Студопедия — Put the verbs in to the past continuous or past simple
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Put the verbs in to the past continuous or past simple

1. When we … (go) out, it … (rain).

2. I was not hungry last night. I … (not/eat) anything.

3. … (you/watch) television when I … (phone) you?

4. Jane was not at home when I went to see her. She … (work).

5. I … (get up) early this morning. I … (wash), … (dress) and then I … (have) breakfast..

6. The postman … (come) while I … (have) breakfast.

7. We … (meet) Joan at the party. She … (wear) a red dress.

8. The boys … (break) a window when they … (play) football.

9. I was late but my friends … (wait) for me when I … (arrive).

10. I … (get) up at 7. The sun … (shine), so I … (go) for a walk.

11. He … (not/drive) fast when the accident … (happen).

12. Margaret… (not/go) to work yesterday. She was ill.

13. What … (you/do) on Saturday evening? – I went to the cinema.

14. What … (you/do) at 9.30 on Saturday evening? – I … (watch) a film in the cinema.

15. Jane … (wait) for me when I … (arrive).

16. What … (you/do) this time yesterday? – I was asleep.

17. … (you/go) out last night? – No, I was too tired.

18. Was Carol at the party last night? – Yes, she … (wear) a really nice dress.

19. John … (take) a photo of me while I … (not/look).

20. WE were in a very difficult position. We … (not/know) what to do.

21. I have not seen Alan for ages. When I last … (see) him, he … (try) to find a job in London.

22. I … (walk) along the street when suddenly I … (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody … (follow) me. I was frightened and I … (start) to run.

23. When I was young, I … (want) to be a bus driver.

24. I (mend) my sails one day when a man I had worked with before (walk) up and (ask) me if I’d like to have a drink.

25. I (think) he probably had more than just a friendly drink in mind, so I (stop) what I (do), (wipe) off my hands, and (follow) him to the local drink shop.

26. It (be) there that I (find) out that he (recruit) people to work on Necho’s project.

27. Nowadays, everybody knows about our journey, but then, it (sound) a bit strange.

28. A first I thought the man (try) to play a trick on me.

29. But the more he (talk), the better it (sound) – a real adventure.

30. I (get) tired of the same old sea routes year after year.

31. Besides, I (think) it would be a great trading opportunity; the route to Carthage, across Greek waters, (get) more and more dangerous.

32. One evening while I (sit) under a tree with the wind in my face and a big mango to eat, I almost (decide) to stay there for the rest of my life.

33. We (see) thousands of birds there, but these (be) alive: they (fly) over, on their way south for the winter.

34. In December, when I (get) home, I (make) sure that no one told my family before I (arrive).

35. When I (walk) through the door, my wife (put) supper on the table, and my children – whom I (hardly recognize) – (play) by the fireplace.

36. I (have) an uncomfortable feeling that he (laugh) at me.

37. They (move) into the shelter. The rain (come) down.

38. The general (wait) on the platform when I (arrive) at Camberley.

39. I only (want) to know if you (come) on Saturday.

40. I (know) that they (go) out last night.

41. Then he (notice) Jack. He (stand) in front of the fire and (talk) Italian to a man in glasses.

42. When I (come) up to her she (search) through a velvet bag which she always (carry) for her spectacles which she always (lose).

43. As they (drink) coffee, Ted (say): ‘Now tell me about yourself’.

44. He (come) forward as we (climb) out of the car and (hold) his hand to my father.

45. While she (wait) for the kettle to boil she (sit) by the table.

46. He (not/say) a word while we (eat).

47. She (tear) her dress while she (change).

48. While we (talk) Beryl (come) out of the house.



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