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Role-Playing. The Sitting of the Teachers' Council

The Sitting of the Teachers' Council

Situation: Teachers and other members of school personnel have gathered to discuss Oleg Ratnikov's behaviour. Oleg Ratnik- ov, a 14-year-old youth is a pupil of the 7th form. He is not only no­torious in his school, but his name is also known to many people in the district where he lives. Oleg always has his own way. "Resents any advice. Talks back. Fights. Can tell lies. Seems to have lost in­terest in school. Quarrels with many classmates. Seems to be al­ways to blame. The members of the teachers' council should de­cide whether suspension from school is the only solution or whether there are any other alternatives. Ratnikov's parents are in­vited.


1. Peter Ratnikov, Oleg's father, aged 45, an engineer. Spends all his spare time inventing. Always busy. Rather clever, full of sar­casm. No real contact with his son. Thinks that problems of bring­ing* up children are for school to solve. His only method of commu­nication with his son is his belt or a raised voice. Demands absolute obedience.

2. Anna Ratnikova, Oleg's mother, aged 40, a librarian. Lives in so,me imaginary world of her favourite fictional characters. Very shy, with a mild character, a bit afraid of her husband, is under his thumb. Adores her son. Exaggerates his positive features (kind­ness, love for animals, ability to imagine, eagerness to help). Thinks all the rest are in the wrong.

3. Elena Plavskaya, aged 26, teacher of Russian Literature. Hates the boy. He is always "a pain in the neck", a real trouble­maker. His language is awful. Sometimes you can barely under­stand what he says. His opinions are ridiculous. He makes fun of everybody, teachers included. Elena thinks it necessary to isolate Oleg, to prevent spreading his bad influence (shoulder-length hair, weird clothes, misbehaviour, etc.) on other pupils. Insists on Oleg's suspension from school.

4. Rita Izmaijlova, aged 50, teacher of History, dislikes the boy's behaviour and attitude towards school, her subject, and his class­mates. Is irritated by his lack of discipline, responsibility and man­ners. Tries to analyse his feelings and to find an explanation for such behaviour. Finds his influence on the class disastrous in many respects. Is not quite sure, but thinks that Oleg's suspension from school and further practical training will do more good for the boy than his staying on at school.

5. Andrey Pavlov, aged 45, a teacher of Biology, school Head Teacher. Has seen many cases of the type. Rather likes the boy, his devotion to his lessons, the interesting questions he asks. Thinks that Oleg is passing through a difficult period of his life. Is sure that he will get over it. Certainly he often behaves strangely, his moods are always changing. It irritates both adults and classmates. In A. Pavlov's opinion Oleg needs more contact with his father. Thinks that Oleg has ambitions. Isn't it possible to give him some real responsibility? Oleg may rise to it.

6. Zoya Zubina, aged 22, a psychologist, a university graduate having just begun working. Thinks that parents and teachers must remember that Oleg is "shedding the dependence of childhood and entering into adulthood", where he has to be on his own. The thing to do is just to do nothing. You'll find that very difficult in­deed: it requires a lot of will-power and tolerance. Make Oleg feel that you are behind him not after him. He certainly needs your presence, but doesn't want you to live his life for him. Help him — but stay in the background. Suspension from school is out of the question.

Note: The group of students is divided into two teams, each of which per­forms the same role play. While discussing Oleg's problems, try to understand each other's point of view, ask questions. Try and find the reasons for Oleg's be­haviour. Disagree with some of the participants of the council sitting, support oth­ers' points of view, defend your opinion. Complain about some of Oleg's actions. At the end you should come to the conclusion as to whether or not to suspend Oleg from school. Comments from the class on each team's performance and the value of the different arguments are invited.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 297. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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