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EXERCISES. Use the following words to make full sentences about the future

Use the following words to make full sentences about the future. Use going to.

I. I/ work / on the production report.

2. He / play / tennis on Saturday.

3. What / you / do / tomorrow evening?

4. What / he / say / to the customers about the delay?

5. When / you / read / the report?

6. What kind / computer / they / buy?

Choose the following verbs to complete the sentences. Put the verbs into the correct form. Use GOING TO.

resign, clean, tell, lie, have.

1. I've got a headache. I ___ down.

2. He's hungry. He ___ a sandwich.

3. My car's dirty. I ___it.

4. She doesn’t like her job. She ___.

5. He doesn't know about the new project. I ___ him.

Match the sentences on the left with the ones on the right

1. I don’t feel well. a. I think it's going to rain.

2. They've already scored 3 goals. b. I'm going to see a doctor.

3. Sheila's working very hard. c. I think he's going to bring the meeting to the end.

4. The sky's very dark. d. I think they're going to win.

5. John's looking at the watch. e. I think she's going to finish the report on time.



Work in pairs. Use the words below to make questions with GOING TO. Answer your partner's questions.

Example: what / marketing department / next year?

What is the marketing department going to do next year? - It's going to

change the design of the shampoo bottles and improve the packaging.

1. who / design / bottles?

2. why / marketing department / change / design?

3. what / Mr Marcus / bring / next meeting?

4. what / marketing department / cut / next year?

5. what / Nina / do / before / next meeting?

Work in pairs. Answer the questions below.

What is the Government going to do next year?

What is your company going to do in the next few years?

What is your department going to do in the next few weeks?

Now think of three more questions with GOING TO to ask your partner.

Work in pairs. Look at the WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? Worksheet.

What are you going to do? Worksheet.

Some companies have a suggestion box. Here are some of the suggestions people made in one company last year.

Set up a creche for working mothers.

Provide fully-subsidized meals for all staff.

Have a staff party every summer for employees and families.

Build a gym and sauna for the use of all staff.

Ban all smoking in the building.

Provide free English lessons for all staff in company time.

With your partner, list at least seven of your own ideas for improvements to your own company.

You can make only FOUR of the improvements next year. Decide which ones. Tell the rest of the class what improvements you are going to make and why.

Make complete sentences.

1. we / open / new factory / Turkey.

2. they / advertise / new workers.

3. she / not / change /job.

4. he / buy / new computer?

5. when / you / discuss / report?

6. how many / people / move / new offices? 7. I / write / report / tomorrow evening.

8. you / meet / new staff / next week?

9. what / new government / do / about taxes?


What are you going to do in the next few months? Write five sentences about yon and your family. Use GOING TO.

Work in pairs. Look at the situations below. What can you say in each situation.

1. You are flying an airplane. Both engines are in fire.

2. You are watching an athlete running a marathon. He is at least five minutes ahead of all the other competitors and very close to the finishing line.

3. You see a large stack of books on someone's desk. They are starting to wobble.

4. You are sitting in a very long traffic jam. You are supposed to be at a meeting in ten minutes.



Look at the predictions below. What evidence do you think the speakers have for saying these things?

I think she's going to get better soon. We're going to be rich. I think my computer's going to crash. Watch out! It's going to explode!

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 760. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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