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Be used to doing smth


Dan is a football fan. (to watch on TV) – Dan is used to watching football matches on TV.


1.He usually studies until 1 a.m. (to sit up late) 2. I leave for the institute at 7.30. (to get up early) 3. Most students can’t do without the Internet. (to use) 4. I share a room with my brother. (to live together) 5. The machinery is very noisy. The workers (to speak loudly) 6. He is a hardwoking.man. (to work much)

6.1.11. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя форму Gerund.


1. Мы предлагаем внести изменения в этот проект.2. Пирог был такой вкусный, что невозможно было не съесть еще кусок. 3. Мы не могли не спросить Петра о его новой работе. 4. Я уверен, что у тебя получится найти новую работу. 5. Постарайся отговорить его от поездки в горы в это время года. 6.Что ты думаешь о том, чтобы на этот раз провести отпуск в России? 7. Он уверен в том, что станет актером. 8. Многие не могут обходиться без Интернета.. 9. Тебе придется привыкнуть делать все самому. 10. Те¸ кто хорошо подготовлены, не боятся сдавать экзамен. 11. Бесполезно просить их остаться. Они должны ехать. 12. Одежду надо почистить. 13. Этот проект стоит обсудить. 14. Спасибо за то, что встретили нас в аэропорту. 15. Нам интересно работать с вами. 16. Некоторые дети боятся оставаться одни. 17. Англичане любят работать в саду. 18. Нам приятно с вами сотрудничать. 19. Мы с нетерпением ждем вашего ответа. 20. Я горжусь тем, что работаю в этой компании.


6.1.12. Вставьте недостающие части речи.


Существительное Глагол   Прилагательное   Наречие  
note note notable notably
rise     ----
  ---- particular  



6.1.13. Отработайте произношение данных слов, уточнив их транскрипцию по словарю.


mortgage n reason n plot of land turn into v identify v convenience n detached a effort n item n layout n cause v one the one hand exist v hide (hid, hidden) v completely adv fluid a fence off v personal a anxious a distinguish n fireplace n conciliation n install v state n disorder n pride n indispensable a reflection n attachment n mow n trample v get back v clutter v ипотека, закладная причина участок земли превратить отождествлять, опознавать удобство отдельный усилие предмет, вещь расположение, планировка причинять, вызывать с одной стороны существовать прятать, прятаться совершенно, полностью текучий, жидкий отгораживать личный озабоченный, стремящийся различать, отличать камин примирение устраивать, устанавливать состояние, положение, государство беспорядок гордость совершенно необходимый отражение привязанность, преданность косить (газон) топтать возвращаться приводить в беспорядок


6.1.14..Переведите на русский язык следующие слова и выражения:


Inseparably tied to, completely without, identify their country with, furthermore, being bought on a mortgage, detached house, garden at the back, from the rest of the world, not by chance, cause problems, personal anxious relation, make a special effort, items tucked away into corners, entrance hall, fairly close to reality, full of conveniences, a good reason, give out that much heat, indispensable part, a source of national pride, faithful attachment, wealthy landowners, enjoy the pleasantness.


6.1.15. Прочитайте текст. Дайте ответ на вопрос: “What does the typical English house look like? ”




For the English, the concept of the family is inseparably tied to the concept of the 'house' and 'home'. It is interesting that the English rarely use the word 'motherland'. It does, ofcourse, exist in English, but it is fairly artificial and is mainly used when talking about other nations. They are more likely to use 'house or 'home', a concept which is more important to them than any other. Their patriotism is not noisy, but hidden, completely without pathos. They never identify their country with the government or the state. These concepts are changeable and fluid, and the English like nothing more than stability. Therefore their land and their home are more important than everything else. " Home, sweet home" the English often say and write " There is no place like home" on their towels and vignettes.

Furthermore, their home must be a real home, not a flat. An Englishman's home may be small, or being bought on a mortgage, but it is his. Even if it is not a detached house, it must have its own entrance and, of course, a little garden at the back which is fenced off from the rest of the world. This is the usual town version. Out in the country, the plot of land can be turned into a real garden.

It is not by chance that; a lot of houses in England have names. This causes problems for guests and postal workers, but demonstrates the very personal, anxious relation of the English to their homes. There are all sorts of names, some of them touching, some of them strange, some of them very old. For example, 'Under the Oaks' (although there was not a single oak to be seen for miles around), or 'Willows’ (a name which was obviously chosen a long time ago), or 'Cats house' (with a big cat sitting right in the front window), or 'Smugglers Hideout' (over the door of a cosy little cottage).

The English do not often invite you into their homes, preferring to meet in cafes or.restaurants. But if they do invite you, prepare yourself for the unexpected. Nobody will make a special effort to tidy up before you arrive, there will be no ‘Potemkin villages’ no items tucked away into corners. The house will look just like it does every day. The entrance hall will be cluttered with all sorts of useful bits and pieces, from old newspapers to dirty Wellington boots. There may be dirty cups next to the sofa in the living room, and an old sweater in the corner. The kitchen table may be covered with magazines and boxes from which they pull food. This is, of course, a ‘collective portrait’, but one that is on the whole fairly close to reality.

