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Ex. 5. Reproduce the dialogues. Make dialogues using the prompts

1. — I'd like some stamps please.

— How many stamps would you like?

— Three please.

2. — May I have three stamps please?

— Of course. Anything else?

— No, thank you.

Prompts: four records, five tickets, six seats, half a dozen eggs, eight ice-creams, eleven bars of bottles of milk, two cups of coffee.

Ex. 6. Ask your neighbour the time.

Model: — What's the time please?

— It's five o'clock.

It's a quarter past (to) two.

It's half past four.

It's twenty eight minutes past (to) nine.

Prompts: 3.00; 6.15; 5.30; 8.00; 10.03; 7.35; 8.20; 4.45; 9.50; 7.20; 8.37;


Ex. 7. Read the table and answer the questions.


1900 nineteen hundred

1901 nineteen one (nineteen oh one, nineteen hundred and one)

1905 nineteen live

1910 nineteen ten

1917 nineteen seventeen

1941 nineteen forty-one

2000 two thousand


1. When were you born? 2. When did you go to school? 3. When did you finish school? 4. When did you enter the University? 5. When did you take part in the election for the first time? 6. When did the II World War begin? 7. When was Vitebsk found? 8. When will the next winter (summer) Olympic Games be held?


Ex. 8. Consult the table. Convert the following British measures of length and weight to the metric system.




British and American Metric
1 inch 6 inches 1 foot = 12 inches 2 feet = 24 inches 1 yard = 3 feet =36 inches 1 yard 3 inches = 2.5 centimetres = 15 centimetres = 30 centimetres = 60 centimetres = 91 centimetres = 1 metre  



British and American Metric
1 ounce (oz) 4 ounces (ozs) = ¼ of a pound (lb) 8 ounces = ½ pound 1 pound =16 ounces 1 pound 2 ounces 2pounds 4 ounces 14 pounds = 1 stone = 25 grams (gms) = 100/112 grams = 225 grams = 450 grams = 500 grams = ½ kilogram = 1 kilogram (1 kilo) = 6 ¼ kilograms

Model: 2 inches are equal to 5 centimeters; 1 pound is equal to 450 grams

Prompts: 4 inches (10 centimeters), 3 feet 3 inches (1 meter), 4 feet (1 meter 22 centimeters). 4 feet 6 indies (1 meter 37 centimeters), 5 feet (l meter 53 centimeters), 5 feet 6 inches (1 meter 68 centimeters), 6 feet (1 meter 83 centimeters), 3 pounds (1 kilo 350 grams), 16 ounces (450 grams), 2 stones (12 kilo 250 grams).


Ex. 9. Convert the following British measures of distance to the metric system.

Model: 1 mile =1.6 kilometers (One mile is equal to one point six kilometers or one kilometer six hundred meters).


Prompts Miles 10 20 30 40 50 60 10 80 90 100
Kilometers 16 32 48 64 80 97 113 128 145 160


Ex. 10. Convert Fahrenheit to Centigrade (Fahrenheit is converted to Centigrade by subtracting 32 and multiplying by 5/9, Centigrade to Fahrenheit by multiplying by 9/5 and adding 32).


Model: 212°F = 100 С (Two hundred and twelve degrees F are equal to one hundred degrees Centigrade).

Prompts: 104°F = 40°C; 98.4°F = 36.9°C;

86°F = 30°C; 68°F =20°C;

50°F = 10°C; 32°F = 0°C;

23°F = -5°C; 0°F = -18°C.

Ex.11. Read the table of British and American money and memorize it.



Pounds (£); Pence (p); £ 1 = 100 p Dollars ($); Cents (¢); $1 = 100


½ p a half penny 1 ¢ a cent, one cent, a penny

1 p a penny (one p) 5 ¢ five cents, a nickel

2 p two pence (two p) 10 ¢ ten cents, a dime

5 p five pence (five p) 25 ¢ twenty-five cents, a quarter

50 p fifty pence (fifty p) 50 ¢ fifty cents, half a dollar (a half dollar)


£ 1 a pound, one pound $1 a dollar, one dollar

£ 5 five pounds $5 five dollars

£ 10 ten pounds $10 ten dollars

£ 20 twenty pounds $20 twenty dollars

£ 2.72 two pounds seventy-two $2.72 two dollars seventy-two cents


Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 754. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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