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Childhood diabetes vs. adult diabetes

1. Childhood diabetes is usually rapid in onset, оften first presenting as diabetic coma. Onset in case of adult diabetes is insidious.

2. Unlike adult diabetes, obesity “plays no role” in сhildhood diabetes.

3. Children always need injectable insulin. Most adults with diabetes respond to oral hypoglycemic agents.

4.Dietetic control alone never works in diabetic children.


Complications. Besides diabetic coma, acidosis and superadded infections, a diabetic child is susceptible to the following late complications: Neurologic: Retinitis, peripheral neuropathy. Vascular Hypertension, atherosclerosis. Renal: Kimmelstiel-Wilson syndrome. Metabolic: Cataract. Hepatic: Hepatomegaly. Chronic infections: Boils, styes, abscesses, fungus infection tuberculosis.

Prognosis. Modern treatment has revolutionized the course of diabetes mellitus. Most children with controlled disease have fairly reasonable growth and development.There is remarkable increase in the average life span. With this increase in the life expectancy, the risk of long-term complications does coexist.

Most the functions in the human body controlled by hormones. Insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas, controls the amount of sugar in the blood which is then used by the body to generate energy. The insufficient production of insulin leads to a common disorder called diabetes.

Having diabetes does not mean giving up all your favourite foods and eating differently fromfamily and friends. However, a sugar-free diet still remains the cornerstone of the treatment of diabetes. Nowadays, doctors recommend that people with diabetes should continue their lives as usual, but should follow a well-balanced and healthy diet.

The British Diabetic Association has published guidelines to assist people who need to follow a special diet. The B.D.A. recommends controlling body-weight, reducing fat consumption and eating more fruit, vegetables and starchy food. If there is a need to lose weight, realistic short-term targets are most helpful. Aiming for a slow but steady weight loss of one kilogram per week is ideal, until the desired weight is achieved. Including more exercise in your daily routine, and checking your weight once a week are also recommended.

It is also advisable to avoid cooking meals using large amounts of fat - choose lean meat or low-fat items instead. Removing the skin from chicken and using fat-free milk are also good ways of reducing fat in the diet. Moreover, cutting down on the amount of butter and cheese by using the low-fat versions is recommended. Biscuits and cakes are also high in fat content.

Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables is highly recommended. Beans and lentils contain a considerable amount of a certain type of fibre which helps to slow down the rise of blood sugar levels after meals. Choosing brown bread and flour instead of white, and high-fibre breakfast cereals, is also appropriate.

Foods like sweets, chocolate, cakes and biscuits should be avoided as they usually contain high amounts of sugar and fat- Also, less sugar must be used in cooking, and "diet" drinks are preferable. Using an artificial sweetener instead of sugar also helps a great deal. It is also important to be careful with the sugar content of packaged food items by reading the labels and preferably deciding on a "diet" alternative.

Diabetics should be able to enjoy normal and healthy lifestyles once they decide to follow the B.D.A. guidelines. The experts at the Association are always available to provide further information on this matter.

Answer the questions:

1. What is childhood diabetes characterized by?

2. How does the disease set up?

3. What kind of treatment is instituted to control the disease?

4. What measures does diabetic coma require?

5. How is childhood diabetes different from adult diabetes?

6. What is the prognosis for the disease?

7. What plays an important role in a diabetic's life?

8. What foods help to keep blood sugar down?

9. What recommendations help to loose weight?

10. Are diabetics able to enjoy normal and healthy lifestyle?


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list below:

Insulin, cornerstone, hormones, disorder, consumption, pancreas, treatment, fibre.

1. Bodily functions are regulated by…..

2. A diabetic person relies on….. injections in order to break down sugar.

3. The …. is a gland which is part of the digestive system.

4. When Jane was young she suffered from an eating… called anorexia.

5. The recommended…. for diabetes is to avoid sugar and to exercise regularly.

6. The …. of sugar should be avoided by a diabetic person.

7. Brown bread contains more … than white bread.

8. Good food and exercise are the … of a healthy lifestyle.


Match the lines of both columns in a right way:


1. insulin a) part of food that helps digestion
2. hormone b) an eating disorder
3. malfunction c) organ which produces insulin
4. fibre d) a recommended treatment
5. pancreas e) substance controlling the way the body works
6. therapy f) substance reducing sugar level


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 676. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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