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The classification of sentences as to their structure

Sentences with only one predication are called simple sentences. Those with more than one predication have usually the name of composite sentences. In a composite sentence each predication together with the words attached is called a clause.

Composite sentences with coordinated clauses are compound sentences, e.g.: She is a very faithful creature and I trust her.

Composite sentences containing subordinated clauses are complex sentences, e.g.: If I let this chance slip, I am a fool.

In a complex sentence we distinguish the principal clause (I am a fool) and the subordinate clause (If I let this chance slip) or clauses.

There may be several degrees of subordination in a complex sentence, e.g.: It was almost nine o’clock before he reached the club, where he found his friend sitting alone. The clause where he found his friend sitting alone is subordinated to the subordinate clause before he reached the club and is therefore of the second degree of subordination.

The clauses of a composite sentence may be joined with the help of connective words (syndetically) or directly, without connectives (asyndetically). E.g.:

Mike acted as though nothing had happened. You are modern; I am old-fashioned.

A simple sentence or a clause containing some words besides the predication is called extended. An unextended sentence (clause) contains no other parts but the subject and the predicate.

A sentence (clause) with several subjects to one predicate or several predicates to one subject is called a contracted one (скорочений, стягнений). E.g.: Dianna crossed to the window and stood there with her back to Dan.

The dominating type of sentence (clause), with full predication, i.e. containing both the subject and the predicate, is called a two-member sentence (clause). All other types are usually called one-member sentences (clauses). Here are some examples of one-member sentences, e.g.: A cup of tea! Thanks! [24; 240–241].


4. One-member sentences (односкладні речення)

In both languages two-member sentences are most widely used. These are sentences that have two main parts of the sentence: the subject and the predicate. One-member sentences, which have only one main part of the sentence, are used in English more rarely. In Ukrainian this type of the sentence is more spread and more diverse.

Common for both languages are the following types of one-member sentences:

1) Nominative sentences (називні), e.g.: Thomas, Sir. A man of facts and calculations. Вечір. Ніч.

2) Imperative sentences (наказові), e.g.: Come here at once. Іди сюди негайно.

3) Infinitive sentences (інфінітивні), e.g.: To be lonely and to grow older and older. Especially widespread is this kind of sentences in Ukrainian where the infinitive by its function in the sentence has become similar to the personal form of the verb. E.g.: Що робити? За людьми іти … Оте й робити!

Besides, in Ukrainian there are widely used other types of one-member sentences which have as their correspondences two-member sentences in English, in particular:

1) Impersonal sentences (безособові): Сутеніє. It is getting dark.

2) Indefinite-personal sentences ( неозначено-особові): Кажуть, що його немає. They say he is out.

3) Generalizing-personal (узагальнено-особові): Дарованим конем не наїздишся. You mustn't change horses in the mid-stream.

4) Sentences with unchangeable predicate-words (речення з незмінними присудковими словами): можна, шкода, треба, слід та ін.: Треба йти додому. It is necessary to go home (I must go home).

5) Sentences with adverbs of the type (речення з прислівниками): Йому весело зараз. He is rather jolly now.

6) Sentences with unchangeable verbal predicate forms in -но, -то (речення з незмінними дієслівними присудковими формами на -но, -то): Під білими березами козаченька вбито. Under white birches a Cossack was killed.

7) Different types of sentences with the subject which is not named or is avoided to be named (різні типи речень з усуненим або не названим підметом): І більше його там не бачили. And he wasn’t seen there any more. Каже, приходь. They say, you can come [5; 121–122].

Discussion questions and exercise tasks:

I. Consider your answers to the following:

1. Define the sentence as the basic unit of syntax.

2. What are the phenomena, present at every act of speech?

3. What is the relation between such notions as “predicativity” and “predication”?

4. Dwell upon the expression of syntactic relations in both contrasted languages.

5. How are sentences classified as to their structure?

6. What is meant by the “clause”? What is the difference between syndetically and asyndetically connected clauses?

7. Describe the difference between “one-member” and “two-member sentences”.

8. Dwell upon the types of one-member sentences in both contrasted languages.


II. Find head-word and the word/words subordinate to it; analyze the following word-combinations as to the type of syntactic relations expressed by them: 1) predicative relations;
2) objective relations; 3) attributive relations; 4) various adverbial relations. Render these word combinations into Ukrainian; compare the types of relations expressed by English word-combinations and their Ukrainian equivalents.

Cane sugar production, the House of Commons debate, you British, the way out, the wish to win, no go, yes man, the then trial, reading quickly, busy doing sums, red from anger, black all over, quick to answer, heavy for me to lift, simply awful, typically English, least of all, much older than he, the first to read, the three there, two to one, three fifths, the last ones, rather well, high up in the sky, quite alike, afraid of being asked first, not ashamed to answer, the child ashamed, the book there, nobody to report, the one ahead, twice as many, more than necessary, extremely cold, being home, by going westwards.

*The material is taken from the text-book: Корунець І.В. Порівняльна типологія англійської та української мов. Навч. посібник. – Вінниця: Нова Книга, 2003. – P. 451.


III. Define the type of connection between the head-word and the subordinated word in the following word combinations as: 1) agreement (узгодження); 2) government (керування);
3) adjoining (прилягання). Render these Ukrainian word-combinations into English; analyze the type of connections between words in English equivalents

1. Зустрілися біля театру. 2. Червоний від хвилювання. 3. Моє захоплення. 4. Їхня участь. 5. На протилежному боці. 6. Обережніше кладіть. 7. Найдоступніший з усіх. 8. Ключі від помешкання. 9. Трохи поспішає. 10. Лігши на диван. 11. Бажання знати. 12. За п’ять місяців. 13. Пригорнув до себе. 14. Казкові мрії. 15. Занадто добре. 16 У глибині сцени. 17. Невгамовне серце. 18. З кожним ударом. 19. Переповівши почуте. 20. Ішов не поспішаючи.

*The material is taken from the text-book: Терлак З. Українська мова: Збірник вправ із синтаксису та пунктуації. – Львів: Світ, 1999. –
P. 11.


IV. Define the type of the Ukrainian one-member sentence as: 1) definite-personal (означено-особове); 2) indefinite-personal (неозначено-особове); 3) generalizing personal (узагальнено-особове); 4) impersonal (безособове); 5) nominative (називне). Render these sentences into English and define what types of them are similarly rendered as one-member sentences.

1. Сміливо ж, браття, до праці ставайте! (Б. Грінченко).
2. Як тихо й любо навкруги! (Олександр Олесь). 3. На головні­ших київських вулицях починали засвічувати ліхтарі (О. Конись­кий). 4. Невже ж нема на цьому світі місця поривам нездійснен­ним та палким? (Б.-І. Антонович). 5. Поле. Шляхи. Могили і чебреці, чебреці (М. Хвильовий). 6. Мені вас не судити (Леся Українка). 7. Вірю в пам’ять і серце людське (Б. Олійник).
8. Старого горобця на полові не обдуриш (Н. тв.). 9. Довіку не буде із мене раба (В. Стус). 10. Блакить і білява. Сопілок перемови. Вітровіння (Б.-І. Антонович).

*The material is taken from the text-book: Терлак З. Українська мова: Збірник вправ із синтаксису та пунктуації. – Львів: Світ, 1999. –
P. 60.




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