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The Neonatal Period

Successful delivery and satisfactory condition of the moth­er and child depend upon the proper prenatal, intranatal and postnatal care.

The mother's mental and physical health during pregnancy are of great importance to her unborn child. Effective care of the pregnant woman includes her preparation for the nursing and care of her child, and also her education in caring for her own health and that of her family.

Every pregnant woman must be given regular gynecologic and obstetric examinations at her district women's consul­tation. These examinations include external examination, pelvimetry, internal gynecologic examination, measuring the patient's weight and height and laboratory studies. Constant supervision and care during the prenatal period may help in detecting and preventing possible complications of preg­nancy, difficulties of labor, neonatal morbidity and morta­lity.

At birth the fetus is forced to change the whole order of its existence from parasitic to individual life. The physiolog ­ ical readjustments consequent upon birth involve most of the child's systems, and danger may arise if the respiratory apparatus, the temperature-regulating mechanism or the antibacterial defenses do not begin to function satisfactorily. Formerly, morbidity and mortality in the newborn were the exclusive concern of the obstetrician. Now, pediatrics has added to itself the new and exciting field of neonatology. The part played by the pediatrician in the maternity service has become very important, as it is clear now that beneficial results of adequate neonatal care or its lack extent through entire life span.

During the immediate neonatal period the pediatrician must concern himself with three major aspects. Firstly some babies will require special care because of prematurity, low birth weight, соngеnital malformations, birth trauma, or other disabilities. For such cases the pediatricians assume full clinical responsibility. Secondly, all normal full-term babies should be under pediatric management and receive specialized evaluation and supervision. Thirdly it is impor­tant for all newborn infants to be thoroughly examined shortly after birth and before discharge, to exclude developmental defects and deviations from normal. Many neonatal problems may arise after the second day of life in apparently well babies. These problems include prevention of incorrect breast feeding, detection of some congenital malformations and such conditions as hyperbilirubinemia, post-natal infection and tetany. The factors which predispose to infection and should alert pediatrician's suspicion are maternal peri­natal infection, premature birth, prolonged rupture of am­niotic membranes and prolonged labor.

In the early 40s it was revealed that maternal infection with some viruses, rubella virus, for example, in the first trimester of pregnancy may cause deafness, cataract, cardiac anomalies, and sometimes brain damage resulting in mental and motor retardation, microcephaly, or hydrocephaly. A more close and extensive study of the neonatal rubella syndrome sequelae has shown that it includes a much wider range of clinical abnormalities.

Thanks to the achievements of medical science it has become possible to treat and to prevent many fatal neonatal disorders and to recognize at an early stage defects which may cause chronic diseases. Acute observation and intensive care have improved survival statistics for newborns with developmental anomalies.


Answer the questions:

1. What does successful delivery depend on?

2. What examinations must every pregnant woman undergo?

3. Thanks to what has it become possible to prevent and treat many fatal neonatal disorders?

4. Why may some babies require special care during the immediate neonatal period?

5. When may mane neonatal problems arise in apparently well babies?

6. What factors predisposing to infection should alert birth and discharge?


Complete the sentences using some of the following words and word combination:

Delivery, span of life, deafness, full term babies, trimester, premature, fetus, pregnant.

1. It is obvious that…is an important symptom in congenital infection.

2. The… of this patient depends upon the surgeon’s professionalism.

3. During the external examinations the … didn’t show any signs of life.

4. … infants are placed in special beds called incubators.

5. Every … woman must undergo regular external examinations beginning with the first ….

6. Nervous overstrain may cause premature ….


Choose the right version:

1. The etiology of the disease is rather obvious.

a) important b) clear c) new d) simple

2. Such affections of the brain may lead to premature death.

a) lesions b) hemorrhages c) ruptures d) tissues

3. All normal full-term babies should receive specialized evaluation and supervision.

a) management b) assessment c) adjustment d) suspicion

4. Among the factors which predispose to infection are premature birth, prolonged labor and others.

a) preparation b) attention c) disorder d) delivery

5. Scientists have carried out close and extensive study of the neonatal rubella syndrome sequelae.

a)primary b) thorough c) interesting d) initial

Find the antonyms:

1. Premature

a) extensive b) neonatal c) full-term d) chronic

2. Advanced

a) retorted b) typical c) excellent d) fresh

3. Artificial (immunity)

a) innate b) final c) serious d) primitive

4. Improvement

a) importance b) activity c) deterioration d) requirement

5. Sequela

a) death b) consequence c) disability d) trauma

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 782. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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