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Степени сравнения наречий

1) односложные наречия и early: + er, est fast – faster – fastest; soon –sooner-soonest; early-earlier-earliest; hard-harder-hardest
2) наречия на – ly с помощью слов more и most также beautifully – more beautifully – most beautifully; slowly-more beautifully – most beautifully; slowly – more slowly – most slowly; often – more often – most often
3) наречия well, bad, much, little, far well –better-best badly-worse-worst much-more-most little-less-least, far-farther/further-farthest/furthest
Adjective or Adverb? a) Link verbs (be, get, become, feel, seem, grow, sound, taste, swell, look (=seem) + adjectives: she looked sad/nice/happy. I feel well/bad/fine The cake is delicious and smells good. b) Action verbs + adverbs: she looked at me sadly/happily/ I swim well / badly

Ex. 1. Use the correct form of the adverbs in brackets.


1. It’s becoming (hard) and (hard) to find a job. 2. Your work isn’t very good. I’m sure you can do (well) than this. 3. You are standing too near the camera. Can you move a bit (far) away? 4. Martin drove (slowly) than usual. 5. We have to walk (fast) than this if we want to catch the train. 6. This world is (widely) used in spoken English than in written. 7. Let me ask him. I know him (well) than you do. 8. Jim did (badly) in his examination than he had hoped. 9. Could you speak a bit (distinctly), please? 10. I don’t play tennis much now. I used to play (often). 11. The Earth goes round the sun (quickly) than the Jupiter. 12. She always arrives at work much (early) than anyone else. 13. Of all animals in the world, which one lives (long)? 14. If he had driven (carefully), he wouldn’t have got into an accident. 15. John is studding a lot (hard) than usual now that his exams are getting closer.


Ex. 2. Chose the right variant.


1. I opened the door slow/slowly.

2. Why are you angry/angrily? I haven’t done anything.

3. Bill is a careful/carefully driver. He drives careful/carefully.

4. Can you please repeat that slow/slowly?

5. Come on, George! Why are you always so slow/slowly?

6. The party was very good/well. I enjoyed it very much.

7. Tom didn’t do very good/well in his examination.

8. Jane is studding hard/hardly for her examination.

9. “Where is Diana? ” She was here, but she left sudden/suddenly.

10. I met them a long time ago, so I do not remember them very good/well.

11. My brother is not very good/well at the moment.

12. Don’t eat your dinner so quick/quickly. It is not good for you.

13. Those oranges look nice/nicely. Can I have one?

14. I don’t want to work for that company. They pay their workers bad/badly.

15. Please, be quiet/quietly. I’m reading.


Ex. 3. Chose the right form of the adjective of the adverb.


1. I am happy/happily to meet you.

2. They have lived all their life happy/happily.

3. Don’t speak to me cold/coldly.

4. Your hands are cold/coldly, put on your gloves.

5. The results of our work were perfect/perfectly.

6. We have done everything perfect/perfectly.

7. I am quite helpless/helplessly in solving such problems.

8. She looked at them helpless/helplessly not knowing what to do.

9. Can you tell me the exactly time of his arrival.

10. Sorry but I don’t know exact/exactly when he comes back.

11. He often comes home late/lately.

12. I haven’t seen him late/lately.


Ex. 4. Rewrite the sentences, puffing the adverbs in brackets into their proper places.

1. I get many letters from my friends (often).

2. We shall go (tomorrow, there).

3. Have you been to the Caucasus (ever)?

4. I have been there (never).

5. They have returned from Kiev (just).

6. I haven’t seen this comedy (yet).

7. He gets up early (usually).

8. My mother cooks supper for our family (always).

9. I haven’t money to buy this TV-set (enough).

10. She knows Spanish well to work as an interpreter (enough).

11. She wears the latest fashion (always).

12. Your can has been stolen (probably).

13. I cleaned the house and cooked the dinner (also).

14. Jack can’t cook. He can’t boil an egg (even).

15. I can remember her name (never).


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1149. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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