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Make a sentence with each word and word combination. 2. Read the text “Special Education” and translate it into Russian


2. Read the text “Special Education” and translate it into Russian. Use dictionary if necessary.

In every school system there are pupils who deviate markedly from so called ‘normal children’. Today all ‘special’ children are called the children with special educational needs. That term includes the various types of physically handicapped children such as: the crippled, the blind and the partially sighted, the deaf and the hard of hearing, the deafened, the speech defectives, the children with special health problems, the emotionally disturbed and the intellectually disabled. There are two more groups in the American classification – the mentally gifted and the children presenting serious behavior problems.

The education of the children with special educational needs in Russia is a part of the State Educational System. A few months after the Revolution of 1917 the State took upon itself the care of the children with special educational needs, which in pre- revolutionary Russia had been chiefly the domain of private or philanthropic establishments. With universal compulsory education, special education became a necessity. Since then retarded children have been cared for and educated in the so-called auxiliary schools, while blind, deaf and physically handicapped children have attended corresponding special schools; children with nervous and mental disorders have been cared for in sanatoria-schools, convalescent schools and other special establishments of the Ministry of Health. This network of special establishments has been under constant improvement.

Special education presents a wide variety of medical, vocational and administrative problems for education. It is applied to each type of exceptional children who are handicapped physically, mentally or socially because such children cannot follow the regular school program but they can profit by a restricted or adjusted one. It implies the development of a healthy well adjusted personality who can adapt to a society successfully.

The training of specialists for special education began in 1920 in Russia, when the faculty of Defectology was founded in Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Later on such faculties were founded in many other cities throughout the country. Nowadays the training of defectologists is carried out in four specialties: oligofrenopedagogics, surdopedagogics, speech therapy and special psychology.

The primary function of special education is to provide treatment, training and instruction for handicapped children.

The children with special educational needs must be placed in special schools and classes, where they can get additional services and special instruction. In such schools children are taught, special habits and abilities are given according to the normal training course but the applied methods are specialized.

Special education is planned to make use of highly specialized methods in order to provide all children with special educational needs with the specific type of educational service they need. These special services may include a radical modification of the curriculum, special methods of instruction as well as special equipment.

Each kind of children with special educational needs presents learning difficulties, their sensory and motor impairments require careful study in order to adjust instruction successfully as they cannot adapt to the ordinary school program.

The best system of training is one in which the child follows the normal training course designed for ordinary school work, but in addition devotes some time to special work designed to eliminate the respective defects. In practice special education has been carried out in residential schools and institutions, segregating children from society, community and family. Many have been deemed inadequate. The benefit of special education for children with disabilities is still a matter for debate in international circles.


III. 1. Answer the questions:

1) What is special education?

2) What are the aims of special education?

3) Where is special education held?

4) When did special education begin in Russia?


2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

1) The system of special education is independent from the state.

2) SE deals with average children.

3) The children with SEN may attend ordinary schools.

4) Nowadays SE is a part of state educational system.

5) The system of SE doesn’t exist in other countries.

6) The faculty of defectology is the only place where the training of the specialists for the work with subnormal children is carried out.

7) The main target of defectology is to make children get ready to go to school.

8) All the children with SEN are educated to the same program.

9) There are no investigations of the conditions which may influence the development of a healthy well adjusted personality.

10) The children with SEN must work only on the elimination of their handicaps.

11) The crippled are not treated as the children with SEN.


3. Give synonyms from the text to the following words:




-to profit;

-to use;

-to get rid of smth.;

-an aim;

-to adapt;




4. Which word in the list is odd?

1) learning difficulties, special education, special habits and abilities, normal training course;

2) the blind and the partially sighted, the deaf and the hard of hearing, the deafened, the speech defectives, the mentally gifted;

3) pupils, the children with special educational needs, ordinary school work, universal compulsory education, a healthy well adjusted personality;

4) handicapped children, children with special educational needs, the children presenting serious behavior problems, a healthy well adjusted personality.


5. Make up the plan of the text. Here are the topics\ paragraphs in the wrong order. Make it correct:

-the history of special education;

-the aims of special education;

-the classification of the children with special educational needs;

-special school work;

-Moscow State Pedagogical Institute;

-the applied methods.


6. Fill the blanks with the words from the text:

1. Speech therapists … … of special methods.

2. Children … may attend regular schools.

3. Special … … is available in special… ….

4. The main target of … … is to bring up a healthy … … ….

5. In pre-revolutionary Russia … didn’t exist.

6. Children with … … are … for in sanatoria- schools.

7. … deals with the children with mental disorders.

8. … deals with the … and … of hearing children.

9. The best school system is planned to … … of highly … ….

10. Handicapped children … to the normal … …, but in addition … some time to eliminate the respective ….


7. Continue the sentences:

1) In every school system there are pupils…

2) Today all ‘special’ children are…

3) That term includes…

4) The education of the children with special educational needs in Russia is…

5) Special education presents…

6) The primary function of special education is…

7) The children with special educational needs…

8) Special education is planned…

9) The benefit of special education for children with disabilities…


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1707. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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