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Ex. 18. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian, paying attention to Participle II

1. Henry Booth was the designer of the boiler used by Stephenson on the Rocket locomotive.

2. The things left by passengers on the trains or at the stations are usually taken to the Lost Property Office.

3. A rail with a hidden defect can break suddenly. Hidden defects in rails can be detected with the help of a new ultrasonic device.

4. The 12.5 km Cascade Tunnel located about 100 km east of Seattle is one of the longest railroad tunnels in the US. Constructed in 1929, it replaced a shorter tunnel a few miles to the north.

5. A milk car is a specialized type of tank car designed to carry raw milk between farms, creameries (маслозавод), and processing plants.

6. The Great Train Robbery is an event happened in 1963 when a group of criminals robbed a British mail train and stole over £ 2 million. At that time, it was the largest amount of money ever stolen in the UK.

7. An unusual locomotive designed for running on ice was developed in Great Britain in the 18th century. It was sent to Russia for carrying freight on sledges across frozen lakes.

8. When installed, the new equipment will increase labor productivity.

9. Before opened for traffic, the railway lines are carefully inspected and tested.

10. When upgraded, the railway bridge will be used for the movement of heavyweight freight trains.

11. If consisted of more than 80 cars, the train is pulled by two or more locomotives.

12. When heated by sun, the rails become longer.

13. When first introduced, container cars were used only for carrying valuable goods.

14. When thoroughly tested, ballastless track will probably find wide application not only in tunnels.

15. When asked why she had missed the train, she said something about her watch being slow.


Ex. 19. Read the sentences, replacing Russian words with their English equivalents. The verbs given in the box may be helpful to you.

1. The new low-floor cars разработанный by Danish State Railways’ design office will be used for Intercity express services between Denmark and Sweden.

2. Amtrak is the public company учреждённый by Congress in 1970, which operates almost all the intercity passenger trains in the U.S.

3. The aircraft-style seats with встроенный TVsets are installed in the new passenger cars.

4. The motor cars are equipped with electric engines расположенный under the floor of the coach.

5. In some European countries, tank cars сделанный of reinforced (армированный)plastics are used for transport of wine and fruit juices.

6. One of the first railway bridges построенный in Great Britain and сохранившийся to our days is called “Britannia”.

7. Public transport is the system of buses, trains, etc. предоставляемый by the government or by companies, which people use to travel from one place to another.

8. The sign of the London Underground is a red circle пересечённый with a blue stripe.

9. Two or more сцепленный locomotives are frequently used in freight trains.

10. Stephenson’s locomotive который назывался Rocket set a speed record of 47 kmh at the Rainhill Trials проводимых near Liverpool in 1829.


to build up to call to couple to cross to develop to erect to hold to make to place to provide to set up to survive


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