The English home is not as full of conveniences as an American home, but what distinguishes it from the rest is its cosiness. And here you understand that there is a good reason why the word 'comfort' spread into other languages from English. The layout, which includes any number of items, tables padded stools, sofas and armchairs has been arranged around the fireplace which does not give out that much heat but does create an unforgettable atmosphere of conciliation and calm. The logs cheerfully crackle in the fire and you sit, whisky in hand: what else could you ask for in life? In those houses where it is not possible to have a real fire, they like to install an electric fireplace.

The front garden is an indispensable part of each house and the owner will spend much effort and attention on making it look pretty. Wonderful flowers and bushes, some of them exotic, are carefully planted around the house. Furthermore, if the house itself is usually in a state of disorder, that is unthinkable for the garden.

The English lawn is also a source of national pride and is a reflection of a number of aspects of the English character. First, the faithful attachment to traditions, as in the famous joke when an Englishman is asked:

" How did you manage to achieve such a perfect lawn? "

" Oh, it's very simple, " he replies, " You just have to mow and water it every day for 400 years."

The English lawns demonstrate the freedom-loving tendencies, since you may walk freely over such lawns and the grass does not get trampled down.

There is also an old English tradition of visiting private homes which dates back to the distant past. Wealthy landowners opened their homes to visitors many centuries ago so that the latter could enjoy the pleasantness of their dwelling. Wandering around an English home which has been opened to the public, you are surprised that somebody is still living in it. This is why such houses do not just feel like a museum, they are alive and real.


6.1.16. Прочитайте текст. Укажите, какие предложения соответствуют содержанию текста. Подтвердите свои ответы фактами из текста.


1. Speaking about their country the English often use the word “motherland”.

2. The English identify their country with the Queen, the Parliament and the Government.

3. They like stability most of all.

4. Home is the most important thing for an Englishman.

5. You can see English proverbs about home not only in books and dictionaries.

6. Garden is part of the English home.

7. All English houses bear women’s names.

8. The names of English houses does not necessarily relate to the present reality.

9. The English are fond of inviting friends to their homes.

10. The English keep their homes in perfect order.

11. Their homes are full of modern domestic appliances.

12. They are very much like American homes.

13. An English home looks like an average European home.

14. Many old English stately houses have been turned into museums.

15. The Englishman pays more attention to his garden than to his home.

16. The English use their fireplace only to heat the rooms.

17. The English are attached to their traditions.

18. The word “comfort” came into Russian from English.


6.1.17. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. Why do the English rarely use the word ‘motherland’?

2. Are the English a patriotic nation?

3. Do they identify their government with their country?

4. What can you say about English patriotism?

5. What English proverbs and sayings about home do you remember?

6. Explain the meaning of the proverb “Men make houses, women make homes”.

7. Where do the English often write proverbs about home?

8. Can a flat be a real home for an Englishman?

9. Can you buy a house without having enough money to do it?

10. Why do the English like to give their houses proper names?

11. Do the names help to find a house?

12. Where do the names for English houses come from?

13. Is the name always connected with the individual features of the house?

14. Is it a popular English custom to invite guests home?

15. If being invited what can you expect to see there?

16. Do the English do their home up when they are expecting guests?

17. What does a typical English home look like?

18. Compare an English home to an American or a Russian one.

19. Why are the English so attached to the fireplace?

20. Make a brief ‘sketch’ of an Englishman sitting in front of the fire.

21. There is one special old English tradition. What is it?

22. Why don’t some English houses open to the public look like museums?


6.1.18. Переведите данные словосочетания на английский язык.


Богатые землевладельцы, отдельный дом, купить дом на условиях ипотеки, родина/отечество, участок земли, важнее всего, никто не будет особенно стараться; вещи, рассованные по углам; резиновые сапоги, то да се, коробки из-под продуктов, что еще нужно в жизни!, собирательный образ, восходит к далекому прошлому, с одной стороны, отгорожен от всего остального мира, все возможные названия, выглядеть, отдельный вход, наслаждаться прелестями, источник национальной гордости, незабываемая атмосфера, сад за домом; личное, заботливое отношение, веская причина.


6.1.19. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя данные слова и словосочетания.


1. Этого выражения нет (не существует) в современном русском языке.

2. Понятие «дом» остается неизменным в английской культуре на протяжение веков.

3. В 60х годах прошлого века многие семьи в России получили участок земли.

4. Здесь живут две семьи. У каждой – свой отдельный вход в дом.

5. Эту маленькую комнату можно превратить в зимний сад.

6. Мы выбрали этот дом не случайно – он очень удобно расположен.

7. Что вызвало ваше негативное отношение к этому проекту?

8. Их комната очень удобна, потому что они правильно расставили мебель.

9. Если нет возможности иметь настоящий камин, можно установить электрический - его иногда трудно отличить от настоящего.

10. Нельзя достигнуть цели, не предприняв усилий.

11. В романе отражены все аспекты современной жизни.

12. Каково ваше личное отношение к этой проблеме?

13. Дом был полностью разрушен.

14. Расположение офисов довольно удобное.

15. Многие дома находятся в очень плохом состоянии.

16. Покупка жилья по ипотеке – составная часть жилищной политики в нашей стране.


6.1.20. Сократите текст, опустив несущественные детали.


6.1.21. Составьте план, передайте содержание текста по ключевым словам и объясните Ваше отношение к данной информации.


Concept, motherland, a detached house, garden, personal relation, invite, make special effort, conveniences, fireplace, the English lawn, landlords, pleasantness


6.1.22. Расскажите об отношении людей к своему жилью, приусадебному участку, приёму гостей в нашей стране.


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