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DIALOGUES TO ACT. 1 -John, I have two job offers


1 -John, I have two job offers. One in New York and one in San Francisco. But I really can't decide which one is better. In my opinion, New York is more interesting than San Francisco.

- I disagree. I think San Francisco is much more interesting than New York.

- Do you think the weather in New York is better than the weather in San Francisco?

-No, I don't. I think the weather in San Francisco is much better than the weather in New York. Plus New York is too crowded. San Francisco is a much more easy going city than New York.

-I'm arriving in Mexico City at 15.30 local time. Could you meet me at the airport?

-I'm sorry, but that's not possible. You see, I've got an important meeting.

-OK, I understand. Do you think you could book a car with a driver?

-Yes, of course. I'll do that right now.

- Wonderful. See you tomorrow evening at the hotel.

-Bye, and have a good trip!


2 -The thing is, our new word processor needs more advertising.

- Exactly.

- The question is, what kind of advertising? Now, I've thought a lot about this, and I think we should try a television campaign.

- A good TV campaign could increase sales by 50 percent.

-Absolutely. You're a genius, sir!

- I'm glad you agree, Wilbur. What about you, Linda?

-I'm afraid I don't agree, sir.

-What do you mean?

- In my opinion, it's a complete waste of money.


3 -Hello, Kathleen, I saw you yesterday, but you didn't see me.

-Really? When?

-At about 4:00. You were going to the beach.

-That wasn't me. Yesterday at 3:30 I was playing tennis with my brother.

-Oh well, I guess I made a mistake.


4 -Hi Jim, I saw you yesterday, but I don't think you saw me.

-Really? When?

-At about 6:00. You were riding a bicycle in Central Park.

-No, that wasn't me. Yesterday at 6 o'clock I was cleaning the apartment.

-Oh well, I guess I mistook you for someone else.


5 - I think I'll go to the park now.

-No, you mustn't do that.

-Why not?

- It's too late. People mustn't walk alone in the park at night.


6 -Actually, I think men are often better cooks than women.

-Mmm… I'm not really sure… I suppose a lot of famous chefs are men… but then think of all the men who can't cook at all.


7 - I personally believe that you should never hit children.

-Yes, I agree in theory … completely… sometimes it can be difficult though… if you lose your temper,…

8 -In my opinion, all forms of gambling should be banned!

-Mmm… I don't really agree. I think if people want to spend their money like that, it's up to them really.


9 -I really believe that men are better drivers than women - it's just a fact!

-What! That's absolute rubbish! Men are the ones who drive too fast and cause all the accidents! No, I'm sorry, I completely disagree with you about that!


10 I think teachers should earn more money - they do a very difficult job!

-Yes, you're absolutely right! Their salaries should be doubled at least!


11 -Eric, I think I'll wear my yellow tie to work today.

-No, you mustn't do that.

-Why not?

-You don't look good in ties. In fact, you mustn't wear any ties, ever, at all.


12 -Mary, do you think it'll rain tomorrow?

-I don't know. Maybe it will, and maybe it won't. We'll just have to wait and see.


13 -Do you think you'll be happy in your new neighbourhood?

-I don't know. Maybe I will, and maybe I won't. Live and learn, as they say.



♫ 14 -What is he going to cook tonight?

- Who knows? Tonight he might cook scrambled eggs or make pizza. I think he can't make up his mind.


♫ 15 -What are you going to give your wife for her birthday?

- I don't know. I might give her a watch or I might give her a bottle of perfume. I really can't decide.


♫ 16 -Where are you going on vacation?

-I don't know. I might go to Italy or I might go to France. It's really hard to decide.


♫ 17 -Jill, I'm going to have some milk, would you like some?

-Kate, you mustn't drink that kind of milk.

-What kind of milk should I drink?

-You must drink fresh milk. This milk is already spoiled.


♫ 18 -Let's buy 2 more hamburgers.

-No, we mustn't.

- Why not?

-Because they're too expensive and we must buy french-fries for Jill.




I am to do this job tomorrow.

He is to leave for Paris one of

these days.

Richard is to arrive in Moscow in a week.

Mr. Strike is to take part in the talks.



What are you talking about?

Helen is talking to her friend.

I want to talk it over with you.

Jane is talking to the manager tonight.



The problem hasn’t been solved.

The problem is being solved.

They are to solve that problem.

Do you believe the problem can be solved?

The problem is to be solved.


He is sure to come.

Bob is sure to help us.

Carol is sure to speak at the conference.

Martin is sure to bring you that parcel.

Steve is sure to win the game.


What’s wrong with Paul? – He has got a headache.

What’s wrong with Vic? – She has got a toothache.

What’s wrong with your son? – He is starting a cold.

What’s wrong with Mary? – She is running a temperature.

What’s wrong with you? – I am very upset.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 467. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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