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Read the following paragraph and compare your ideas with those given in the article.

Before reading choose the correct alternative to complete these statements:

I. overall serviceability in practical terms means:

a) suitability to be used for practical purposes

b) ability to provide good service in practice

c) practical ability to work as a servant


II. to propel the human race forward means:

a) to drive people forward with the help of a motor vehicle

b) to be used as a propeller that makes an aircraft move forward

c) to stimulate the development of the humanity


III. to score brilliantly means:

a) to win many brilliants

b) to be very successful in something

c) to be able to count very well


IV. to be in for a paradigm shift means:

a) to be ready to press the key on a computer

b) to be ready to move from one place to another

c) to be ready for radical changes


Universally speaking, the basic parameters to judge any technology should be its overall serviceability in practical terms and its ability to propel the human race forward. Contour Crafting, in the long-term, has the potential to score brilliantly on both these accounts. So, the construction industry is in for a paradigm shift.


Activity 3 Pronunciation
Put the words from the box in the correct column, according to the pronunciation of the letters in bold.


domed nozzle deposited soil trowels robot pouring contour power labourresources exposure airborne procedures exploitation robotic propel score
as in home as in report as in concrete as in oil as in tower as in method

Activity 4 Vocabulary

1. Look through the text again and find expressions which mean:


2. Certain key words are used to speak about Contour Crafting. Complete the key words below and match them to the suitable word in the right column.

r_b_t_c substances
c_mp_t_r_z_d analysis
s_m_-l_qu_d activities
l_w-_nc_m_ analysis
_m_rg_nc_ drawings
_ _b_rn_ building materials
tr_nsp_rt_t_ _n-r_l_t_d housing
h_z_rd technology
F_ _l_r_ shelters


3. Match the following words and phrases to make complete expressions from the article. Translate them into Russian. You will find it easier if you match columns 2 and 3 first. The first one has been done for you as an example: to build a 500-square-foot house


1. to build the programmed of concrete
2. to take layers house
3. to squirt a 500-square-foot walls
4. to build its instructions height
5. to achieve vertical from computerized drawings
6. to build extra-terrestrial of manual labour
7. to minimise a toll costs
8. to reduce the financing on human life
9. to exchange the cost habitats
10. to take physical power for brainpower
11. to establish materials during construction
12. to have less energy for hazard and failure analysis
13. to use the human race on the environment
14. to use procedures forward
15. to propel a negative impact with zero waste



4. Use the key words and the expressions from above to make up a summary of the article.

Useful language can help you.


USEFUL   The article tackles the problem of… Particular (special) attention is paid to… The article is devoted to… It informs the readers of… The paper discusses the benefits of … The paper carries a lot of comment on… The paper covers a variety of… The reporter makes it clear that… The author expresses the view that… The author stresses the importance (necessity) of…   LANGUAGE   In the author’s view (opinion)… Speaking of… it’s necessary (interesting) to note that … There is every reason to believe that… It is reported/ stressed that… The first paragraph discusses/ analyses… The second paragraph describes/ offers… The third paragraph focuses on… The article concludes by saying that… The general conclusion is that…  


5. What is your reaction to the article you read? Complete one or more of the following:

· I’m amazed that…

· I’m not so sure…

· I already knew…

· I don’t agree that…

· I tend to agree that…

· I can hardly believe…


6. Do you think the technology invented by a California scientist Behrokh Khoshnevis can be used in Russia? Why? Why not?


Activity 5  

1.What new building technologies are used in Russia?

What is specific about Russian building technologies?

Make up a list of factors that should be taken into account while developing new technologies in Russia.

- climate

- ….

- …

- …

- …

2. Read the title of the article and the introduction to it and answer the following questions:

a) What does “IZODOM” stand for?

b) What are the key features of the technology described which make it popular?

c) What building material is the technology based on?

3. Read the article and find the answers the questions:

- What is the principle of ICF technology?

- What is the main advantage of it in comparison with other building technologies?

- What do the following figures refer to?

a) 2,5

b) 6,5

c) 2,90

d) 50

e) 100

f) 10%

g) 16

h) 5900

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 443. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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