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Test 46

1. The committee (draft) the plan by tomorrow.

2. You already (see) the new Indian film? - Yes, I (manage) to see it yesterday. But to tell the truth I (not, like) to see Indian films.

3. The delegation (start) for London as soon as they (receive) their visas.

4.1 (not, think) I (be able) to call on them and say good-bye before I (go) abroad next week.

5. Why I (not, inform) of the change of our plan yesterday?

6. The tickets should (not, throw) away as inspectors may check them during the trip.

7. What's (quick) way of getting from here to the station?

8.1 don't like to go (to, in, for, under) a walk (in, for, under) the rain.

9. Everywhere... man has cut down... forests in order to cultivate... ground or to use wood as fuel or as... building material, (a/an, the, -)

10. I asked two people the way to the station but (either, neither) of them could help me.

11. Why do you always come to see me at (bad) possible moment?

12. I spent (little) money than you but I spent (much) than my mother did.

13. The man (try) in court, he (find) guilty and (send) to prison.

14. "Dictionaries may (not, use) at the exam", the teacher said.

15. If I (see) Tom tomorrow, I shall tell him everything.

16. When are you going to finish this test? - I (finish) it already.

17. When I arrived at the party, Tom (go) home already.

18. The children (swim) for half an hour when the storm began.

19. If you go by (a/an, the, —) train you can have quite (a/an, the, -) comfortable journey.

20. We... phone her up because her phone had broken, but fortunately we... leave a message for her. (can, couldn't, was/were able to)

Test 47

1. Did you ask them when Ann (arrive)? -They know (nothing, anything) about it.

2. The teacher said that we would go (to, on, for) an excursion soon.

3. In Britain, children start school (in, at, of, on) the age (in, at, of, on) five.

4. She lives on... top floor of... old house. When... wind blows, all... windows rattle, (a, the, -)

5.... family hotels are... hotels which welcome... parents and children, (a, the, -)

6.1 (be going) to take a short holiday when I (finish) this work.

7. As soon as you (decide) when you (leave), phone us and we (reserve) a flight for you.

8. If I (see) George tomorrow, I (tell) him to come and speak to you.

9.... I stay here till 6 o'clock? - No, you... not. You... go home now if you've finished your work, (need, must, may)

10. There were (few) people at this match than at the last one.

11. Don't forget to put the light out when you (go) to bed.

12. He (walk) out of the door when the phone (ring).

13. I'm sorry, Tom can't come to the phone, he (have) a bath.

14. My brother (fall) in love with an American and they (get) married last month.

15. This street (sweep) every day, but it (not, sweep) last week.

16. If you go to a dentist with a private practice, you (had to, will have to, should) pay him quite a lot of money.

17. One of (famous) places of interest in London is St. Paul's Cathedral.

18. We travelled all night and arrived (in, at, to) Paris (in, at, to) 7 o'clock... the morning, (in, at, to)

19. He has lived in London (more, most) of his life.

20. Like many women she loves... tea parties and... gossip, (a, the, -)

Test 48

1. My mother is worried because she (not, hear) from my sister for a month.

2. When I woke up yesterday, it (rain).

3. By the time I left the house it (stop) raining.

4. How long you (study) English? - For 5 years.

5. At the age of five he... read but he... not write until the age of seven, (can, could, may)

6. Can you turn the light... please? I don't want to sit... the dark, (in, into, on, off)

7. She spends most of her spare time talking (in, at, on) the phone.

8. No park in London is as (popular) as Hyde Park.

9. There was (little, few) traffic so the journey didn't take very long.

10. Have you ever been to Spain? - Yes, I've been there (few, a few) times.

11. The children (should, could, have to) play in the yard till their mother gets home from work as they are afraid to be alone.

12. What is (popular) sport in your country?

13. The buses are very full. There are too many people... them, that's why I prefer to travel... train or... air. (at, in, on, by)

14. What time did you get (in, at, to, for) work yesterday?

15. I'll pay one hundred (a, the, -) week. It's not (a/an, the, -) enormous salary but after all you are (a, the, -) completely unskilled man.

16. The weather has been very dry recently. We need (much, many) rain for the crop to grow.

17. Who (invent) radio? - It (invent) by Popov.

18. There weren't any other questions,... there?

19. These beautiful flowers (present) to her by her friends.

20. The doctor (send) for already.

Дата добавления: 2015-10-18; просмотров: 818. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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