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In earlier chapters, we described what it is like to work in the United States and how to find a job in the United States. We also gave you a lot of information about your special needs as a non-native speaker of English, immigrant, or foreigner. Now you will be very busy looking for and keeping a job. This last chapter reviews some of the most important parts of this book. Read this chapter often so you will remember how to find and keep your job in the United States.

* Remember that only 13.5% of people find their jobs through want
ads. Be sure you include at least two other important methods: (1)
using your network of friends and family members and (2) contacting
employers directly.

* Many employers will want to see your official papers. Have them

* Job applications give two kinds of information about you: (I) the
information related to the questions and (2) how well you can follow
directions and be neat and careful. The second kind of information
may actually be more important.

* Before you go to a job interview write down several statements
about yourself. Have an English-speaking person correct them, and
practice repeating them. Try to say them clearly. Try to memorize

* Make sure your resume is complete, clear, and perfect.

* In some ways, Americans are more formal than you think. If an
employer offers you a job, ask the employer for a written contract
or a written letter that offers you the job. Many people turn down
a job with one company because another company offers them a job
orally, with a handshake. Later, they learn that the latter company
really has no job for them.

* Be very careful how you dress. Look at how other people with
your kind of job dress. Do not dress " better" than your boss!


Unfortunately, not many employers like clothing that is " different. If your culture or religion requires you to wear special clothing of to cover your head, do your best to dress like an American, without breaking your customs. Sometimes, the choice will be difficult. Perhaps, after working for a while, you can discuss this problem privately with your boss.

* Pay attention to your grooming. Americans think it is very important
for people to take a shower and use underarm deodorant and
mouth-wash every day,

* Americans prefer leaders who are democratic rather than
authoritative. If your job requires you to be a leader or supervisor
of other employees, students, colleagues, clients, patients, etc., do
not talk to them in a demanding way.

* Be careful about giving gifts to your employers. People think that
you are trying to get special treatment. Ask co-workers about
gift-giving customs..

* Always continue to improve your English. Take an English class
at night or get a private teacher. Study independently, too.

* If your supervisor corrects or reprimands you, do not quit or get
angry. Try to learn the cause and make corrections. *

* Be on time-always.

* Pay attention to how close you stand to other people.
Anglo-Americans do not stand as close to others as, for example
Latin Americans do. To learn, watch others.

* Learn to socialize and mix with Americans. It is not a good idea
for you to talk or eat only with people who speak your native
language. Try to be friendly with everybody, even if they are not
too friendly to you.

* Pay attention to how people use names and titles with each other.
If your colleagues call the boss by his or her first name, you should

* Pay attention to how others eat at work. If others eat in a
restaurant, you should eat with them sometimes. If your cultural
background requires you to follow a special diet, follow the advice
we gave for dress: Be flexible, but don't force it. Try not to eat
foods with strong odors. If your special food looks very different
from American food, make sure it will not be offensive to others.

* Ask questions if you are confused or unsure about how to do
something. Do not pretend or hide. It is better to ask a question
than to make a big mistake.

* Take breaks as others do. If you work in a factory, do not begin
before your co-workers begin and do not try to work faster than

others work.

* Do not talk negatively about others. Do not repeat stories about other people's personal lives.

Final suggestion: Always remember that getting and keeping a job in the United States can be difficult for anyone. It may be more difficult for you. Learn from your mistakes and never give up. You, too, can be successful in the United States. Others agree: " The non-native speaker working in an English-speaking culture communicates effectively by adapting to local conventions regarding time, space, and grooming. Even conversational skills and good working relationships can be established in the absence of perfect English" (Barnes, 1982: 17).




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