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Make up two sentences of your own on each pattern. 4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Speech Patterns:

4. Translate the following sentences into English using the Speech Patterns:

1. Это произошло, когда мы путешествовали по Кавказу. 2. Как только мы приехали в Лондон, мы отправились на экскурсию. После свадьбы Майкл и Флер поехали в свадебное путешествие. 4. Ремонт на даче почти кончен, осталось только покрасить пол. 5. Мне остава­лось прочесть еще около десяти страниц, когда погас свет. 6. Геоло­гам оставалось пробыть в лагере еще три дня, когда внезапно разра­зилась буря. 7. После болезни Джон стал худым как щепка, а говорит, что уже хорошо себя чувствует. 8. Интересно, почему это дети на людях как шелковые, а дома делают, что хотят? 9. Близнецы были похожи как две капли воды, и никто кроме матери не мог их различить. 10. Он очень образованный человек. Разговаривать с ним— все равно, что читать энциклопедию. 11. Девочка рано оста­лась без матери, и ее старшая сестра была ей как мать. 12. Этот ме­сяц в горах был похож на чудесный сон. 13. У них на даче есть нечто вроде террасы, но она еще не достроена. 14. Не имею представле­ния, что это за блюдо. Может быть, это нечто вроде рагу? 15. Это та­кой цветок, который можно найти только высоко в горах. 16. Когда мы подошли к дому, нам показалось странным, что окна не освеще­ны. 17. Он показался мне очень осторожным и нерешительным че­ловеком. 18. Мне кажется, он настоящий знаток живописи.




By John Galsworthy


John Galsworthy (1867—1933), a prominent English novelist, playwright and short-story writer, came from an upper middle-class family. He was edu­cated at Harrow and Oxford and was called to the Bar. His first novel (From the Four Winds) was published in 1897, but it was The Man of Property that won him fame. Among his numerous novels The Forsyte Saga and A Modern Comedy are the most prominent. They give a truthful picture of English bourgeois society at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centu­ries. The Apple-Tree (1917) is one of the most popular long short stories written by John Galsworthy.

On the first of May, after their last year together at.college, Frank Ashurst and his friend Robert Garton were on a tramp. They had walked that day from Brent, intending to make Chagford 1 but Ashurst's football knee 2 had given out, and according to their map they had still some seven miles to go. They were sitting on a bank beside the road, where a track crossed alongside a wood, resting the knee and talking of the universe, as young men will. Both were over six feet, and thin as rails,3 Ashurst pale, idealistic, full of absence; Garton queer, round-the-corner,4 knotted, curly, like some prime­val beast. Both had a literary bent; neither wore a hat. Ashurst's hair was smooth, pale, wavy; and had a way of rising on either side of his brow, as if always being flung back; Garton's was a kind of dark un- fathomed mop. They had not met a soul for miles.

"My dear fellow," Garton was saying, "pity's only an effect of self-consciousness; it's a disease of the last five thousand years. The world was happier without."

Ashurst did not answer; he had plucked a blue floweret, and was twiddling it against the sky. A cuckoo began calling from a thorn tree. The sky, the flowers, the songs of birds! Robert was talking through his hat.5 And he said:

"Well, let's go on, and find some farm where we can put up." In uttering those words he was conscious of a girl coming down from the common just above them. She was outlined against the sky, carrying a basket, and you could see that sky through the crook of her arm. And Ashurst, who saw beauty without wondering how it could advantage him, thought: "How pretty!" The wind, blowing her dark frieze skirt against her legs, lifted her battered peacock tam-o'-shanter; her greyish blouse was worn and old, her shoes were split, her little hands rough and red, her neck browned. Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short, showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight; but her grey eyes were the wonder — dewy as if opened for the first time that day. She looked at Ashurst — perhaps he struck her as strange, limping along without a hat, with his large eyes on her, and his hair flung back. He could not take off what was not on his head, but put up his hand in a salute, and said:

"Can you tell us if there's a farm near here where we could stay the night? I've gone lame."

