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Cardinal and Ordinal Numerals



1 — one the first

2 — two the second

3— three the third

4 — four the fourth

5 — five the fifth

6 — six the sixth

7— seven the seventh

8 — eight the eighth

9 — nine the ninth

10 — ten the tenth

11 — eleven the eleventh

12 — twelve the twelfth

13 — thirteen the thirteenth

14 — fourteen the fourteenth

15 fifteen the fifteenth

16 sixteen the sixteenth

17 seventeen the seventeenth

18 — eighteen the eighteenth

19 — nineteen the nineteenth

20 — twenty the twentieth

30 — thirty the thirtieth

40 — forty the fortieth

50 — fifty the fiftieth

60 sixty the sixtieth

70 — seventy the seventieth

80 — eighty the eightieth

90 — ninety the ninetieth

100 — a/one hundred the (one) hundredth

200 — two hundred the two hundredth

1, 000 — a/one thousand the (one) thousandth

1, 345 — a/one thousand three the (one) thousand three hundred

hundred and forty-five and forty-fifth

• In cardinal numerals which consist of tens (десятки) and units (единицы) the two words are hyphenated (пишутся через дефис).

56 — fifty-six, 91ninety-one

• When cardinal numerals ending in one (like thirty-one, fifty-one) areused before a noun, they require the plural form of the noun.

thirty-one students, forty-one years

(Compare with Russian тридцать один студент, сорок один год, where the noun is used in the singular.)

• The numerals hundred, thousand and million used in the singular are always preceded by the Indefinite article a or the numeral one.

a hundred, one hundred and fifty-two

When the numerals hundred, thousand or million are preceded a number other than one, they do not take the ending -s.

400 children (four hundred)

5, 900 people (five thousand nine hundred)

8, 600, 000 dollars (eight million six hundred thousand)

• The cardinal numerals dozen, ten, hundred, thousand, million takethe plural ending -s before of+ a plural noun if the above numerals arenot preceded by another numeral or a pronoun.

millions of stars, dozens of eggs, thousands of books, hundreds of thousands of people, etc.

but: many thousand people, two hundred chairs, three dozen eggs

• Cardinal numerals are used to indicate the number with nouns like page, sentence, Ex., room, chapter, volume, paragraph, apartment, tram, etc. In such cases the numeral is placed after the noun and the noun is used without an article.

Read lesson 8 on page 93.

However, ordinal numerals can sometimes be used here as well.

Paragraph 3, or the third paragraph

World War II, or the Second World War

In similar cases in Russian ordinal numerals are preferable.

Читайте урок восьмой на девяносто третьей странице.

As regards the names of kings and queens, only ordinal numerals are here.

Henry VIII – Henry the Eighth

Elizabeth II – Elizabeth the Second

Peter I – Peter the First

Dates are written and read in the following way:

1st September, 1986 - The first of September nineteen (hundred and) eighty-six

May 5, 2006 = May the fifth, twenty hundred and six or / thousand six or two thousand six

In British English dates are written numerically with the day first and American English the month comes first.

10/4/2005 - 10th April, 2005 (British)

4/10/2005 - 10th April, 2005 (American)

Cardinal numerals are also used to denote decades. In these cases the numeral takes the definite article and the ending -s.

the 50s, the 70s, the 1980s = the fifties, the seventies, the nineteen eighties

However, an apostrophe (') after the numeral may also occur here.

In the early 60's of the last century platform shoes were all vogue.

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