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D) Find homonyms in Text of Unit Three

IV. a) Analyse the morphological structure of the word sizable, explain its meaning and give its Russian equivalent

b) Form adjectives from these verbal stems by adding the negative prefix fprrjuks] on-, and the adjective-forming suffix -able. Explain the meaning of the derivatives and translate them (in one word):

eat, read, break, forget, pardon, describe, desire, imagine, believe.

V. Write questions based on the text. Use in your questions the suggested word combinations. Ask your questions in class:

1. to turn smth. into; 2. buildup area; 3. the home of; 4. to stand for; 5. the official home of the Prime Minister; 6. " the square mile"; 7. the central banking institution; 8, to be full of; 9. fine and applied arts; 10. the Science Museum; 11. theatreland; 12. to air one's views; 13. to gather by; 14. to grow up; 15. threat of disaster; 16. to give a panorama; 17. the " rush hours".

VI. Try your hand at teaching. (See " Classroom English", Sections VI, VIII, IX, X.)

A. Preparation. Write 2—3 special questions about each paragraph of the text and footnotes. See to it that new words, phrases and patterns are used either in your questions or in answers to them.

B. Work in class. Put your questions to the class and comment on the answers (express your approval or disapproval; correct the mistakes, if there are any; add some details if necessary, etc.).

VII. Make up a dialogue based on one of the paragraphs of the text or the footnotes. Speak for a Russian and an English student. Try and give an additional piece of information on the topic Use the prompts:

Have you heard (about)...?; Do you happen to know...?; Have you got any idea?; Someone has told me that...; That's what I heard; I'm afraid I don't know much about...; I wonder if you remember...; Have I got it right?; Am I right to believe?; Absolutely; Exactly; That's very surprising!; That's amazing!

VIII. a) Comment on the dialogue below:

A.: How can you be so stupid as to think that London is beautiful!

В.: Stupid! What nonsense! Of course it's beautiful. Look at all the parks and Buckingham Palace and all the churches.

A.: Rubbish! They're filthy and full of junk.

В.: For goodness sake, why don't you open your eyes? Walk around instead of just driving round in a taxi all day! (Hargreaves R. and Fletcher M. Making Polite Noises, Lad., 1982)

b) Make up similar dialogues on the sights of your native town. The following phrases might help you:

I don't agree at all. You must be joking! There's no evidence for that. Oh, that's ridiculous! Nonsense! Rubbish! I don't believe that at all. You don't know what you're talking about. You're completely wrong about that.

IX. Fill in a suitable word or phrase: a) surprise, astonish, strike, puzzle:

1. I won't be... if he gets a " five", he is a very bright boy. 2. We were... by the contrasts between wealth and poverty in Delhi. 3. His question... me. I didn't know how to answer it. 4. I was... to meet him in town, I was sure he had not come back yet. 5. His cruelty... us. We always thought that be was kind and sympathetic.

b) piece, lamp, slice:

1. Pick up the... of the broken cup and throw them out. 2. Give me a... of paper. I'll show you how to make a boat for the child. 3. I'd like to take one more... of cake. May I? 4. I never put more than two... of sugar into my tea. 5. I need a short... of string to tie the parcel with. 6. I'd like to have a... of lemon with my tea.

c) historic or historical:

1. Red Square is a... spot: many... events took place in it. 2. In his... novels Walter Scott gave a wonderful description not only of... events, but of whole... epochs. 3. The ninth of May is one of our most important... dates: we celebrate our... victory in World War II. 4. There are many... monuments in Moscow.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 950. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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