range of new applications will be made possible by software now under de­velopment.

Computers intended for scientific and other technical applications tend to be more powerful than other personal computers and to have components that facilitate their being linked to analytical and sensing instruments. The market is therefore characterized by products with specialized hardware and an array of specialized programs.

The education segment is potentially very large. Computer-assisted instruction involves the student in a livelу interaction with subject matter in almost any field of study and allows the individual to proceed at his own pace. The ability to work with a computer is coming to be considered a necessary basic skill and even some programming ability may soon be required in many occupations; clearly the place to acquire such skills is in elementary and secondary school.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1299. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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