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Mind the difference

Treaty (n) – 1)a formal agreement between two or more countries: the Treaty of Rome, to ratify a treaty; 2) a formal agreement between people, esp. when buying and selling goods or property.

Agreement (n) – an arrangement, a promise or a contact made with somebody.

Contract (n) – an official legal agreement, usually written: the contract price / date (that is the price / date agreed to); a contract worker (that is one employed contract with somebody (for something / to do something) on a contract).

Idm. To be under contract (to somebody) – to have made a contract to work for somebody.

Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1) Our country has signed a peace treaty with a neighbouring country.

2) These works of art are sold by private treaty.

3) An agreement with the employers was finally worked out.

4) They have broken the agreement between us.

5) When the legal formalities have been settled, the buyer and seller of a house can exchange contracts.

6) He has agreed salary terms and is ready to sign a new contract.

7) I’m not a permanent employee. I’m working here on a fixed-term contract.

8) I know a pop group that is under contract to one of the big record companies.




Treaty isa formal agreement between two or more independent governments. It is usually a written document, but it may be a verbal statement agreed to by representatives of the countries. The history of treaty making goes back many hundreds of years. As early as 3000 B.C, rulers of ancient countries signed treaties with neighbouring kingdoms. The treaties served various purposes. Some treaties ended wars, and others settled boundary disputes. But throughout the history of the world, treaties have played an important part in the relations between countries.

Today, only sovereign states are able to make treaties. A sovereign state is one that is free from outside control. For example, Great Britain is a sovereign state because its government is free to make its own decisions. But the British colony of Gibraltar is not free to make its own decisions. It is therefore not a sovereign state, and cannot make its own treaties.

A treaty is much like a contract between private individuals. In both cases, the signing parties promise to do or not do some act. But there are important differences between treaties and contracts. A contract is not binding if one of the parties has forced the other party into agreement. But the use of force does not make a treaty void unless the force is actually used against the government representative who is working out the treaty terms. Unlike a private contract, a treaty does not go into effect until it is ratified (given formal approval). For example, a treaty between the United States and Great Britain is not official until it is approved by the United States Senate and by the British Crown.

There are several kinds of international agreements that have the force of treaties. One of these is called a convention. This is usually an agreement between states relating to a single topic, such as extradition. A concordat is an agreement between the pope and a sovereign state. An agreement between two monarchs on a private matter is not a treaty.

Kinds of treaties. Treaties may be divided into several classes according to their purposes, although international law recognizes no formal distinctions among treaties. A single treaty may include clauses under several classes. Some of the classes are described below.

Political. A peace treaty is one kind of political treaty. For example, the Treaty of Ghent in 1814 ended the War of 1812 in the United States. Others deal with alliances between countries and settle disputes. The Clayton-Bulwer Treaty in 1850 gave the United States and Britain equal protection rights in a future canal through Central America.

Commercial. These treaties include agreements on tariffs, navigation, fisheries, and consular services.

Confederation. Confederation treaties set up such international organizations as the Universal Postal Union.

Extradition. These treaties deal with escaped criminals. For example, let us suppose that two countries have signed an extradition treaty. If a criminal from one country flees to the other for safety, the criminal must be returned, or extradited, to stand trial for the crime.

Civil Justice. These treaties protect a country's trademarks, copyrights, and patents in foreign countries. Some civil-justice treaties deal with the rights of aliens.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 818. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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