"There's only one farm near, sir." She spoke without shyness, in a pretty, soft, crisp voice.

"And where is that?"

"Down here, sir."

"Would you put us up?"

"Oh! I think we would."

"Will you show us the way?"

"Yes, sir."

He limped on, silent, and Garton took up the catechism.6

"Are you a Devonshire girl?"

"No, sir."

"What then?"

"From Wales."

"Ah. I thought you were a Celt, so it's not your farm?"

"My aunt's, sir."

"And your uncle's?"

"He is dead."

"Who farms it, then?"

"My aunt, and my three cousins."

"But your uncle was a Devonshire man?"

"Yes, sir."

"Have you lived here long?"

"Seven years."

"And how d'you like it after Wales?"

"I don't know, sir."

"I suppose you don't remember?"

"Oh, yes! But it is different."

"I believe you!"

Ashurst broke in suddenly:

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen, sir."

"And what's your name?"

"Megan David."

"This is Robert Garton, and I am Frank Ashurst. We wanted to get on to Chagford."

"It is a pity your leg is hurting you."

Ashurst smiled, and when he smiled his face was rather beauti­ful.

Descending past the narrow wood, they came on the farm sud­denly — a long, low stone-built dwelling with casement windows, in a farmyard where pigs and fowls and an old mare were straying. A short steep-up grass hill behind was crowned with a few Scotch firs, 7 and in front, an old orchard of apple trees, just breaking into flower, stretched down to a stream and a long wild meadow. A little boy with oblique dark eyes was shepherding a pig, and by the house door stood a woman, who came towards them. The girl said:

"It is Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt."

"Mrs. Narracombe, my aunt" had a quick, dark eye, like a mother wild-duck's, and something of the same snaky turn about her neck.

"We met your niece on the road," said Ashurst, "she thought you might perhaps put us up for the night."

Mrs. Narracombe, taking them in from head to heel, answered:

"Well, I can, if you don't mind one room. Megan, get the spare room ready, and a bowl of cream. You'll be wanting tea, I sup­pose."

Passing through a sort of porch made by two yew trees and some flowering-currant bushes, the girl disappeared into the house, her peacock tam-o'-shanter bright athwart that rosy-pink and the dark green of the yews.

"Will you come into the parlour and rest your leg? You'll be from college, perhaps?"

"We were, but we've gone down 8 now.";

The parlour, brick-floored, with bare table and shiny chairs and sofa stuffed with horsehair, seemed never to have been used, it was so terribly clean. Ashurst sat down at once on the sofa, holding his lame knee between his hands, and Mrs. Narracombe gazed at him...

"Is there a stream where we could bathe?"

"There's the strame 9 at the bottom of the orchard, but sittin' down you'll not be covered!"

"How deep?"

"Well, it is about a foot and a half maybe."

"Oh! That'll do fine. Which way?"

"Down the lane, through the second gate, on the right, an' the pool's by the big apple tree that stands by itself. There's trout there, if you can tickle them!"

"They're more likely to tickle us!"

Mrs. Narracombe smiled. "There'll be the tea ready when you come back."

The pool formed by the damming of a rock, had a sandy bottom; and the big apple tree, lowest in the orchard, grew so close that its boughs almost overhung the water; it was in leaf and all but in flower — its crimson buds just bursting. There was no room for more than one at a time in that narrow bath, and Ashurst waited his turn, rubbing his knee and gazing at the wild meadow, all rocks and thorn trees and field flowers, with a grove of beeches beyond, raised up on a flat mound. Every bough was swinging in the wind, every spring bird calling, and a slanting sunlight dappled the grass. He thought of Theocritus,10 and the river Cherwell," of the moon, and the maiden 12 with dewy eyes,13 of so many things that he seemed to think of nothing; and he felt absurdly happy.

Дата добавления: 2015-12-04; просмотров: 374. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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