Task 7
1. We should be dress smartly at work; we’re allowed to wear anything we want. 2. We can’t take confidential documents home with us, it’s strictly against the rules. 3. We can do evening courses paid for by the company if we choose to and lots of people take the opportunity to do them. 4. We must arrive for work on time every day but it doesn’t matter too much if we’re a bit late. 5. From the beginning of next year, we can work flexi-time if we want to. 6. We advertised for new recruits last summer but we can’t find anyone suitable. 7. We can see our line managers for job assessment once a year – it’s in our contracts. 8. Last year we all should be sign new contracts because the company restructured. 9. We can’t make private phone calls at work, but it’s not a strict rule.
Task 8 Where and when did you study? – I was study in Yuzhnouralsk Energy Colledge 2. Are you satisfied with the kind of education you received? - Yes, i was satisfied an education was i received 3. How can your education help you to find a good job? 4. Why did you choose to apply to our company? - I hope my education help me to find a good job because Yuzhnouralsk energy college is very good college and experience was i receive in this college will be very useful to my new job in your company 5. Are you a computer user? – Yes I can use the computer 5. How long have you been using computers? – 15 years or little longer 6. What do you use your computer for? - Usually I use my computer for work and learning but sometimes to fun, watch movies, playing games 7. What kinds of software are you familiar with? - I familiar with microsoft office suite, adobe photoshop, corel draw and many other programs 8. Do you like to travel on business? – Yes I like to travel on business 9. What means of transport do you prefer when you travel on business? - Airplanes 10. Tell me about your last business trip. - In my last business trip i was fly to Moscow to the conference of information technology 11. Do you think business trips are necessary for each company? - It depends of what company does. To many companies will be enough a phone call or video conference to make their affairs 12. If you have to go on a business trip, would you like to go alone or with a group of colleagues? – It does not matter 13. Tell me about the company you are currently working for. - In this time I work in the big engineering company its name "NIAEP", JSC. This company is biggest builder of energy objects in Russian Federation 14: What are your duties at work? - I am a system administrator. I watch to status of computer park, servers and local network 15. What do you like and dislike about your current job? - I fully like my job 16. Do you have any hobby? – Yes my hobby is a paintball 17. Tell me about yourself. – I am very responsible and disciplined 18. What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? - My strong suit is restraint. What about my weakness then I refrain from answering 19. Which is more important for you: status or money? Give reasons to support your answer. - Both because to being influential you need have a two this components 20. What would you like to be doing ten years from now? - Ten years later I want to be a president of company 21. What are you most proud of having done recently? - I proud that I am a student of this university 22. What are your long-range goals? - Self-cultivation