Студопедия — What do you think? 1. Have you had trouble using software or music CDs because of copy protection?
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What do you think? 1. Have you had trouble using software or music CDs because of copy protection?


1. Have you had trouble using software or music CDs because of copy protection?

2. In your opinion, do sites like the iTunes Music Store provide consumers with enough flexibility for copying files and creating playlists?

3. Are DRM technologies justified because of the high rate of piracy?


Final Test. Do the tasks in the following test.


1. The process of transferring a file from a remote computer to your personal computer is called ___.

2. Personal computer systems typically include the following devices EXCEPT ___.

a) a mouse b) a hard disk drive c) a CD-ROM d) a PDA

3. The stored program concept on a computer is the single most important characteristic that distinguishes a computer from other simpler devices such as a calculator. (True/False)

4. Which of the following tasks might you perform with application software?

a) locating data b) starting programs c) both a) and b)

d) creating and editing documents

5. Most computer systems use a(n) ___ as the primary input device.

a) monitor b) keyboard c) mouse d) floppy disk drive

6. Computers can be categorized by type, such as personal computers, handhelds and supercomputers. (True/False)

7. The computer system unit is the case that holds the main circuit boards, microprocessor, power supply and ___ devices.

8. A floppy disk drive is not considered a storage device. (True/False)

9. The __ is often referred to as the “brain” of the computer.

a) keyboard b) monitor c) central processing unit d) software

10. ___ refers to the symbols that represent facts, objects and ideas.


Projects. Choose and perform one of the projects given.

1. Although the Internet provides a global communications network, communication between people still depends on finding a common language. For this project, explore the Web and experiment with ways in which technology is being used to close the language gap. You might start at Google or Wikipedia and look at the selection of languages they offer. Chronicle your exploration, making sure to document the sites you visited. Present your conclusions about Internet use by non-English speakers in writing.


2. Whether you’re taking this course to fulfill a graduation requirement or to improve your career options take a few minutes to evaluate what you expect to gain from this course. Look though the units of this textbook and select the section that you think will be the most useful, interesting and the section that seams to be the least relevant to you. Incorporate your thoughts in two or three paragraphs.


Text A

Pre-reading. Match the meaning of the following English words with their Russian equivalents.

1. digital device a) полупроводниковый материал
2. analog device b) заголовок файла
3. binary digit c) интегральная схема
4. numeric data d) цифровое устройство
5. character data e) представление данных
6. extended f) определять количество
7. digitize g) расширенный
8. file header h) символ, знак
9. quantify i) переводить в цифровую форму, оцифровывать
10. integrated circuit j) цифровые данные; числовые данные
11. semiconducting material k) двоичная цифра
12. data representation l) аналоговое (моделирующее) устройство

Reading. Read the text and try to guess the meaning of the words in bold face. Check your variants in the dictionary.

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