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EXERCISES. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form:


The factory opens at 8 a.m. every day. (open)

How much does the product cost? (cost)

The company does not export its products to Japan. (not / export)

1. We ___ prices in January every year. (increase)

2. Mr. Stevenson ___ abroad very often. (travel)

3. The company ___ furniture. (produce)

4. Who __ you ___ for? (work)

5. Some small businesses ___ to expand too quickly. (try)

6. He always ___ to work by train. (go)

7. How often ___ you ___ reports? (write)

8. What time ___ the train ___? (leave)

9. Jane and David ___ at weekends. (not / work)

10. He ___ English. (not/speak)

Use these sentences to make questions. Begin the questions with the word in brackets.


The machine breaks down. (How often?) How often does the machine break down?

1. You begin work in the morning. (What time?)

2. The Managing Director makes presentations. (How often?)

3. John works. (Where?)

4. You leave the office. (When?)

5. He reads a newspaper. (Which?)

6. They travel abroad. (How often?)

7. He checks me sales figures. (When?)

8. You have lunch with your clients. (Where?)

9. The film starts. (What time?)

10. You listen to music. (What kind?)

You are telling a colleague about the programme for next week's conference. Put the verbs into correct form in the passage below. (Use the Present Simple for future schedules).

The conference (1) ___ (begin) at nine. It (2) ___ (start) with an introductory session and (3) ___ (continue) with a talk about sales performance. After that, we (4) ___ (divide) into small groups and (5) ___ (discuss) various points. The discussion (6) ____ (continue) after lunch. After that, there is a plenary session which the Sales Director (7) ___ (lead). The first day (8) ___ (finish) at around six.



Look at the quiz below. Work in pairs or groups and answer the questions.

1. I answer the phone and type letters. What is my job?

2. Which is correct? The sun goes round the earth or the earth goes round the sun?

3. Maria comes from South America but she doesn’t speak Spanish. What nationality is she?

4. You work for a multinational company. This company produces chocolate, coffee, baby milk and many other things. Who do you work for?

5. This machine does the washing up. What is its name?

6. Some of the men in this country wear skirts, called kilts. Where do they live?

7. It flies from Paris to New York in 3.5 hours. What is it?

8. This city has two parts, with the river in the middle. The names of the two parts make the name of the city. Its name begins with B.

9. Some people use them for writing documents, but most people don't use them any more - they prefer to use computers. What are these objects?

10. How long does it take Eurostar (the Channel Tunnel train) to travel from London to Paris?

11. It rings or buzzes when it's time to wake up. What is the name of this object?

12. We manufacture and sell luxury cars. We also make plane engines. Who are we?

Be careful! Some verbs are not regular. Look at the quiz again. Fill each gap in the sentences below. Use the correct form of the verb.

1. (buzz) It rings or ___ when it's time to wake up.

2. (fly) It ___ from Paris to New York in 3.5 hours.

3. (go) The earth ___ round the sun.

4. (do) This machine ___ the washing up.

5. (have) This city ___ two parts.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1813. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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