Студопедия — Applying for a job
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Applying for a job


Getting a job begins with locating and applying for jobs that will advance your career plans. It also involves convincing employers that you are the best applicant for their job openings. The way you apply for a job and present your qualifications can greatly influence an employer’s impression of you. Therefore, you should know how to contact employers, how to complete application forms, and how to make a good impression in job interviews.

It is also important to know how to write a good resume, or summary of your background and qualifications. All these skills can improve your chances for employment. However, do not be discouraged if you are not offered the first job you apply for. Most employers consider several applicants for each job opening, and many people make a number of applications before hired.

One of the most common ways to learn about job opportunities is by word-of-mouth. Many jobs are filled by people who have heard of the job openings from friends, relatives, teachers, and acquaintances. You should therefore tell the people you know and meet that you are looking for certain kinds of work.

Another common way to locate job opportunities is through the classified section of newspapers. Many professional and union newsletters, magazines, and other trade publications also carry advertisements for job openings. From such advertisement you can learn, what profession, skills, experience are necessary for this job. Sometimes they also mention approximate salary and other benefits.

Information about job openings is also available from employment agencies. Public employment agencies are run by the government and do not charge for their services. Private agencies charge the job-seeker or the employer a fee if a person is hired as a result of their efforts. Many high schools, colleges, and other schools have placement offices, which are set up to help students and graduates find jobs. Telephone directories list the names and addresses of employers in various fields. Jobseekers must contact the employers to learn about possible job openings. Your first contact with an employer will be either to apply for a known job opening or to find out if any jobs are available. Your contacts with employers should be effective and orderly. The most common ways of contacting employers are by mail, by telephone, and by personal visit to an employer’s office.

Most applicants for white-collar jobs get in touch with employers by mail. A letter to an employer should be type-written or neatly hand-written in ink. In the letter, introduce yourself. And explain why you are writing. Briefly indicate any experience and skills you have that relate to the kind of job you are seeking. Finally, ask for an interview. Be sure to include your address and telephone number so that the employer can reach you. If you contact an employer by telephone, try to provide the same information that you would cover in a letter.



You know that there are special newspapers dealing with recruitment. These are some job ads from such a newspaper. Look them through and choose an advert which attracts your attention at once.



DX Communications in Scotland’s leading telecommunications company trading throughout the UK with subsidiaries in Ireland and Holland. Specializing in the sale of mobile phones and related telecommunications equipment, we are currently listed as one of the three fastest growing private companies in the UK. In line with this rapid growth, we are now looking to recruit the following key people.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1737. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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