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Ex. 4. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian. 1. For many centuries before the invention of the steam engine, transportation by water was much easier and cheaper than that by land

1. For many centuries before the invention of the steam engine, transportation by water was much easier and cheaper than that by land.

2. Two or more locomotives can be coupled together and operated by a single locomotive crew.

3. Several American railroads operate trains called RoadRailers, vehicles that have both rail and highway wheels. On the railroad, they run pulled by locomotives, then are separated and moved by highway tractors (тягач) to their final destinations.

4. Automatic block and other kinds of modern signaling are being widely introduced to ensure the safety of train movement at high speeds.

5. In the century before the airplane was invented, the railroad became a main means of land transportation in North America and Europe.

6. Neither passengers nor train crew were injured in the accident.

7. A drawbridge is a bridge that can be pulled up, for example to stop people from entering a castle or to allow ships to pass under it.

8. Some old steam locomotives are still being used on tourist routes in England, attracting a lot of foreign tourists.

9. James Watt, a Scottish inventor and mechanical engineer, was famous for his improvements of the steam engine.

10. The Union Pacific Railroad was opened for traffic on 10 May 1869. There was a special ceremony, in which a large golden spike was hit with a silver hammer to mark the first railway stretching from the east to the west of America.

11. Today, most Americans prefer to travel by plane. Prices for flights are just slightly higher or equal to train tickets to the same destination.

12. Railroad signals are used to inform the engine crews of track conditions ahead and to tell them how to operate the train.


Ex. 5. Read the sentences, replacing the Russian words with their English equivalents.

1. Отдельные compartments in passenger cars first appeared in Europe in 1873.

2. Steven Roberts designed the T-rail in 1830, and later the railroad костыль.

3. The El Ferdan Railway Bridge crossing the Suez Canal is the world's largest разводной мост.

4. The usual length of rails when locomotives были пущены в эксплуатацию was 0.9 m, but in the 1830s it was increased 6.1 m.

5. Most of my friends take the bus to school, but I предпочитаю to walk.

6. In the Grand Prix motor racing, just a few seconds sometimes отделяют the fastest car from the slowest car in a race.

7. A lot of banks are unwilling to давать взаймы money to new businesses.

8. The next бригада comes on duty at 9 o’clock.

9. One of the American locomotives built in 1934 привлёк much attention of the public, as it was the first loco powered by the diesel-electric engine.

10. To carry fresh meat, fruits, vegetables and other food products over long distances became possible due to the изобретению of the refrigerator car.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 816. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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