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the morning/afternoon/evening

January, etc.

summer, etc.

the 1920s

two weeks/two week’s time/your free time


at six o’clock, etc., midnight

Christmas/ Easter

the weekend

the moment


on Saturday, etc.

Monday morning, etc. 18 January, etc.


for six minutes, etc.

a long time



since 18 July, etc.

my last birthday

I arrived


the film/lesson/war/holidays/


while (is always used with a subject and a verb)

While I was on holiday, …

While it was raining,


Study the sentences with prepositions given in bald type:


This is a photo of my family.

It’s food practice for you.

I’m at home. My mother and father are at work.

I’m at La Guardia Community College.

I’m in New York. I’m in a class with eight other students.

I live in an apartment with two American girls.

Central Park is lovely in the snow.

She lives in Switzerland.

She goes skiing in her free time.

In the evening we have supper.

A nurse looks after people in hospital.

She likes going for walks in summer.

Get on the bus.

He lives on an island in the west of Scotland.

He collects the post from the boat.

He delivers the beer to the pub.

He drives the children to school.

At ten we go to bed.

He likes listening to music.

He speaks to people on his radio.

She’s married to an American.

There’s a letter for you.

He makes breakfast for the guests.

He writes for a newspaper.

He works as an undertaker.

Tourists come by boat.

It’s about 6.30.

She gets up early on weekdays.

He plays football on Friday mornings.

They never go out on Friday evenings.

Where do you go on holiday?

He lives on the next block.

He hates watching football on television.

Do you relax at weekends?

She gets up at six o’clock.

She gets up early in the morning.

We go out in the evening.

He takes photos in (the) spring.

It’s the best home in the world.

The front door is at the top of the steps.

There are magazines under the table.

There is a photo on the television.

There are two pictures on the wall.

The cinema is on the left, opposite the flower shop.

The bank is next to the supermarket.

The bus stop is near the park.

There is a post box in front of the chemist’s.

They were in England 1998.

I was at a party.

Yesterday there was a party at my house.

Can I speak to you?

She sells pictures for $10, 000

She paints for two hours until bedtime.

She thinks about her past life.

She died in a car crash.

He was tired of politics.

People were afraid of her.

Politics was the love of her life.

Who is the card from?

She worked from 6.00 until 10.00.

What’s on television this evening?

I’m on a mobile phone.

We spoke for an hour on the phone.

Some people try to find love on the internet.

We didn’t laugh at his joke.

There was a knock at the door.

Today’s the third of April.

I’ve got a book by John Grisham.

Help me with my homework.

The country is quieter than the city.

The house is 50metres from the sea.

Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

He spends his time on the banks of the river.

She came out of the garage.

He drove along the road.

They ran over the bridge.

I walked past the pub.

He walked up the hill.

He ran down the hill.

The boat went across the river.

The cat ran through the hedge.

He jumped into the lake.

I read in bed.

We’ve got this jumper in red.

He’s talking to Mandy.

There’s a girl with fair hair.

I’m looking for a jumper.

I always pay by credit card.

I’m going to Florida in a year’s time.

He’s interested in flying.

She‘s good at singing.

She was afraid of cars.

What’s the weather like?

What’s on TV tonight?

There’s a film on Channel 4.

What’s on at the cinema?

What’s the story about?

What happens at the end of the story?

The train leaves from platform 9.

She works for a big company.

Hamlet is a play by Shakespeare.

Brad and Marilyn are on honeymoon

Wait for me!

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 698. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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