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Tuberculosis in Children

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, especially dangerous for children. It is caused by tubercle bacillus which is known as t. b. The tubercle bacillus retains its viability in dark damp places for prolonged period of time, but it is killed quite rapidly by boiling, by direct sunlight and by disinfectant solutions. The tuberculosis infection may be acquired at any stage of childhood, but babies and young children are most susceptible to it. The most frequent source of infection are adults who have the open form of tuberculosis. The patient dissimulates the tubercle bacilli into the air when he coughs, sneezes of simply talks.

The parents ill with tuberculosis must be very careful and must observe strict personal hygiene in order not to contaminate their children.

But man is not the only source of tuberculosis infection, the disease may also be transmitted by tuberculous animals, through row milk and insufficiently cooked meat.

After the tubercle bacilli have penetrated into the human body, they may be delivered with the blood to any organs or tissues where they form very small sites of inflammation which resemble tubercles, giving rise to the Latin term of the disease, tuberculosis. When the course of the disease is favourable one, the tubercles heal leaving scars; the scars may remain throughout the life, causing no harm. But when the body is weakened, the tubercle bacilli may again begin multiplying, thus causing the disease to become active again.

Tuberculosis of the lungs in children is less frequent than in adults, but it is much more serious.

In childhood tubercle bacilli usually penetrate into the bronchial glands situated in the chest, in the area of the bronchi and large blood vessels. Affection of these glands may be either manifest or concealed. In the manifest case the disease resembles grippe or pneumonia, the child's temperature is elevated, he develops cough, his appetite deteriorates, he loses weight. The temperature may be elevated for a prolonged period of time.

In concealed forms the onset of the disease is insidious, particularly in school children. The child complains of fatigue and weakness, his progress at school becomes worse. There is usually a lack of appetite and subfebrile temperature. Firm superficial lymph nodes are observed. They are usually multiple and enlarged.

Tuberculosis involvement of the bones and joints is also often seen in children. Tuberculosis of the bones and joints is a very gradual process. The larger joints — the knee joints and hip joints - are usually affected. When these joints or the spinal column are involved, the child complains of pain on moving, he gradually acquires a limp or, in the case of involvement of the spinal column, a hump.

All these complications can be avoided by timely treatment. Even such a serious disease as tuberculous meningitis (inflammation of the menings, the membranes covering the brain and the spinal cord), that was formerly absolutely fatal, is now perfectly curable if the treatment is started in good time. At present time medicine has at its disposal many powerful drugs, streptomycin, phtivazide, PAS and others, and some new even more effective drugs are being constantly involved. However great importance in treating tuberculosis belongs to natural factors such as proper nutrition with a sufficient vitamin contents, physiotherapeutic exercises, fresh air, sun and water.

Certain forms of the disease are cured without administration of any drugs. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This is true of tuberculosis too.

Answer the questions:

1. What is the disease caused by?

2. Is man the only source of infection?

3. What organs may be affected by the infection in children?



You are working as a doctor at the infectious hospital. Explain your adult patients ill with tuberculosis how to prevent their children from this dangerous disease. Use the following word combinations: the open form of tuberculosis, to disseminate the tubercle bacilli, to be careful, to observe strict personal hygiene, to contaminate smb., to be transmitted by, etc.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 512. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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