Отрицательная форма
Вопросительная форма
IV. Указательное местоимение this (это, этот, эта) This is a cabin. – Это каюта. ТЕХТ ТНЕ CREW This is our master. He is in the cabin. The chief officer is on the bridge. The second officer is on the bridge too. The third officer is in the chart-room. The sailors and the boatswain are on deck. Is the master in the cabin? – Yes, he is. The chief officer is not on deck. He is on the bridge. Are the sailors on deck? – Yes, they are. Where is the third officer? – He is in the chart-room. WORDS:
What are you? – Кто вы? (по профессии) Who are you? – Как вас зовут? How are you? – Как вы поживаете?
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму. 1. He is on deck. 2. They are on the bridge. З. She is in the room. 4. She is on the bridge. 5. I am a sailor. 6. You are a cook. 7. They are sailors. II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму. 1. I am а sailor. 2. She is a cook. 3. They are on deck. 4. We are on the bridge. 5. I am on the bridge. 6. He is on deck. III. Поставьте глагол to be в соответствующей форме. 1. He... a sailor. 2. I... a motorman. 3. They... on deck. 4.... she a cook? 6.Thеу... not in the cabin. 6. We... sailors. 7.... he on the bridge? 8.... you a carpenter? IV. Дайте краткий утвердительный или отрицательный ответ. 1. Are you а sailor? (Yes) 2. Is he а radiooperator? (No) 3. Are you a cook? (No) 4. Are they engineers? (Yes) 5. Am I on deck? (Yes) 6. Is he on the bridge? (No) 7. Are they in the chart-room? (Yes) V. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова в скобках. 1. What are you? (матросы) 2. What is he? (капитан) 3. Where is the master? (в каюте) 4. What is it? (штурманская рубка) 5. Where are the sailors? (на палубе) 6. What is she? (повар) 7. Where is the chief engineer? (в каюте) VI. Восстановите по памяти судовую роль вашего последнего судна. VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующий диалог. Выучите его наизусть. А. – What are you? B. – I am a sailor. A. – Who are you? B. – I am Tom. A. – How are you, Tom? B. – I am very well, thank you. LESSON THREE – УРОК ТРЕТИЙ NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT ABOUT MYSELF l. Притяжательные местоимения.
II. Спряжение глагола to have /иметь/ в настоящем неопределенном времени. Утвердительная форма
Отрицательная форма
Вопросительная форма
TEXT. I am a sailor. My name is Nick. I am from Odessa. I have a family. It is not very large. I have mother, father, wife and a son. I have a flat in Odessa. I have many friends. They are sailors too. I am on the ship now. She has the following navigational equipment: radar, GPS receiver, VHF, gyro and magnetic compasses, course recorder, echo sounder, log. We have many binoculars and a sextant on the bridge. We have not a satellite station on the bridge. Have you a radar on the bridge? – Yes, we have. What have you on the bridge? – We have navigational equipment on the bridge. Has he a flat? – No, he has not. Have you many friends? – Yes, I have. What life-saving equipment have you on the ship? – We have 2 life-boats, 4 life-rafts, 10 life-buoys and 25 life-jackets.
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму. 1. He has а large family. 2. I have many friends. З. They have many brushes. 4. You have a son. 5. He has a large cabin. 6. My friend has a flat in Odessa. 7. My mother has two children. II. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную форму. 1. I have а son. 2. Our ship has many cabins. 3. My friend has children. 4. I have a large cabin. 5.Theу have many friends. 6. The ship has navigational equipment. 7. We have a radar on the bridge, III. Поставьте глагол to have в соответствующей форме. 1. I... many friends. 2. The master... a large cabin. 3. They... a flat in Odessa. 4. The ship... a radar. 5. We... children. 6. My friend... a large family. 7. She... a daughter and a son. IV. Дайте краткий утвердительный или отрицательный ответ. 1. Have you а son? (No) 2. Has your ship a radar? (Yes) 3. Has your friend a large family? (Yes) 4. Have you a flat? (No) 5. Has the ship many cabins? (Yes) 6. Have they many books? (No) 7. Has the boat cabins? (No) V. Спросите вашего друга. что у них есть на судне, используя слова в скобках. Have you...? (a radar; a GPS receiver; a log; an echo sounder; a satellite station: a course recorder; a gyro-compass; navigational equipment; VHF: a magnetic compass; a sextant) VI. Расскажите, какое оборудование есть на вашем судне, используя глагол to have и лексику урока. VII. Спросите вашего друга: 1. есть ли у него семья 2. есть ли у него квартира 3. есть ли у него дети 4. кто его жена по специальности 5. кто его родители по специальности 6. много ли у него друзей LESSON FOUR – УPОK ЧЕТВЕРТЫЙ GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF A SHIP Конструкция there is, there are
II. Количественные числительные. III. Предложный оборот с предлогом of The draft of the ship – Осадка судна.
TEXT GENERAL ARRANGEMENT OF A SHIP This is our ship. She is 120 metres long and 35 metres wide. Her draft is 5 metres. There are 5 decks on the ship. There are 5 holds on the ship. The hull of the ship is black. Her funnel is red and white. There are two ladders on the ship: a portside ladder and a starboardside ladder. There are 2 anchors and 3 mooring winches on the forecastle. There are 2 lifeboats and 4 liferafts on the ship. What is the length of the ship? – She is 120 metres long. What is the width of the ship? – She is 35 metres wide. What is her draft? – It is 5 metres. Are there 5 decks on the ship? – Yes, there are. Is there a radar on the bridge? - Yes, there is. Are there 3 anchors on the ship? - No, there are not. There are 2 anchors on the ship.
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ I. Выучите следующие числительные:
II. Ответьте на вопросы, используя числительные в скобках. 1. How many lifeboats are there on the ship? (1) 2. How many liferafts are there on the ship? (4) 3. How many anchors are there on the ship? (2) 4. How many cabins are there on the ship? (15) 5. How many funnels are there on the ship? (1) 6. How many mooring winches are there on the ship? (5) 7. How many crew members are there in the Crew List? (20) III. Прочтите следующие показания курса: steer course: 156°: 76°; 320°; 120°; 145°; 98°; 260°; 310°; 12°; 116°; 65°. IV. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму: 1. There are many cabins on the ship. 2. There is a winch on deck. 3. There are two funnels on the ship. 4. There are ten sailors on the forecastle. 5. There is a brush on the table. 6. There are two lifeboats on the ship. 7. There is a radar on the bridge. V. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту: 1. What is the length of the ship? 2. What is the width of the ship? 3. What is the draft of the ship? 4. What colour is the hull? 5. What colour is the funnel? 6. How many decks are there on the ship? 7. How many holds are there on the ship? 8. How many ladders are there on the ship? 9. How many anchors and mooring winches are there on the forecastle? 10. How many lifeboats and liferafts are there on the ship? VI. Переведите на английский язык следующие сочетания, используя оборот of: спасательные шлюпки судна; каюты членов экипажа; трап судна; семья моего друга; матросы нашего судна. VII. Опишите ваше судно, используя конструкцию there is, there are и лексику урока. LESSON FIVE – УРОК ПЯТЫЙ ON THE BRIDGE – HA МОСТИКЕ ГРАММАТИКА: I. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (now [nau]-сейчас)
II. ЛИЧНЫЕ МЕСТОИМЕНИЯ. (Косвенный падеж.)