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Office trailers

You should also consider if an office trailer is all you need. Office trailers - also known as mobile offices - are the cheapest and most temporary type of pre-manufactured building. They range in size from 8' x 20' to 12' x 60' (a "singlewide") and can be combined into double, triple, or larger groups.

Office trailers are almost always leased: they're a temporary, not permanent structure. Rental fees are from $100 to $500 per month. If you want to buy a mobile office it will cost not less than $20,000.They have few options for appearance and customization, but they are the cheapest and fastest way to add office space to a job site. They are delivered ready for use, with wiring, heating/air conditioning, and even basic furniture already installed. They're also the only realistic choice if you want a very small building, under around 800 square feet.


3. What other important information would you include in the table?

Activity 2 Vocabulary  

1. Look through the descriptions of prefab buildings again and find English equivalents of the following Russian words and expressions:

1. (электро)проводка

2. внутренняя стена, облицованная сухой штукатуркой или фанерой

3. стальная балка

4. обшивка; опалубка; доски опалубки; листование

5. крепеж

6. конечный результат

7. без швов

8. подъем свода; уклон ската крыши; скат крыши

9. изготовление изделий по техническим условиям заказчика

10. отделка

11. схема размещения; схема расположения; компоновка

12. наружная штукатурка

13. сдавать внаем, в аренду/ брать внаем, в аренду (согласно официальному договору)


2. Match each of the words in the first column with a word from the second column to make twelve word partnerships from the text. There are some alternative partnerships, but there is only way to match all twelve. Translate the word partnerships into Russian.


standard mostly-finished detailed interior construction ceiling blueprint height construction materials work building times



finishing seamlessly interior wall complicated stucco assembled panels construction exterior work columns


3. Match the verbs from the left column to their synonyms from the right column.

Deliver Install/Piece together Put up Create Produce Complete Enclose Provide   Fabricate Build/Construct Offer Finish Transport Manufacture Assemble Include


4. Complete these verbs by adding the vowels:




L_ _ s_




5. Make as many sentences from this table as possible:


    Office trailers Modular buildings Steel buildings         are leased can range can be seamlessly assembled can be put up are delivered require provide ready for use, with wiring, heating/air conditioning, and even basic furniture already installed   not much work to be done on site   at a reasonable price per month (as mobile offices)   more flexibility for customization   from $35 to $100 per square foot   into much larger buildings   for as little as $16 to $20 per square foot


Activity 3  

Say if the following sentences are true or false. Refer to the text if necessary.


1. Traditional buildings take less time for construction than prefabricated buildings.

2. A steel building isn’t completely fabricated at the factory.

3. Modular buildings require much less time and work to be produced than steel buildings.

4. Modular and steel buildings are not usually similar in size.

5. Steel buildings are more expensive than modular ones.

6. Both modular and steel buildings are constructed with wood, steel, brick and stucco materials.

7. If you care about the exterior of your building then a steel building would be a better choice.

8. Office trailers are widely used as permanent structures.

9. Office trailers don’t need assembling on site as they are almost completely built in the factory.

10. If you want a building less than 800 square feet an office trailer is the worst choice.


Activity 4 Language review Comparison  

Comparative and superlative adjectives are formed in several ways:

b) 1. with –er and (the) –est

c) 2. with –ier and (the) –iest

3. with more and (the) most

! good, bad, far and little are irregular forms

Before the comparative of adjectives and adverbs you can use:

a bit a little much a lot far (= a lot)


Modular buildings require much less work to be done on site but take a little longer for the factory to produce.

The construction of the underwater tunnel was far (or a lot) more complicated then we at first thought.


1. What are the comparative and the superlative forms of the following adjectives:


traditional –

little –

long –

regular –

simple –

different –

large –

small –

fast –

low –

complicated –

few –

cheap –

expensive –

old –

beautiful –

flexible –

strong –

important –

high –

modern –



2. Look at the pictures of the following buildings and use the facts about them to make comparisons according to their:

o size

o appearance

o facilities

o etc.

The adjectives listed above will help you.

Use: –er/ more… than; not as/so… as; the –est/most;

both… and…

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