public telephone
syn payphone
| телефон-автомат
phone card
| телефонная карта
mobile phone |
syn mobile | Br.E.
syn cellphone |
syn cellular phone | AmE.
syn cellular |
| мобильный телефон
| добавочный номер
cordless phone
syn cordless
| беспроводный телефон
telephone directory
| телефонный справочник
dial telephone
press-button telephone
| дисковый телефон
кнопочный телефон
to pick up the phone
| поднять трубку
syn receiver
| телефонная трубка
message pad
| зд. блокнот
to charge
| взимать плату
dialling tone
syn dial tone
| длинный гудок
engaged tone (Br.E.)
syn busy tone (Am.E.)
| короткие гудки
to dial
| набирать номер
| коммутатор
to hang up
| положить трубку
to get the wrong number
| набрать неправильный номер
| оператор
to put through
| соединить
to transfer
| переключить
to call someone
syn to phone someone
syn to telephone someone
syn to ring someone
syn to give someone a call
| позвонить кому-либо
to call smb back
syn to return smb’s call
| перезвонить кому-либо
accounts department
| бухгалтерия
to erase
| стирать
to spell
| произносить по буквам
capital letter
| заглавная буква
small letter
| строчная буква
syn hyphen
| дефис
FOCUS 4. Listen to the telephone conversation. Fill in the table as you listen
Tape 1 – Getting information
Person called
| Caller
| Request
| Who will make the next call?
| Who is the caller?
| Who is taking the call?
| How are these two people related to each other? Are they friends or business partners?
| Have they been doing business long?
| What information is needed to Tom Parker?
| What sort of work does Maria Edwardes do?
| Has Tom Parker received the information he required?
| How is Ron Benson going to find out Maria Edwardes address?
| What’s the outcome of the conversations?
FOCUS 5. Now listen to Frank Sharp ringing back as he said he would. Take notes on the call on the message pad below
Tape 2 – Frank Sharp rings back.
| Who is the caller?
| Who is taking the call?
| Has Tom Parker got the information he required?
| What kind of information is it?
FOCUS 6. Listen to four dialogues on the cassette and take down the message details
Tape 3 – Taking messages.