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Try and preserve the wording of the original. Add your arguments as well.

4.Summarize the text in four paragraphs showing that love and care so im­portant in the process of bringing up children is not the same as permissiveness anci negligence.

5.Use the Topical Vocabulary in answering the questions:

,1. What is done in this country to make the child a responsible person? 2. What are the basic patterns of upbringing, both within the family and in collective situations? What roles do parents, school and age-segregated groups play in bringing up children? 4. What is the role of mother and father in a modern family? 5. Is a young mother more eager than previous generations to enroll her child in nursery? Why? 6. Do you consider grandparents and their influence important in the process of upbringing? 7. How does the regular school using the well-proven techniques of collective up­bringing care for the individual needs of a child? 8. What is more important in the process of upbringing school (teachers, collective) or home (parents) background? 9. What home atmosphere encour­ages a child's development? 10. What are the best ways, in your opinion, to praise and punish a child? 11. Do you think child-care books necessary for young parents? What else can be helpful?

6.What solution can you offer for the following problems?

1. "To the average child his parents are kill-joys. They are al­ways saying "No". No getting dirty, no jumping on the sofa, no running around naked, no hitting the little sister."

2. "Much more than a direct rebuke, sarcasm infuriates chil­dren. It makes them completely irrational and they direct all their energies to planning counter-attacks. They will be completely preoccupied with revenge fantasies. Sarcasm not only serves to deflate a child's standing in his own eyes but in the eyes of his friends as well."

3. "I don't like James to play with Paul next door. Paul uses very bad language, and James will pick it up. But Paul is James's best friend and he sneaks out and sees him very often. So I lock him up in the bathroom as a punishment. Sometimes I deliberately don't speak to him for hours on end."

Read the following dialogue between Mrs. Brent and Mr. Alden, a teacher. The expressions in bold type show the WAYS ENGLISH PEOPLE COMPLAIN. Note them down. Be ready to act out the dialogue in class.

A: Would you like another cup of tea or something?

B: Well, no............ Thanks just the same.

A: I am sorry to have to say this, but what would our youngsters do without the youth centre? They'd be pretty lost, wouldn't they?

B: It's all right I suppose.

A: Er... would you care to dance, Mrs. Brent?

B: Thank you... but no. The music isn't of my generation. You know... the generation gap. When I was young I'd never dared speak as our children do. Especially with a teacher present.

A: We've got a bit of a problem here, you see. It's part of my job to know people... and especially young people... as they are. And really the so-called generation gap is a myth you know. Teenagers aren't really so different. As a teacher I find them quite traditional in their attitudes.

B: I'm sorry to disagree with you, but look at the way they dress... and their hair!

A: I don't think you get the point. Those things are quite superfi­cial. But basically their attitudes are very similar to those of our gen­eration.

B: There is no excuse for their language and you seem to ap­prove of the kind of language we hear from our children.

A: Now, I didn't say that. Anyway the concepts of "approval" and "disapproval" tend to over-simplify matters. Every generation creates its own special language just as it creates its own styles in clothes and music.

B: I'd like to point out that the styles and habits of today's teen­agers are so... Well basically... unacceptable.

A: You mean unacceptable to you. In fact their clothes are very practical and very simple.

B: I do wish you had a teenage son or daughter of your own, Mr. Alden.

A: But I have more contact with them. You see, we have regular discussions. You could come and sit in sometime if you like. And you'll realize I think how traditional their attitudes are. «

8.Answer the following questions:

1. What do you think of the problem of the generation gap? 2. Do you agree with all that is said in the dialogue? With which statements do you disagree? (In answering this you may use the formulas of agreement and disagreement. See Appendix.) 3. What is Mrs. Brent complaining about? Are her complaints justified?

9.Work in pairs. Take turns to make complaints about the following and to respond appropriately. Use the expressions and clichés of complaint and apology:

Expressions of complaint and apology: A direct complaint in English sounds very rude indeed. To be polite one usually "breaks it gently" and uses expressions like these before one actually comes to the point:

I wonder if you could help me...

Look, I'm sorry to trouble you, but...

I've got a bit of a problem here, you see...

I'm sorry to have to say this, but...

It is usually better to break it gently like this than to say, for ex­ample: "Look here! I wish you'd arrive on time or I've just about had enough of your unpunctuality (of your coming late)."

The following expressions can also be used:

I have a complaint to make.

It's just not good enough. You must try to...

There's no excuse for doing it.

It's completely unjustified (unfair).

I'd like to point out that...

Next — and this is very serious — I feel that...

It gives us real cause for grievance.

Note: It is often not enough to just say "Sorry" and promise it won't happen again. You may need to apologize more profusely, like this:

Oh dear, I'm most awfully sorry.

I can't tell you how sorry I am.

I'm so sorry, I didn't realize.

I just don't know what to say.

I'm ever so sorry.

1. You find some pages torn out of a book. Complain to the li­brarian. 2. You have ordered the TV Times but you have been brought the Radio Times. Complain to the newsagent. 3. You have bought a colour TV set which is not correctly adjusted. Complain to the mechanic. 4. You can't sleep because of the noise made by people in the next door flat. Complain to the neighbour. 5. You booked a hotel room with a bath and have not been given it. Com­plain to the receptionist. 6. You don't know what to do about your pupils' discipline during your classes. Complain to the head teacher. 7. You can't make your child follow the doctor's orders and stay in bed. Complain to your mother. 8. You can't manage your children during bed-time. Complain to your husband. 9. Your child can't overcome his fear of animals. Complain to the doctor. 10. You think your 15-month-old child is backward (he's so very quiet, he hardly moves, he can barely walk). Complain to the psychologist.


Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 439. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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