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Put the words in the right order to make up the sentences.

1) often / in / International / are / laws / three / classified / groups

2) Germany / during / international / broke / law / War / II / World

3) of / members / the / arbitrators / as / court / serve

4) in / Japan / law / violated / 1941 / international

5) no / denies / nation / the / international / existence / of / law

Match the parts of the sentences on the left with the correct parts on the right.

1) Universal international law 2) General international law 3) Particular international law 4) In 1920, the League of Nations 5) The International Law Commission 6) Treaties for united action a) set up permanent court if international justice. b) includes rules accepted by the majority of countries. c) provide help for weaker nations in some cases. d) includes agreement between two or among a few nations, such as trade treaties. e) includes the rules accepted by all nations as part of international law. f) has given much study to improved ways of formulating and enforcing international law.

Complete the sentences according to the text choosing one of the variants A, B or C.

1) International law is usually classified according to....

a) how many nations accept them

b) how many people accept them

c) how many nations follow this rule

2) The permanent Court of Arbitration was established in 1899 in....

a) the USA

b) the UK

c) the Netherlands

3) The United Nations... the Permanent Court of International Justice into International Court of Justice.

a) rebuilt

b) renamed

c) exchanged

4) Laws within countries provide penalties for....

a) criminals

b) those who break them

c) those who interpret them wrong

5) No individual nation has the power....

a) to punish other nations

b) to enforce other laws

c) to improve the ways of enforcing international law

6) Japan violated international law....

a) by attacking Pearl Harbor without first declaring war

b) during World War II

c) by refusing to repatriate many prisoners of war

7) After the end of World War II the Soviet Union violated international law....

a) by killing millions of Europeans Jews

b) by refusing to repatriate many prisoners of war

c) by providing help for weaker nations

8) If an aggressor refuses to arbitrate, an injured nation may....

a) resort to self-help

b) provide for collective defense

c) provide penalties

9)... were an important step in the development of international law.

a) The trials of German and Russian leaders

b) The establishing of the International Court of Justice

c) The trials of German and Japanese leaders at Nuremberg and Tokyo

Say whether these statements are true or false.

1) One law of general international law is the rule that each nation has jurisdiction over its territory.

2) The Permanent Court of Arbitration was established because of the belief that arbitration is a better method to settle disputes.

3) The members of the Permanent Court of Arbitration serve as judges.

4) International law is usually divided in four groups.

5) The International Court of Justice issues judgment on boundary disputes.

6) There are some ways to enforce international laws.

7) Germany broke international law during World War I by killing all prisoners.

5. Fill in the gaps with a suitable verb in the proper tense: to occur, to declare, to kill, to attack, to refuse, to break, to violate, to accuse.

There are a lot of countries which 1)... international law. For example, Japan 2)... Pearl Harbor in 1941 without 3)... war. During World War II Germany 4)... international law by 5)... millions of European Jews. The Soviet Union 6)... to repatriate many prisoners of law long after the end of World War II. Violations also 7)... in the Nigerian Civil War in 1967-1970. In the Koreans were 8)... because of the cruel treatment of many United Nations prisoners of war.

Answer the following questions.

1) How many groups is international law classified into?

2) What items does universal international law cover?

3) What questions does the International Court of Justice in the USA solve?

4) Is there one way to enforce international law? Why?

5) What kinds of international law do you know?

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 846. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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