Ing“ forms
2. Find all the “-ing“ forms in the article, state their parts of speech and translate them into Russian.
3. Complete the sentences below by matching two halves of each of them. Translate the sentences into Russian.
4. Participle I and Gerund are often used to shorten complex sentences. Study the complex sentences in the left column of the table and find their shortened variant in paragraph II of the text above.
6. Shorten or change the following sentences using Participle I and Gerund. Example: 1.Many of Aircrete’s (aerated concrete) innovative products and construction methods employ simple, easily-learned skills. This helps to overcome one of the key barriers to the adoption of modern methods of construction. Many of Aircrete’s (aerated concrete) innovative products and construction methods employ simple, easily learned skills overcoming one of the key barriers to the adoption of modern methods of construction. 2. To provide emergency shelters is one of the possible applications of Contour Crafting technology. Providing emergency shelters is one of the possible applications of Contour Crafting technology.
a. This innovative build method utilises the light weight and thermal performance of Aircrete to create a solid floor that can significantly reduce heat losses and minimise the amount of secondary insulation. b. The 'thin joint' method of construction, which utilises mortar joints less than 3mm, allows Aircrete walls to be built very rapidly. c. With the mortar setting in an hour or so, many courses can be built in a day, which makes house completions possible in a significantly shorter time period. d. If you combine structural Aircrete elements with Aircrete walls and foundations, an entire house can be constructed very rapidly. e. To build is really not a job for human beings in this day and age. f. When you use this process a single house or a colony of houses, each with possibly a different design, may be automatically constructed in a single run. g. Contour Crafting is a recent fabrication technology that has a great potential in automated construction of whole structures as well as subcomponents. h. The scientist says it’s possible that the robot could run along rails on the ground while it spits out several houses at a time. i. “It’s much like as if you print on paper,” engineer Behrokh Khoshnevis says of his $30 000 brainchild. j. Later this year the engineer plans to demonstrate a prototype that can put up 500-square-foot emergency shelters. (Can=capable of)
Both Participle I and Gerund help to describe a process. Besides, there are a number of other structures which can be used for this purpose. 1. As…which … As structural Aircrete elements are combined with Aircrete walls and foundations, an entire house can be constructed very rapidly, which makes on-site working fast, flexible and versatile. 2. At the same time …which … At the same time concrete is poured into vertical and horizontal cavities which are located in blocks from expanded polystyrene. 3. When …and … When ICF blocks are made of polystyrene PCB-C they do not support combustion and this increases fire resistance limit of an ICF wall to 2.5 hours. 4. …which … and … The 'thin joint' method of construction utilises mortar joints, which allows Aircrete walls to be built very rapidly and makes house completions possible in a shorter time period.
1. Study the instruction “Foam concrete manufacture using a mobile complex” given by the Russian building company “Alina” specializing in progressive building technologies. (left-hand column of the table). Underline the key words in each paragraph.