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DIALOGUES TO ACT. -Of course I like him. He's my friend.

♫ 1 -Do you like John?

- Of course I like him. He's my friend.

-Does John like you?

-Of course he likes me.

-How can you tell?

-Because he told me so.


♫ 2 -Do you like Bob and Betty?

-Of course I like them. They're my friends.

-Do Rob and Betty like you?

- Certainly, I’m their friend.


♫ 3 -Suzanne, why doesn't Misha read German poetry?

-Because he doesn't like it.

-What kind of literature does he like to read?

- None. He just doesn't like to read at all.


♫ 4 -Linda, do you like your new neighbors?

-Yes, our neighbors are quiet. I like them.

-Did you like your old neighbors?

-No, I didn't. They were too loud.

♫ 5 - How's the new job, Alison?

- Well, I'm terribly busy. Every day I meet lots of people. But I do lots of typing and filing, too.

- Don't you like being a receptionist?

- Oh, I enjoy meeting people. And I like answering the phone. But I hate typing. And I can't stand filing.


♫ 6 man: I like this very much. What is it?

woman: I don't know. It’s modern art. I don't like it at all.

- What about that painting near the door? It's very beautiful.

- No, it isn't. It's horrible! It's just a blue and red mess.

- Well, what do you like?

- I like classical paintings by real artists!

- I just like good paintings. Classical, and modern.


♫ 7 -Do you like the music?

-No. What is it?

- It's reggae. I love it. It's great for dancing. I come here every Saturday evening.

-It's very noisy.

-Do you like dancing?

-Well, I don't know. You see, this is my first visit to a night club.

-Well, what music do you like?

-I like classical music. I play the violin in an orchestra.

-I hate classical music. It's no good for dancing.


8- Do you like rock music?

-No, I don't. I hate it.

-What type of music do you like? Do you like jazz?

-Yes, I do. I love it.

-Who's your favourite musician?

-Miles Davis. He's great.

- I don't like him very much. I don't like jazz,

-Oh, I like it very much. What about you? Who's your favourite singer?

-I like classical music. My favourite singer is Pavarotti. Do you like

classical music?

-It's all right.


9 -So, Emma, what would you most like to have in the world?

-I think what I'd really like, and I always have, is a motorbike.

-Uh uh…

-Yeah, I used to have one in Greece, but it was a mixture between a moped and a motorbike. It wasn't very powerful.

-Uh uh.

-I have an image of a huge powerful black motorbike with two seats, one is raised at the back for the passenger…

-Where would you go?

-I'd probably travel down to Spain, France, round there. Just ride off into the sunset, not a care in the world.

-Sounds lovely.


10 -Ah, you like the theatre.

- I love the theatre!

-That’s good. I was playing to go to the theatre to see “Twelfth Night”. Do you have any place for tomorrow evening?

-No, not really.

-If you can spare time perhaps you and your wife would care to join me.

-Well, I’ll have to check with her, but it sounds like a wonderful idea. And after the play you must let us buy you dinner in return.

-See you tomorrow, Don.


11 -Listen, next week Alice and I are going to London. Would you like to come?

-Yes, I’d love to.

-Do you like films? Do you like horror films?

-No. I don’t like horror films.

-I love horror films. I love Shakespeare too. Shakespeare’s too difficult for you, isn’t it?

-Yes, it’s too difficult.

-There’s a concert at the Albert Hall. But that’s classical music. It’s very, very boring. Do you like rock music?

- A bit. I don’t mind.

-Great! Let’s go to the Ambassador then.

12 -Did you enjoy the play, Clare?

-Yes, I enjoyed it very much. I adore musicals.

-So do I.

-You didn’t like the first act, did you?

-No, I didn’t. The women danced badly and the man who danced seemed nervous.

-Yes, you’re right. The woman who played the nurse wasn’t Gill Sheen, was she?

-No, she wasn’t. Her name was Shirley Chilver.

-She talked too fast. And she didn’t dance very well either.

-Did you really enjoy the play?

-Yes, of course, we did.

-What did you like?

-Oh, everything.

13 -Did you talk to John last night?

-No, I didn’t.

-You didn’t miss much.

-He’s the man who talks so fast. His wife doesn’t talk slowly either.

- I hate people who talk too fast.

- Perhaps, they think quickly.

14 -And what about Mr. and Mrs. Hunt? Where did they go?

-Mr. Hunt had to go to the City.

-Why did he have to go there?

-To meet a business friend for lunch.

-Did Mrs. Hunt go with him?

-No, she couldn’t persuade her to go. She hoped to shop again today.

-It’s a good day for shopping, isn’t it?

-Yes, and it’s a good day for sitting in the park!

-It’s a marvelous idea!




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Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 505. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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