Word Combinations and Phrases
to be through with to give smb. a test in to take smth. apart to put smth. together in no time
to read (look at) smth. over smb.'s shoulder to get (be) adjusted to some more (of) next to to flash smth. on a screen
READING COMPREHENSION EXERCISES A) Listen to the recording of Text Four and mark the stresses and tunes, b) Repeat the text in the intervals after the model. Put twenty questions to the text. Copy out from Text Four the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given on p. 116 and translate them into Russian. Paraphrase the following sentences using the word combinations and phrases (p. 116). 1. It may take a while to reach the end of that pile of work on Saturday. 2. I shall have nothing more to do with this fellow. 3. The teacher examined us in English. 4. He examines the class on their homework. 5. It's much easier to take the recorder to pieces than to join them correctly again. 6. The dining-room was empty, except for the table nearest to ours. 7. She put down the box of powder and turned her head round and looked back at me. 8. A piano stool should be made suitable to the height of the player. 9. I was surprised that they returned very quickly. 10. The mechanical teacher showed a new picture on the screen. 5. Translate the following sentences into English using the word combinations and phrases (p. 116): 1. Он был рад, что закончил свои дела. 2. Сегодня я дам своему классу контрольную работу по английской литературе. 3. Он пожалел, что взялся чинить бритву сам. Разобрать ее было легче, чем собрать. 4. Дети иногда ломают игрушки, чтобы посмотреть, как они устроены. 5. Я оглянулся и увидел, что собака бежит за мной. 6. Я уверен, что вы знаете человека, который сидел рядом с вами. 7. Его глаза привыкли к темноте. 8. Умоляю, расскажите мне еще немного о ней. 9. Я оглянулся и посмотрел опять на залив. 10. На экране обучающей машины вспыхнуло новое задание. Use as many of the word combination and phrases (p. 116) as possible in one situation. 7. Compose a short situation in a dialogue form for each of the word combinations and phrases (to be done in pairs). 8. Find in Text Four English equivalents for the following words, word combinations and phrases. Use them in sentences: записать в дневнике; покончить с чём-л.; покачать головой; разобрать на части; какая расточительность; дела у нее шли все хуже и хуже; мгновенно; смотреть на кого-л. с превосходством; быть задетым за живое; приспособиться; с книгой под мышкой; помогать делать домашние задания; складывать дроби; контрольная работа 9. Explain what is meant by: 1. On the page headed May 17, 2157.... 2.... it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way they were supposed to.... 3. When you are through with the book, you just throw it away, I guess. 4. What's there to write about school? 5. The part Margie hated most was the slot where she had to put homework and test papers. 6.... the mechanical teacher calculated the mark in no time. 7. I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick. 8. Actually, the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory. 9.... a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy or girl it teaches.... 10. They weren't even half-finished.... 10. Answer the following questions and do the given tasks: 1. The story by I.Asimov is science fiction. What facts in the preseiit-day life made him write it? Is it written to amuse the reader or to warn him against possible problems of the future? 2. What do you think of the role of different technical aids that modern technology puts at the disposal of the teacher? 3. What is the composition of the story? In what parts does it fall? Are the details well chosen? 4. Comment on the closing lines of the story. How are they connected with the preceding passages? Sum up the central idea of the story. 5. Account for the word "regular" and others being set off graphically. What effect is achieved by it? 6. Mark the features of colloquial speech in the story. 7. Make up a list of words and word combinations describing school procedures. Retell Text Four a) close to the text; b) as if you were Tommy; c) as if you were Margie.