Antenatal Care in Russia
In our country the obstetrical service is, like all the other departments of public health, based on a synthesis of both aspects of medical service-prevention and cure. The principal obstetrical establishment is the maternity home with a women's consultation centre which serves expectant mothers, women in childbirth and gynecological patients. All expectant mothers residing in the district served by a consultation centre receive the attention of a specialist in obstetrics in the early stages of pregnancy and remain under his care until childbirth. They are also attended by therapeutists; when necessary, they can consult specialists in other fields as well. Laboratory tests (analyses of the urine, blood, X-ray examinations, etc.) are made systematically for every expectant mother. Such a system ensures early diagnosis of any complication or disease that may occur during pregnancy. Sanitary and educational work among expectant mothers is an important aspect of the functioning of obstetrical establishments. The so-called "young mother's schools" organized at every obstetrical consultation centre instruct expectant mothers to care of their future babies. Besides, mothers-to-be undergo a course of psychoprophylaxis, a method of making births painless, which has been developed by Russian scientists. In the nearest future more departments for newborns, premature babies, and pregnant women with pathological conditions should be organized in the towns and villages of our country. New effective methods of antenatal care, methods of detection of fetal pathology should be applied in practice by the Russian scientists and doctors. Answer the questions: 1. What may help to detect and prevent possible complications of pregnancy? 2. What does neonatology mean? 3. Who is responsible for the health of the new-born babies? 4. What establishments have been set up by the state for the caring of women in pregnancy and childbirth? 5. What courses should mothers attend? 6. Are there any problems to be solved in the system of antenatal care?
Translate the following sentences from Russian into English: 1. Ничего не может быть более значительного, чем рождение нового человека. 2. В роддоме, основном акушерско-гинекологическом учреждении, мама и новорожденный получают заботу и внимание. 3. Как правило, роддомы хорошо оснащены новым медицинским оборудованием. 4. Младенцы содержаться в отдельных палатах и их приносят к матерям несколько раз в день для грудного кормления. 5. Особое внимание уделяется недоношенным детям, находящимся в так называемых инкубаторах. 6. Сразу же после выписки из роддома наблюдение за здоровьем и развитием ребенка осуществляет районный педиатр.
Prove the statements: - Proper prenatal care is of great importance for the health of the infant and mother. - Proper antenatal care plays a great role in the health of future generation.